
Nagpur Property Tax: Everything you need to know

[] In this article, mentioned in detail, is everything you should know about the NMC property tax, a major source of revenue for the Nagpur Municipal Corporation

In a bid to reduce the burden of property tax payment on its citizens, the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) announced a rebate of 5% on NMC property tax, effective July 1, 2021. So, all those people who will pay the outstanding tax for the entire current fiscal year on or before December 31, 2021, will be able to benefit from this rebate.

You are reading: Nagpur Property Tax: Everything you need to know

Note here that property owners in Nagpur have to pay property tax every year, depending on the location of their property. NMC property tax is a major source of revenue for the Nagpur Municipal Corporation. The Nagpur Municipal Corporation is also looking at revising the NMC property tax rates under the MMC ACT in the new financial year 2022-23. Under the MMC Act, a civic body has the powers to increase the property tax rate every year. NMC property tax was last revised in April 2015.

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NMC property tax: Services

Mentioned in this article is the way to proceed with paying your NMC property tax Nagpur online and an elaboration on related information on NMC property tax.

On the homepage of Nagpur Municipal Corporation, click on the ‘Services’ tab and select ‘Property Tax’ from the drop-down menu to pay property tax bill online. You will be led to a host of options as shown in the picture below.

Nagpur Property Tax

Alternatively, log on to where you will be led directly to the property tax Nagpur page.

NMC Nagpur Property Tax

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Before proceeding with paying your NMC property tax Nagpur online, there are a host of associated details that you may want to view.

NMC property tax Nagpur online: How to pay?

Click on the ‘Pay Tax and Generate Receipt’ tab to pay your Nagpur Property tax. You will be led to!searchForm.action where you have to enter your index number.

Nagpur Municipal Corporation Property Tax

After this, you will be directed to a page where all the information of the person who has to pay the NMC tax will be displayed. On the right-hand side of the NMC property tax Nagpur online page, you will see a tab which has the ‘action’ button. In that, there will be a dropdown box on the ‘Choose’ button. On that click on ’Pay Tax’. Then, you will get all information about property tax Nagpur, including how much money has to be paid as Nagpur property tax, etc.

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Here you will also be able to see an option for paying advance NMC property tax for five years. Note that payment of advance NMC property tax is optional. Citizens can also choose to pay Nagpur property tax only for the current year.

If you want to avail of NMC property tax rebate offered by the Nagpur Municipal Corporation, click on the box that says ‘full’ and ignore the box that says ‘partial’. (Rebate is offered only on full payment of the NMC property tax.) After this, the final amount to be paid as Nagpur property tax, after availing of the rebate, will be displayed on the screen which has to be paid using the NMC property tax Nagpur online payment options.

You can make the NMC property tax Nagpur online payment through UPI facility, credit card or internet banking. Once the NMC property tax Nagpur online payment is done, you will receive a receipt, acknowledging the payment. Please save or take a print of your NMC property tax Nagpur online payment for future reference.

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NMC property tax demand

To know your property tax Nagpur demand, click on the ‘View Your Property Tax demand’ and you will be led to!searchForm.action. Here, you have to enter your index number for property tax Nagpur and press on ‘Search’ to get the tax demand.

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NMC property tax last receipt

In case you have not saved your last NMC Nagpur property tax receipt, you can check the same by clicking on ‘Check your tax last receipt’. You will be led to a NMC Nagpur property tax page like the one shown below, where you have to enter the index number for property tax Nagpur and press on ‘view receipt’. It will give you all NMC property tax online payment details about your previous property tax Nagpur transaction.

NMC Property Tax

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NMC property tax: Property verification

To do an online assessment of your NMC property tax, click on the Online-Assessment-Verification-Using-Property-Details tab. You will be led to which will open to an NMC property tax page that shows the map of Nagpur and you can search and verify the coordinates.

Nagpur Property Tax: Everything you need to know

You can search the property by UPIN/ Index number for property tax Nagpur or by name. Enter the captcha and press on search.

Nagpur Property Tax: Everything you need to know

Property tax Nagpur: Annual Letting Value

To calculate the NMC property tax Annual Letting Value (ALV), click on Calculate your ALV or a small button beside it saying ‘Click Here’. You will be directed to a NMC property tax google spreadsheet where you can enter the values and calculate the annual letting value real time. A sample of the Annual Letting Value calculation on NMC property tax page is shown below.

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Nagpur Property Tax: Everything you need to know

NMC property tax: How to calculate?

Under the guidance of the Maharashtra government, the Unit Area System is being used by the NMC to calculate the NMC property tax. So, the annual value multiplied by the rate of tax, is equal to the Nagpur property tax.

As it is based on the unit area system, Nagpur property tax depends on location of the property, built-up area, the age of the property, occupancy type and finally the type of the property. So, property tax Nagpur in an area in the outskirts of the city may be less and the tax of properties in the city center may be more. Mentioned below is a sample of the total NMC property tax calculated that includes general tax, sewerage tax, sewerage benefit tax, special cleanup tax, general water tax, water benefit tax, fire service tax, road tax, education tax, tree tax, education cess, EGS cess and big residential building tax that combine to become the total property tax annually.

Nagpur Property Tax: Everything you need to know

NMC property tax: What happens if you do not pay on time?

Unless there is a relaxation announced by the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC), failure to pay NMC property tax or Nagpur property tax within the due date will attract a penalty of interest of 2% per month, applicable for the entire time period of default in payment.

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NMC property tax grievance management

For any NMC grievance redressal that citizens seek, with respect to their Nagpur property tax, they can register their complaints on the Nagpur grievance management system. You have to register yourself first with the system and lodge the NMC property tax complaint. You can then view the status of your Nagpur NMC property tax complaint.

NMC property tax contact details

For all queries related to Nagpur Property Tax or NMC property tax related services, you can contact:

Nagpur Municipal Corporation

Mahanagar Palika Marg,Civil Lines,

Nagpur, Maharashtra,

India- 440 001

Telephone: 0712 2567035

Fax: 0712 2561584

E-mail: / /


Where can you get your index number for property tax Nagpur from?

Index number for property tax Nagpur can be found in the previous year’s property tax receipts.

Under which department does the NMC property tax fall?

The Nagpur Municipal Corporation is responsible for managing the Nagpur property tax.

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Category: Lifestyle

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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