
Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record and bhumi jankari online

[] The revenue department in Jharkhand has an online portal named Jharbhoomi, to provide online records of land, making land purchase easier, while also limiting the scope of any wrongdoing

What is Jharbhoomi?

Among the states that have digitised their land records under the government’s National Land Records Modernisation Programme, is Jharkhand. Jharkhand’s Jharbhoomi portal provides land-related information online. Also sometimes spelt as Jharbhumi (in Hindi, vowel U can be represented by using the vowel O, twice, and hence they are used interchangeably), the official name of the portal is Jharbhoomi.

You are reading: Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record and bhumi jankari online

All in all, the Jharbhumi portal has made searching land record in Jharkhand quite convenient. To find bhumi jankari Jharkhand, you have to log in @

Jharbhoomi portal – Key facts

Portal name Jharbhoomi
Initiated by Department of Revenue, Jharkhand (राजस्व भूमि सुधार विभाग)
Collaboration National Informatics Centre (NIC)
Objective To make land record publicly accessible in a single window
Official website
Information provided Jharkhand bhumi jankari

Jharkhand bhu naksha

Jharkhand land mutation

Details of change in ownership of land

Revenue and registry details

Jharkhand Apna Khata

Land transfer

Tax/ online lagan payment

Revenue update

Bhumi Jankari Jharkhand

The state revenue department’s portal, Jharkhand, provides bhumi jankari, which makes land purchase easier, while also limiting the scope of any wrongdoing. Apart from accessing a variety of land-related information on Jharkhand, users can also use the platform to pay their land tax.

The Jharbhumi portal not only helps farmers and land owners, in accessing a wide variety of data, it also helps prospective buyers and investors of such land, by way of providing crucial information about land ownership. It is pertinent to mention here that those planning to purchase land in the rural parts of Jharkhand must consult the bhumi jankari Jharkhand portal, to verify the information provided by the land owner using online land records.

To make the Jharbhoomi portal more efficient, work was on to shift it to Jharkhand State Data Center. As a result of this, the Jharbhoomi portal was defunct from January 13, 2022, till January 16, 2022.

Jharbhoomi Login

How to login to your account on Jharbhoomi Portal?

Users can access the Jharbhoomi portal on their web browser and Android mobile application.

For login, visit the Jharbhoomi portal and click on the ‘Login’ button towards the left-hand column of the page.

jhar bhoomi

Following this, you will be directed to the following page.

All about Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record system

Depending on your requirement, select the option and proceed. For informational purposes, we are opting for दाखिल ख़ारिज (mutation).

Also read about Bhulekh map Bihar

Jharbhoomi mutation status

To check Jharbhoomi mutation status check, fill details like district, anchal name, user name and the captcha on this page and proceed.

All about Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record system

How to get Jharkhand bhumi jankari online?

Visit the official portal of Jharbhoomi ( to access land records. Here is a step-by-step guide.

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Step 1: Go to the official Jharbhoomi website, and click on ‘View Your Account’ tab.

Jharbhoomi Naksha

Step 2: The page that appears will have a digital map (Jharbhoomi Naksha), showing districts. Select the district on the map, where the land is located.

All about Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record system

Step 3: The block map would now appear on the screen. Select the block where the land is located.

All about Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record system

Step 4: On the page that now appears, you will have to choose land variety and light type from the drop-down options.

All about Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record system

Step 5: You can view the document by choosing one of the options, including Mauja name, Mauja according to Khesra number, account number, or account holder name.

All about Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record system

Step 6: After making the selection and giving details, click on the ‘Search Account’ button. The revenue record information will appear on the screen.

All about Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record system

Land record Jharkhand: How to view khesra details on Jharbhoomi?

Step 1: On the main website, click on ‘Khesra-wise Details’ tab.

All about Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record system

Step 2: Key in all the details on the next landing page and click on the ‘Register’ button.

Online lagan Jharkhand

Paying online lagan in on the Jharbhoomi portal is easy. Visit the official web portal, and click on the ‘Online Lagan’ tab. To check pending lagan online on Jharbhoomi, now click on the tab, ‘Bakaya Dekhein’ (view the pending dues). After keying-in the details such as district, halka, anchal and mauja names, the user will be able to see his pending lagan online. If the user wishes to make the lagan payment online, he must go back and click on the ‘Online Bhugtan Karein’ option. Again, you will have to provide the same details to proceed to pay lagan online.  On this main page, users also have the option to view their past lagan payment records online.

Land record Jharkhand: How to file a complaint on Jharbhoomi?

In case you have a grievance, you can file it on the Jharbhoom portal.

Step 1: On the main website, click on ‘Revenue and Land Reforms Public Grievance Portal’.

Step 2: Fill in the required fields along with your complaint and hit the ‘submit’ button.

All about Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record system

Land record Jharkhand: How to register as khatian on Jharbhoomi?

Step 1: On the Jharbhoomi portal, click on the ‘See Account & Register-II’ tab.

Step 2: Select ‘Khatian’ now and key in the other fields, including district name, area name, land type and account number.

Step 3: Now, click on the ‘Khatian’ button.

