Children’s Book

How Many Geronimo Stilton Books Are There? Best Guide [ecis2023]

Although endlessly curious and resourceful, Geronimo Stilton isn’t put out to become an adventure-seeker. He is reluctant, fearful, allergic, and nervous, but he’s nevertheless a mouse that will rise to the occasion and take control. Perhaps one of the primary reasons behind Geronimo Stilton is the best-selling book in the Children’s books of all time. How many Geronimo Stilton books are there? The content below will demonstrate the full Geronimo Stilton books in order.

Why is Geronimo Stilton a good book?

It is an enjoyable series for subscribers who enjoy mild, easy adventures and puzzles. Although this show is full of rodents’ experiences, the plots are somewhat dull. Geronimo Stilton spends a great deal of time telling readers about how anxious he is, and also, the tales move at a reasonably slow rate, given the number of phrases on each page.

You are reading: How Many Geronimo Stilton Books Are There? Best Guide [ecis2023]

‘A motive Geronimo Stilton books have become popular is because they’re about experiences, about having fun whilst at the same time emphasizing the importance of great worth, says Elisabetta softly, almost embarrassed to take credit for her achievement. ‘Here is the key which makes them somehow exceptional.

Geronimo Stilton

How Many Geronimo Stilton Books Are There?

Below are the geronimo stilton books in order:

Original Italian publication order

This book series was originally written by Elisabetta Dami. Edizioni Piemme, an Italian book publisher, published the books in this order:

  1. The Mysterious Manuscript of Nostratopus
  2. A Cheese-Colored Camper
  3. Paws Off, Cheddarface!
  4. The Search for Sunken Treasure
  5. The Phantom of the Subway
  6. Four Mice Deep in the Jungle
  7. Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye
  8. Attack of the Bandit Cats
  9. Red Pizzas for a Blue Count
  10. The Mona Mousa Code
  11. All Because of a Cup of Coffee
  12. My Name is Stilton, Geronimo Stilton
  13. A Crazy Weekend for Geronimo
  14. Wedding Crasher
  15. Love is Like Cheese…
  16. Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House
  17. Surf’s Up, Geronimo!
  18. I’m Too Fond of My Fur!
  19. Watch Your Whiskers, Stilton!
  20. The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid
  21. Merry Christmas, Geronimo!
  22. I Won a Thousand Pieces of Mozzarella… in Tototopo!
  23. The Secret of Cacklefur Castle
  24. A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo
  25. The Biggest Joke Contest in the World
  26. It’s Halloween, You ‘Fraidy Mouse!
  27. A True Gentlemouse Does Not… Stink!
  28. The Travel Game Book-Suitcase
  29. Shipwreck on the Pirate Islands
  30. The Temple of the Ruby of Fire
  31. The Mouse Island Marathon
  32. The Vacation Game Book
  33. The Mysterious Cheese Thief
  34. A Crazy Day… As a Champion!
