Silver and all of its derivatives have been frequently used as an antibacterial agent since ancient times. Before the discovery of antibiotics in the early part of the 20th century, people already used silver in various medical treatments.
These days, colloidal silver is gradually making a comeback as an effective treatment in the prevention of infections after burns caused by chemicals, electricity, or heat. To apply this, you must first clean the burned are with cold water and mild soap. Once the burned area dries up, you can apply a topical colloidal silver product to the wound.
You are reading: Using Colloidal Silver for Burns
What is colloidal silver?

Colloidal silver is a mineral. In the past, there were many colloidal silver products available as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. But in the year 1999, the sale of colloidal silver came to a halt when the FDA decided that these products weren’t safe.
Colloidal silver has the ability to kill germs by destroying their proteins. This is why it was often used to dress wounds in the past. Silver has no specific function in our body as it isn’t an essential mineral. When taken orally, it may cause your skin to look like some bluish tint is there. It also has the potential to cause issues with your brain functions.
But using colloidal silver in treating infections and other conditions like skin issues, hay fever, and more is still up for debate as there still isn’t enough evidence to support its effectiveness.
Colloidal silver and burns

You may treat burn injuries that have led to blistering or open wounds using colloidal silver. Some anecdotal reports have claimed that the immediate application of this mineral can make a difference in the burn degree and any effects it may have in the long run.
Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep colloidal silver in your first-aid kit for the treatment of burns. The frequency of its application will depend on the severity of your burn. More severe burns may require more frequent applications each day.
Read also : The right colloidal silver for eczema.
Just make sure to observe any adverse effects that may indicate issues like silver sensitivity. It’s recommended to seek professional treatment after applying colloidal silver as first-aid.
Determine the type of burn first

How you will treat burns will depend on the area, location, depth, and severity. First-degree burns are relatively superficial and have the same characteristics as a sunburn like skin redness and a somewhat painful. But your sensation remains intact.
Second-degree burns may look like first-degree burns but the damage is severe enough to cause skin blistering and you may feel intense pain. The damage of third-degree burns has progressed to a point where it can cause the death of your skin. For these burns, your skin turns white and loses sensation.
All types of burns involve the accumulation of fluid and inflammation around and in the wound. But when your skin gets damaged, you will be at risk for infection at the site of the burn wound and internally too.
Using the right products
If you have a burn wound and you would like to test the effectiveness of colloidal silver, speak with your doctor about it first. When you get the green light, look for colloidal silver products from reputable sources. A great products in this category is Silver Miracles Colloidal Silver Gel that contains 99.99% pure silver. It doesn’t contain any other additives and it also comes in the form of a cream.
Structured Colloidal Silver Gel with Aloe Vera is another great product that also contains pure aloe vera to provide soothing and moisturizing effects. This is a potent product that you may apply on burnt skin.
Another product you may consider is SilverGuard Colloidal Silver Gel + Organic Aloe Vera that’s safe for daily skin care. It offers natural protective and healing powers thanks to the combination of aloe vera and colloidal silver.
A note on silver sensitivity
There aren’t many allergies caused by silver. But when you use colloidal silver, you must still observe the skin you have applied it on. If there is any redness, inflammation, or itchiness a couple of hours after applying colloidal silver, stop using it.
Read also : Best Colloidal Silver
This could indicate that you have an allergic reaction to the colloidal silver that you aren’t aware of. You should know that using colloidal silver and other antimicrobials in treating burn wounds to ward off possible infections shouldn’t be your only course of treatment.
Have colloidal silver ready in your first-aid but seek other treatment too. You may have to take antibiotics to combat any infections that develop. When it comes to colloidal silver, you can apply this to deter infections of mild to severe burn injuries so you won’t have to take antibiotics.
Other potential risks to look out for
There are certain side effects you may experience when using colloidal silver regularly to treat burns. One such side effect is a condition known as argyria where your eyes or skin take on a silver-blue tone that might not go away.
You may also experience reduced capacity to absorb medications like antibiotics, which you may need for the treatment of bacterial infections or thyroxines, which you may need for treating thyroid deficiencies.
Anemia is also a possibility based on studies conducted on animals. The animals were repeatedly exposed to silver and over time, they developed anemia, which is a deficiency of iron. The test animals also experienced effects like stunted growth, harmful liver changes, and heart enlargement.
There have been very few studies conducted about this effect of colloidal silver, which may mean additional risk. Humans may even experience different side effects compared to the animals in the study.
You should take the potential risks and side effects involved in the use of colloidal silver seriously. To help you feel better and ensure your safety, it’s a good idea to consult with your doctor first before taking colloidal silver and other natural remedies, especially for the first time.
Today, researchers are still studying the mechanisms behind the antimicrobial properties of silver. For us, it remains a waiting game where we need to learn more about the conducted tests to find out if colloidal silver treatments work. Until such time, practice caution when using colloidal silver. It’s also recommended to speak with your doctor first before applying this remedy to your burn wounds.
Category: Scientific Information