Sample 1

All about Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record system

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Sample 2

All about Jharbhoomi: Jharkhand land record system

Land record Jharkhand: What is Register-II or पंजी-II on Jharbhoomi portal?

In August 2020, all the zonal officers were directed by the state government to upload all the information mentioned in the register-two or
पंजी -II, in their offices on the Jharbhoomi portal at the earliest. Register-II on the Jahrabhoomi portal has details of the land, like its type, its jamabandi number, khesra number, khata number, etc.

Note here that khasra, khata and Register-II details are required for any of the following reasons:

  • For checking mutation status.
  • To raise farm credit / loan from a bank.
  • For opening a bank account.
  • To verify the land title during sale of land and registration of property.
  • For division of land.
  • Personal purpose.
  • Legal purposes.

Here is a look at how to find information on Register-II.

Land record Jharkhand: How to register as Register II on Jharbhoomi portal?

Step 1: On the Jharbhoomi portal, and click on the ‘See Account & Register-II’ tab.

Step 2: Select ‘Register II’ now and key in the other fields, including district name, area name, land type and account number.

Step 3: Now, click on the ‘Register II’ button.

Land record Jharkhand: How to use Jharbhoomi portal for online tax payment

Here is how to pay tax online, on the Jharbhoomi portal:

Step 1: Tap on ‘Online Lagan’ on the home screen of the website and click on ‘Pay Online’.

Step 2: Enter the required details and pay using the online gateway.

Land record Jharkhand: How to check application status on Jharbhoomi

Step 1:  On the Jharbhoomi portal, tap on ‘Online Application’.

Step 2: Registered users can use their email ID and password to log in, while unregistered user have to click on the ‘Registration’ tab.

Are Jharbhoomi and Jharbhumi the same?

Yes, the Jharbhoomi portal is also sometimes spelt as the Jharbhumi portal. However, the official name of the portal is Jharbhoomi, and not Jharbhumi.

Jharbhoomi Jharkhand : Must-know terms

What is Dakhil Kharij (दाखिल-खारिज) or property mutation?

A buyer becomes the rightful owner of a property, only after his ownership title is entered in the official records of the local municipal body. This is known as property mutation, referred to as Dakhil Kharij in Hindi, under which the name of the previous owner is removed from the records and the new one is entered.

What is khasra/khesra (खेसरा)?

In the government records, an identification number is allocated to each land parcel. While it is known as the plot number in urban areas, this number is known as khasra number or khesra number in rural parts of the country. In other words, the khasra number or khesra number is a plot or survey number, given to a particular piece of land in villages. In urban areas, land parcels are allotted plot numbers or survey numbers, the equivalent of rural areas’ khasra number.

The khasra number is among the many details that are maintained across Indian states under records of rights, more commonly known as Jamabandi or Fard. The khasra number is crucial to get any information about a particular land parcel in rural India.

The land parcels might have several owners. A mouza or mauza on the other hand, is a type of administrative district.

What is khata number?

A Khata number is an account number allotted to a family and denotes the entire landholding pattern among the members. The khata number provides the details of owners and their total landholding. To check the online land record on Jharbhoomi, you will have to use the khata number or the khatauni number or both, to access the documents.

What is khatauni?

Khatauni provides information about the land-holding pattern within a family. These pieces of land can be together, or in different places. A legal document, the khatauni provides information about a land, its khasra number, the number of people owning it, its total area, etc. Khatauni also has the details of all the khasras owned by a land owner. In other words, khatauni is the record of all the khasras owned by a family. It can also be seen as a register of people cultivating or occupying the land in question.

What is Jharbhoomi khewat number?

Jharbhoomi Khewat number is just another name for Jharkhand khata number and is more frequently used in some states than the term khata number. This account number is given to co-owners of land, who own the land in equal or different proportions.

Jharbhoomi news updates

Jharkhand launches Svamitva scheme for property mapping

In a move that would further the land digitization programme in Jharkhand, the state government on November 1, 2021, launched the centrally sponsored Svamitva scheme. Svamitva is the short form for the Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas, a mega programme launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in August last year.

Under the Svamitva scheme, joint teams of respective district administration and the Survey of India would visit villages, mark boundaries of properties and take their aerial pictures. These pictures will then be used to create digital land records. Following this, property owners will be issued a property ownership card.

[] All you need to know about land ownership certificate and SVAMITVA property card


How do I get my Jharkhand bhu naksha?

You can get Jharkhand bhu naksha on Jharbhoomi website. To get the Jharkhand bhu naksha, visit the Jharbhoomi portal @ The homepage will show a geo-map on the screen. Fill Halka, circle, mauza, sheet number and plots/surveys number to find out the bhu naksha.

Are land records available online in Jharkhand?

Yes, land records are available online in Jharkhand, on the Jharbhoomi portal.

Where can I check land records online in Jharkhand?

The address of the Jharbhoomi portal, to check land records is

What is khatiyan?

Khatiyan or खतियान is another term used for the right of records. This term is commonly used in states like Bihar and Jharkhand.

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Category: Lifestyle

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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