  35. The Wild, Wild West
  36. Field Trip to Niagara Falls
  37. Christmas Catastrophe
  38. Valentine’s Day Disaster
  39. Valley of the Giant Skeletons
  40. Down and Out Down Under
  41. Save the White Whale!
  42. The Strange Case of the Stinky Sewers
  43. Geronimo and the Gold Medal Mystery
  44. The Haunted Castle
  45. The Mummy with No Name
  46. The Strange Case of the Smelly Volcano
  47. Geronimo Stilton, Secret Agent
  48. Geronimo’s Valentine
  49. The Christmas Toy Factory
  50. The Secret of the Missing Lake
  51. The Karate Mouse
  52. I’m Not a Supermouse!
  53. The Giant Diamond Robbery
  54. A Fabumouse School Adventure
  55. Who Kidnapped Languorina?
  56. Don’t Leave Me in the Dark!
  57. The Race Across America
  58. The Golden Statue Plot
  59. Singing Sensation
  60. Run for the Hills, Geronimo!
  61. The Enormouse Pearl Heist
  62. You’re a Scardey-Cat, Geronimo Stilton!
  63. Mighty Mount Kilimanjaro
  64. This Hotel is Haunted!
  65. The Mystery in Venice
  66. Mouse Broth… And Feline Grins
  67. The Strange Case of the Giant Squid
  68. The Way of the Samurai
  69. Forget It, Get a Move On!
  70. From Scamorza to New Mouse City… In 4 and a Half Days!
  71. The Peculiar Pumpkin Thief
  72. The Strange Case of the Newspaper Thief
  73. You’re Trapped, Geronimo Stilton!
  74. The Lake Monster
  75. There’s Little to Laugh About, Geronimo Stilton!
  76. Mouse in Space!
  77. The Cat Gang
  78. Rumble in the Jungle
  79. Paws Off My Gold!
  80. Traveling… What a Passion!
  81. Get Into Gear, Stilton!
  82. A Very Merry Christmas
  83. We Will Eat… Geronimo Stilton!
  84. The Stinky Cheese Vacation
  85. The Cheese Burglar
  86. Flight of the Red Bandit
  87. Mouse House Hunter
  88. The Treasure of Valgatta Valley
  89. The Super Chef Contest
  90. The Cheese Experiment
  91. The Mystery of the Seven Matryoshkas
  92. The Hunt for the Golden Book
  93. The Treasure of Easter Island
  94. Cyber-Thief Showdown
  95. Welcome to Moldy Manor
  96. The Hunt for the Curious Cheese
  97. The Hunt for the Secret Papyrus
  98. Mouse Overboard!
  99. Magical Mission
  100. The Hunt for the Hundredth Key
  101. Bollywood Burglary
  102. Operation: Secret Recipe
  103. A Mouse in Africa
  104. The Magical Night of the Elves
  105. The Mystery of the Missing Violin
  106. The Chocolate Chase
  107. New Mouse City Super Cup Final!
  108. The Hunt for the Colosseum Ghost
  109. The Phantom Bandit
  110. Geronimo on Ice!
  111. The Hawaiian Heist
  112. Happy Birthday, Geronimo!
  113. The Sticky Situation
  114. Thief Hunt… In Madrid!
  115. A Scary Midnight in Castelteschio
  116. Mysterious Eye of the Dragon
  117. The Missing Movie
  118. The Giants of Chocolate Hill
  119. Mystery Dinner
  120. The Last Resort Oasis
  121. A Thrilling Love
  122. Superstore Surprise
  123. Garbage Dump Disaster
  124. Turbo Charge, Stilton!

