
All about Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation (BUIDCO)

[] In Bihar, the Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation (BUIDCO) executes crucial infrastructure projects or assists other bodies to do so and accelerates the pace of these projects

The Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation (BUIDCO) looks after the execution of infrastructure projects in the urban areas. The body was incorporated in 2009 and is owned by the Bihar state government.

You are reading: All about Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation (BUIDCO)

Important infrastructure projects in Bihar

Major infrastructure projects undertaken by the BIDCO can be divided into 10 broad categories, namely:

  • Water supply projects
  • Sewerage and sewage network projects
  • Storm water drainage projects
  • Solid waste management projects
  • Urban transport projects
  • Affordable housing projects
  • Riverfront development projects
  • Urban street lighting projects
  • Commercial market development projects
  • Urban beautification projects

Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation (BUIDCO)

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Initiatives by BUIDCO

Apart from the above mentioned projects, the BUIDCO also undertakes certain initiatives for the overall sustainable development. We list them here.

Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Fund Trust (BUIDF)

Given that the urban local bodies are not enough to cater to the aspirations of the urban residents, the BUIDF has been set up, to cater as a long-term state-led and market-driven sustainable development. The BUIDF manages three crucial funds, namely the Urban Loan Fund (ULF), the Grant and Credit Enhancement Fund (G&CEF) and the Project Development Fund (PDF). A Project Management Unit (PMU) has also been set up, to assist the trust. With assistance, the BUIDF is able to increase external financing of the ULB.

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Besides the BUIDF, the BUIDCO also has a DPR review cell and a supervision and quality control cell.

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Recent projects and RFP floated by BUIDCO

Project Role
Barahiya I&D and STP project, National Mission for Clean Ganga

January 12, 2021

(i) Design and build sewage treatment plant of installed capacity 6MLD and all appurtenant structures including staff quarters and allied works; (ii) Survey, review the designs, redesign where necessary and construction of three interception and diversion structures for the drains including survey, designs and construction of three pumping stations and all appurtenant structures and allied works, rising main, controlled with SCADA; (iii) Operation and maintenance of the complete works of sewage treatment plant, interception and diversion works, pumping stations and allied works, for a period of 15 years in Barahiya town, state of Bihar , India.
Detailed project report for Ganga River Front Development

December 22, 2020

Request to submit financial proposal for preparation of detailed project report for Ganga River Front Development project at Manihari in Bihar under Namami Gange.
Detailed project report for reuse of treated sewage

December 4, 2020

Revised selection of consultant, for preparation of the detailed project report for reuse of treated sewage.

Source: BUIDCO

Active tenders by BUIDCO in 2021

Sl no Group Tender details
1 NIQ Purchase of heavy duty photocopy machine and colour printer

Tender Number : BUIDCo/IT -37/17 -02

2 NIT Kahalgaon I&D and STP project

Tender Number : BUIDCo/Yo-1492/20-01

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(Opening date: February, 11 2021, 05:00 PM; Closing date: February 12, 2021, 04:00 PM)

3 NIT Notice inviting tender for renovation/beautification of pond under Biharsharif Nagar Nigam, Nalanda, Bihar.

Tender Number : BUIDCo/Yo-1973/2020-191

4 NIT Design and build sewage treatment plant of capacity 16MLD at Buxar town, state of Bihar, India.

Tender Number : BUIDCo/Yo-1195/19(P-2)-189 (IN-NMCG-169089-CW-RFB)

5 NIT National Mission For Clean Ganga (Namami Gange Programme) re-invitation for bid for International Competitive Bidding for Hajipur, state of Bihar, India.

Tender Number : BUIDCo/Yo-871/2017 (Part-4)-169

Source: BUIDCO

For more information, log on to the official website of BUIDCO, that is, buidco(dot)in.

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Which authority is implementing the Clean Ganga order in Bihar?

The Bihar government, in association with BUIDCO has given a Rs 1,187-crore order to Chennai-headquartered water technology services provider VA Tech Wabag, to build sewage treatment plants (STPs) and sewerage networks of over 450 kms, as part of the national mission to clean the Ganga river.

Where can I see the latest tenders floated by BUIDCO?

To see all active tenders, simply visit the official website of the authority and go to the ‘Tenders’ section to see the list.

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Category: Lifestyle

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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