Geronimo Stilton English Translations

Order of English Translations by Scholastic

The show above was printed in Italian only. Scholastic afterward translated the books into English. Not everyone the books have been translated yet as of December 2020, just eighty-three of these have (even though four are understood to be arriving shortly). The Eighty-three books are in three different strings, including the original books, which have been in 1 series. The most extensive collection, the Geronimo Stilton series, now has seventy-six books and four famous books coming in the not too distant future. Another series would be the Special Editions and the Mini Mysteries.

Geronimo Stilton

  1. Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye (February 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Il mistero dell’occhio dil smeraldo)
  2. The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid (February 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Il mistero della piramide di formaggio)
  3. Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House (February 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Il castello di Zampaciccia Zanzamiao)
  4. I’m Too Fond of My Fur! (February 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Ci tengo alla pelliccia, io!)
  5. Four Mice Deep in the Jungle (March 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Quattro topi nella giungla nera)
  6. Paws Off, Cheddarface! (April 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Giù le zampe, faccia difontina!)
  7. Red Pizzas for a Blue Count (May 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Una granita di mosche per il Conte)
  8. Attack of the Bandit Cats (June 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Il galeone dei Gatti Pirati)
  9. A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo (July 2004, originally published in 2002 in Italy as Quella stratopica vacanza alla pensione Mirasorci…)
  10. All Because of a Cup of Coffee (August 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Tutta colpa di un caffè con panna)
  11. It’s Halloween, You ‘Fraidy Mouse! (September 2004, originally published in 2001 in Italy as Halloween…che fifa felina!)
  12. Merry Christmas, Geronimo! (October 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as È natale, Stilton!)
  13. The Phantom of the Subway (November 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Il Fantasma del Metrò)
  14. The Temple of the Ruby of Fire (December 2004, originally published in 2003 in Italy as Il tempio del rubino di fuoco)
  15. The Mona Mousa Code (January 2005, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Il sorriso di Monna Topisa)
  16. A Cheese-Colored Camper (February 2005, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Un camper ‘cooler formaggio)
  17. Watch Your Whiskers, Stilton! (March 2005, originally published in 2001 in Italy as Attenti ai baffi…arriva Topogoni!)
  18. Shipwreck on the Pirate Islands (April 2005, originally published in 2003 in Italy as L’isola del tesoro fantasma)
  19. My Name is Stilton, Geronimo Stilton (May 2005, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Il mio nome è Stilton, Geronimo Stilton)
  20. Surf’s Up, Geronimo! (June 2005, originally published in 2000 in Italy as L’hai voluta la vacanza, Stilton?)
  21. The Wild, Wild West (July 2005, originally published in 2005 in Italy as Quattro topi nel Far West!)
  22. The Secret of Cacklefur Castle (August 2005, originally published in 2002 in Italy as Il segreto della Famiglia Tenebrax)
  23. Valentine’s Day Disaster (January 2006, originally published in 2005 in Italy as La vita e un rodeo!)
  24. Field Trip to Niagara Falls (March 2006, originally published in 2005 in Italy as In campeggio alle cascate del Niagara)
  25. The Search for Sunken Treasure (June 2006, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Il misterioso del tesero scomparso)
  26. The Mummy with No Name (August 2006, originally published in 2005 in Italy as La mummia senza nome)
  27. The Christmas Toy Factory (October 2006, originally published in 2006 in Italy as Il mistero degli elfi)
  28. Wedding Crasher (January 2007, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Benvenuti a Rocca Taccagna)
  29. Down and Out Down Under (March 2007, originally published in 2006 in Italy as È arrivata Patty Spring!)
  30. The Mouse Island Marathon (June 2007, originally published in 2004 in Italy as La maratona piu pazza del mondo!)
  31. The Mysterious Cheese Thief (August 2007, originally published in 2005 in Italy as Il misterioso ladro di formaggi)
  32. Valley of the Giant Skeletons (January 2008, originally published in 2006 in Italy as Il valle degli scheletri giganti)
  33. Geronimo and the Gold Medal Mystery (April 2008, originally published in 2004 in Italy as Lo strano caso dei Giochi Olimpici)
  34. Geronimo Stilton, Secret Agent (July 2008, originally published in 2007 in Italy as Agente segreto Zero Zero Kappa)
  35. A Very Merry Christmas (October 2008, originally published in 2007 in Italy as Inseguimento a New York!)
  36. Geronimo’s Valentine (January 2009, originally published in 2007 in Italy as Lo strano caso del tiramisu)
  37. The Race Across America (April 2009, originally published in 2006 in Italy as La Corsa Piu Pazza d’America)
  38. A Fabumouse School Adventure (July 2009, originally published in 2008 in Italy as Ore 8: a scuola di formagio!)
  39. Singing Sensation (October 2009, originally published in 2004 in Italy as Lo strano caso del sorcio stonato)
  40. The Karate Mouse (January 2010, originally published in 2005 in Italy as Te le do io il karate)
  41. Mighty Mount Kilimanjaro (April 2010, originally published in 2004 in Italy as Che fifa sul Kilimangiaro!)
  42. The Peculiar Pumpkin Thief (July 2010, originally published in 2003 in Italy as Lo strano caso della Torre Pagliaccia)
  43. I’m Not a Supermouse! (October 2010, originally published in 2008 in Italy as Non sono un supertopo!)
  44. The Giant Diamond Robbery (January 2011, originally published in 2008 in Italy as Il Furto del Diamante Gigante)
  45. Save the White Whale! (April 2011, originally published in 2007 in Italy as Salviamo la Balena Bianca!)
  46. The Haunted Castle (July 2011, originally published in 2007 in Italy as Ritorno a Rocca Taccagna)
  47. Run for the Hills, Geronimo! (October 2011, originally published in 2009 in Italy as Il tesoro delle Colline Nere)
  48. The Mystery in Venice (January 2012, originally published in 2009 in Italy as Il mistero della gondola di cristallo)
  49. The Way of the Samurai (April 2012, originally published in 2010 in Italy as Il segreto dei tre samurai)
  50. This Hotel is Haunted! (July 2012, originally published in 2005 in Italy as Lo strano caso del Fantasma al Grand Hotel)
  51. The Enormouse Pearl Heist (October 2012, originally published in 2009 in Italy as Il mistero della perla gigante)
  52. Mouse in Space! (February 2013, originally published in 2011 in Italy as S.O.S. C’e un topo nello spazio!)
  53. Rumble in the Jungle (April 2013, originally published in 2011 in Italy as Grosso guiao in Mato Grosso)
  54. Get Into Gear, Stilton! (July 2013, originally published in 2011 in Italy as Ingrana la marcia, Stilton!)
  55. The Golden Statue Plot (October 2013, originally published in 2009 in Italy as Atacco alla statua d’oro!)
  56. Flight of the Red Bandit (January 2014, originally published in 2012 in Italy as Dov’e sparito Falco Rosso?)
  57. The Stinky Cheese Vacation (July 2014, originally published in 2012 in Italy as Ma che vacanza… a Rocca Taccagna!)
  58. The Super Chef Contest (October 2014, originally published in 2012 in Italy as La gara dei Supercuochi)
  59. Welcome to Moldy Manor (January 2015, originally published in 2013 in Italy as Una tremenda vacanza a Villa Pitocca!)
  60. The Treasure of Easter Island (July 2015, originally published in 2013 in Italy as Il tesoro di Rapa Nui)
  61. Mouse House Hunter (October 2015, originally published in 2012 in Italy as Geronimo cerca casa)
  62. Mouse Overboard! (January 2016, originally published in 2014 in Italy as Allarme…topo in mare!)
  63. The Cheese Experiment (July 2016, originally published in 2013 in Italy as Lo strano caso dei brufoli blu)
  64. Magical Mission (October 2016, originally published in 2011 in Italy as Appuntamento…col mistero!)
  65. Bollywood Burglary (January 2017, originally published in 2015 in Italy as Il mistero del rubino d’Oriente)
  66. Operation: Secret Recipe (July 2017, originally published in 2015 in Italy as Operazione panettone)
  67. The Chocolate Chase (October 2017, originally published in 2016 in Italy as Lo strano caso del ladro di cioccolato)
  68. Cyber-Thief Showdown (January 2018, originally published in 2010 in Italy as C’è un pirata in Internet)
  69. Hug a Tree, Geronimo (July 2018, originally published in 2015 in Italy as La leggenda della grande quercia)
  70. The Phantom Bandit (October 2018, originally published in 2016 in Italy as La notte delle zucche mannare)
  71. Geronimo on Ice! (January 2019, originally published in 2016 in Italy as Il segreto dei pattini d’argento)
  72. The Hawaiian Heist (May 2019, originally published in 2017 in Italy as Ahi, ahi, ahi, che avventura alle Hawaii!)
  73. The Missing Movie (October 2019, originally published in 2018 in Italy as Il mistero del film rubato)
  74. Happy Birthday, Geronimo! (December 2019, originally published in 2017 in Italy as Compleanno…con mistero!)
  75. The Sticky Situation (March 2020, originally published in 2017 in Italy as Te le do io il miele, Stilton!)
  76. Superstore Suprise (October 2020, originally published in 2019 in Italy as Grande Mistero al Megastore)
  77. The Last Resort Oasis (March 2022, originally published in 2018 in Italy as Vacanze da sogno all’Oasi Sputacchiosa)
  78. Mysterious Eye of the Dragon (July 2022, originally published in 2018 in Italy as II misterioso occhio del drago)
  79. Garbage Dump Disaster (September 21, 2022, originally published in 2019 in Italy as Lo strano caso del ladro di spazzatura)
  80. A World Vacation (2022)

Geronimo Stilton Special Editions

  1. A Christmas Tale
  2. Christmas Catastrophe
  3. The Hunt for the Golden Book
  4. The Hunt for the Curious Cheese
  5. The Hunt for the Secret Papyrus
  6. The Hunt for the Hundredth Key
  7. The Hunt for the Colosseum Ghost

Geronimo Stilton Mini Mysteries

  1. The Super Scam
  2. The Lake Monster
  3. The Mouse Hoax
  4. The Cat Gang
  5. The Double Cross
  6. The Cheese Burglar

Geronimo Stilton Anniversary Editions

  1. The Secret World of Geronimo Stilton
  2. The Little Book of Happiness

List of books in the book series Geronimo Stilton: The Kingdom of Fantasy

  1. The Kingdom of Fantasy
  2. The Quest for Paradise: The Return to the Kingdom of Fantasy
  3. The Amazing Voyage: The Third Adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy
  4. The Dragon of Prophecy: The Fourth Adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy
  5. The Volcano of Fire: The Fifth Adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy
  6. The Search for Treasure: The Sixth Adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy
  7. The Enchanted Charms: The Seventh Adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy
  8. The Hour of Magic: The Eighth Adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy
  9. The Wizard’s Wand: The Ninth Adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy
  10. The Ship of Secrets: The Tenth Adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy
  11. The Guardian of the Realm: The Eleventh Adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy
  12. The Island of Dragons: The Twelfth Adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy
  13. The Battle for the Crystal Castle: The Thirteenth Adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy
  14. The Keepers of the Empire: The Fourteenth Adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy

List of books in the book series Geronimo Stilton the Kingdom of Fantasy special editions

  1. The Phoenix of Destiny: An Epic Kingdom of Fantasy Adventure
  2. The Dragon of Fortune: An Epic Kingdom of Fantasy Adventure

List of books in the book series Geronimo Stilton: The Journey Through Time

  1. The Journey Through Time
  2. Back in Time: The Second Journey Through Time
  3. The Race Against Time: The Third Journey Through Time
  4. Lost in Time: The Fourth Journey Through Time
  5. No Time to Lose: The Fifth Journey Through Time
  6. The Test of Time: The Sixth Journey Through Time
  7. Time Warp: The Seventh Journey Through Time
  8. Out of Time: The Eighth Journey Through Time
  9. List of books in the book series Geronimo Stilton Classic Tales
  10. Original Italian publication order

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book series Geronimo Stilton

English order

  1. Around The World In Eighty Days (published in 2016)
  2. Alice in Wonderland (published in 2017)
  3. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (published in 2018)
  4. A Christmas Carol (published in 2019)
  5. Thea Stilton books

List of books in the Book Series Thea Stilton

Original Italian publication order

Grosso Guaio a New York (published 2007, later translated into English by Scholastic in September 2011 as Thea Stilton: Big Trouble in the Big Apple)

Order of English Translations by Scholastic

  1. Thea Stilton and the Dragon’s Code (April 2009)
  2. Thea Stilton and the Mountain of Fire (September 2009)
  3. Thea Stilton and the Ghost of the Shipwreck (March 2010)
  4. Thea Stilton and the Secret City (June 2010)
  5. Thea Stilton and the Mystery in Paris (November 2010)
  6. Thea Stilton and the Cherry Blossom Adventure (March 2011)
  7. Thea Stilton and the Star Castaways (June 2011)
  8. Thea Stilton: Big Trouble in the Big Apple (September 2011)
  9. Thea Stilton and the Ice Treasure (December 2011)
  10. Thea Stilton and the Secret of the Old Castle (March 2012)
  11. Thea Stilton and the Blue Scarab Hunt (June 2012)
  12. Thea Stilton and the Prince’s Emerald (September 2012)
  13. Thea Stilton and the Mystery on the Orient Express (December 2012)
  14. Thea Stilton and the Dancing Shadows (March 2013)
  15. Thea Stilton and the Legend of the Fire Flowers (June 2013)
  16. Thea Stilton and the Spanish Dance Mission (September 2013)
  17. Thea Stilton and the Journey to the Lion’s Den (December 2013)
  18. Thea Stilton and the Great Tulip Heist (March 2014)
  19. Thea Stilton and the Chocolate Sabotage (June 2014)
  20. Thea Stilton and the Missing Myth (December 2014)
  21. Thea Stilton and the Lost Letters (June 2015)
  22. Thea Stilton and the Tropical Treasure (December 2015)
  23. Thea Stilton and the Hollywood Hoax (June 2016)
  24. Thea Stilton and the Madagascar Madness (December 2016)
  25. Thea Stilton and the Frozen Fiasco (June 2017)
  26. Thea Stilton and the Venice Masquerade (December 2017)
  27. Thea Stilton and the Niagara Splash (May 2018)
  28. Thea Stilton and the Riddle of the Ruins (December 2018)
  29. Thea Stilton and the Phantom of the Orchestra (June 2019)
  30. Thea Stilton and the Black Forest Burglary (December 2019)
  31. Thea Stilton and the Race for Gold (June 2020)
  32. Thea Stilton and the Rainforest Rescue (December 2020)
  33. Thea Stilton and the American Dream (May 2022)
  34. Thea Stilton And The Roman Holiday (September 21, 2022)

List of books in the book series Thea Stilton: Special Editions

  1. The Journey to Atlantis (October 2012)
  2. The Secret of the Fairies (October 2013
  3. The Secret of the Snow (October 2014)
  4. The Cloud Castle (October 2015)
  5. The Treasure of the Sea (October 2016)
  6. The Land Of Flowers (October 2017)
  7. The Secret of the Crystal Fairies (October 2018)
  8. The Dance of the Star Fairies (October 2019)
  9. The Magic of the Mirror (October 6, 2020)

List of books in the book series Thea Stilton: Mouseford Academy

These are books by Thea Stilton about adventures the Thea Sisters had at Mouseford Academy. There are twenty.

  1. Drama at Mouseford
  2. The Missing Diary
  3. Mouselets in Danger
  4. Dance Challenge
  5. The Secret Invention
  6. A Mouseford Musical
  7. Mice Take The Stage
  8. A Fashionable Mystery
  9. The Mysterious Love Letter
  10. A Dream on Ice
  11. Lights, Camera, Action!
  12. Mice on the Runway
  13. Sea Turtle Rescue
  14. The secret notebook
  15. The Friendship Recipe
  16. The Royal Ball
  17. The Puppy problem
  18. The Secret of the Butterflies
  19. The missing Mirror
  20. The Sweetest Dream
  21. List of books in the book series Thea Stilton and The Treasure Seekers
  22. The Treasure Seekers (2019)
  23. The Compass Of The Stars (2020)
  24. The Enchanted Labyrinth (March 2, 2022)

List of books in the book series Creepella von Cacklefur

These are books about books written by Creepella von Cacklefur. So far there are nine.

  1. The Thirteen Ghosts (August 2011)
  2. Meet Me in Horrorwood (August 2011)
  3. Ghost Pirate Treasure (February 2012)
  4. Return of the Vampire (August 2012)
  5. Fright Night (August 2013)
  6. Ride for Your Life! (August 2014)
  7. A Suitcase Full of Ghosts (August 2015)
  8. The Phantom of the Theater (August 2016)
  9. The Haunted Dinosaur (August 2017)

Geronimo Stilton books

List of books in the book series Geronimo Stilton: Cavemice

These are books about the prehistoric mouse world and the Cavemice

  1. The Stone of Fire (January 2013)
  2. Watch Your Tail! (March 2013)
  3. Help, I’m in Hot Lava! (November 2013)
  4. The Fast and the Frozen (February 2014)
  5. The Great Mouse Race (June 2014)
  6. Don’t Wake the Dinosaur! (November 2014)
  7. I’m a Scaredy-Mouse! (March 2015)
  8. Surfing for Secrets (July 2015)
  9. Get the Scoop, Geronimo! (November 2015)
  10. My Autosaurus Will Win! (March 2016)
  11. Sea Monster Surprise (July 2016)
  12. Paws Off the Pearl! (November 2016)
  13. The Smelly Search (March 2017)
  14. Shoo, Caveflies! (July 2017)
  15. A Mammoth Mystery (November 2017)

List of books in the book series Geronimo Stilton: Spacemice

  1. Alien Escape
  2. You’re Mine, Captain!
  3. Ice Planet Adventure
  4. The Galactic Goal
  5. Rescue Rebellion
  6. The Under Water Planet
  7. Beware! Space Junk!
  8. Away in a Star Sled
  9. Slurp Monster Showdown
  10. Pirate Spacecat Atack
  11. We’ll Bite Your Tail, Geronimo!
  12. The Invisible Planet

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List of books in the book series Geronimo Stilton: Micekings

  1. Attack of the dragons (April 2016)
  2. The Famouse Fjord Race (August 2016)
  3. Pull the Dragons Tooth (December 2016)
  4. Stay Strong, Geronimo! (April 2017)
  5. The Mysterious Message (August 2017)
  6. The Helmet Holdup (December 2017)
  7. The Dragon Crown (April 2018)
  8. The Great Miceking Stone ( August 2018)

List of books in the book series Geronimo Stilton: Heromice

There are eleven Heromice books

  1. Mice to the Rescue
  2. Robot Attack
  3. Flood Mission
  4. The Perilous Plants
  5. The Invisible Thief
  6. Dinosaur Danger
  7. Time Machine Trouble
  8. Charge of the Clones
  9. Insect Invasion
  10. Sweet Dreams, Sewer Rats!
  11. Revenge of the Mini Mice!

Geronimo Stilton Graphic Novels by Papercutz

  1. The Discovery of America (August 18, 2009)
  2. The Secret of the Sphinx (August 18, 2009)
  3. The Coliseum Con (November 24, 2009)
  4. Following the Trail of Marco Polo (April 13, 2010)
  5. The Great Ice Age (July 6, 2010)
  6. Who Stole the Mona Lisa? (October 26, 2010)
  7. Dinosaurs in Action (February 1, 2011)
  8. Play it Again, Mozart! (September 13, 2011)
  9. The Weird Book Machine (January 31, 2012)
  10. Geronimo Stilton Saves the Olympics (June 5, 2012)
  11. We’ll Always Have Paris (October 2, 2012)
  12. The First Samurai (March 19, 2013)
  13. The Fastest Train in the West (December 10, 2013)
  14. The First Mouse on the Moon (June 24, 2014)
  15. All for Stilton, Stilton for All! (January 13, 2015
  16. Lights, Camera, Stilton! (August 4, 2015)
  17. The Mystery of the Pirate Ship (May 24, 2016)
  18. First to the Last Place on Earth (November 22, 2016)
  19. Lost in Translation (August 29, 2017)
  20. Saving Liberty (October)

Geronimo Stilton Reporter Graphic Novels By Papercutz

  1. Operation Shufongfong (October 16, 2018)
  2. It’s My Scoop! (June 4, 2019)
  3. Stop Acting Around! (October 8, 2019)
  4. The Mummy With No Name (January 28, 2020)
  5. Barry The Moustache (June 9, 2020)
  6. Paws Off, Cheddarface!2 (October 27, 2020)
  7. Going Down To Chinatown (March 2, 2022)
  8. Hypno Tick-Tock (July 6, 2022)

Geronimo Stilton the graphic novel by Tom Angleberger

  1. The Sewer Rat Stink (May 2020)
  2. Slime for Dinner (February 2, 2022)
  3. Great Rat Rally (September 2022)

Thea Stilton Graphic Novels by PapercutZ

PapercutZ has made all the Graphic Novels of Thea Stilton.

  1. The Secret of Whale Island (April 10, 2013)
  2. Revenge of the Lizard Club (June 13, 2013)
  3. The Treasure of the Viking Ship (August 22, 2013)
  4. Catching the Giant Wave (September 30, 2014)
  5. The Secret of the Waterfall in the Woods (February 9, 2016)
  6. The Thea Sisters and the Mystery at Sea (August 30, 2016)
  7. A Song for the Thea Sisters (March 14, 2017)
  8. The Thea Sisters and the Secret Treasure Hunt (December 26, 2017)

Take a look at our Best Update 2022 about How Many Little Golden Books Are There? here to learn more about other best children book series.


Do you need to read Geronimo Stilton books in order?

The original show is named Geronimo Stilton; then, you will find a lot of spinoff series. The spinoffs are all stand-alone, and you do not need to read the original series to know them.

Does Netflix have Geronimo Stilton 2022?

It’s true. It is possible to observe Geronimo Stilton on Netflix.

Is Thea Stilton a real person?

A pseudonym of Elisabetta Dami, aka Geronimo Stilton. Elisabetta Dami is an Italian writer who now resides in Italy. She’s the writer of the Geronimo Stilton series, a bestselling children’s book.

What age group are Geronimo Stilton books for?

Geronimo Stilton is ideal for kids aged 7-10.

What grade level are Geronimo Stilton books?

Geronimo Stilton Grades 2-4 book.

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Category: Children’s Book

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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