
Top Inspirational Quotes For Empathy To Make You A Better Person 2022


We all know how it feels to be upset. However, many people don’t know how to empathize with others that are upset or grieving. With the holidays here, families might become more than a little bit broken and some wounds can only be healed by the Power of Empathy. Here are our powerful quotes for empathy that can be helpful for you!

You are reading: Top Inspirational Quotes For Empathy To Make You A Better Person 2022

Best Quotes About Compassion And Empathy

Best Quotes About Compassion And Empathy

“It’s the hardest thing in the world to go on being aware of someone else’s pain.” – Pat Barker

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” – Albert Einstein

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo Buscaglia

“Empathy begins with understanding life from another person’s perspective. Nobody has an objective experience of reality. It’s all through our own individual prisms.” – Sterling K. Brown

“Empathy is simply listening, holding space, withholding judgment, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly healing message if you’re not alone.” – Brene Brown

“Treat people with understanding when you can, and fake it when you can’t until you do understand.” – Kim Harrison

“Practicing kindness increases our ability to be empathetic. It helps keep our hearts open. And that, truly, is the best way to live.” – Kristi Bowman

“If you have never suffered through it, then you don’t understand it. There are no exceptions.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

“The only way to change someone’s mind is to connect with them from the heart.” – Rasheed Ogunlaru

“Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” – Theodore Roosevelt

“Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up.” – Jesse Jackson

“Empathy depends not only on one’s ability to identify someone else’s emotions but also on one’s capacity to put oneself in the other person’s place and to experience an appropriate emotional response.” – Charles G. Morris.

“Good fiction creates empathy. A novel takes you somewhere and asks you to look through the eyes of another person, to live another life.” – Barbara Kingsolver.

“I do not ask the wounded person how he feels, I myself become the wounded person.” – Walt Whitman

“If you do not practice empathy and forgiveness for your actions, it will be impossible to practice empathy with others.” – Laura Raskin, ‘Marriage.’

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” – DALAI LAMA

“Empathy is forgetting oneself in the joys and sorrows of another, so much so that you actually feel that the joy or sorrow experienced by another is your own joy and sorrow. Empathy involves complete identification with another.” – Dada Vaswani.

“People complain not because something sucks. People complain because they’re looking for empathy and to feel connected with those around them. Unfortunately, complaining is maybe the least useful way to connect with other human beings.” – Mark Manson

“The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy.” – Meryl Streep

“Empathy is like giving someone a psychological hug.” – Lawrence J

“Empathy means both understanding others on their own terms and bringing them within the orbit of one’s own experience.” – Jacob A. Belzen

“Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another.” – Alfred Adler

“See the light in each other. Be the light for each other.” – Anonymous

“Stay connected to feel empathy, compassion, and understanding for yourself and others.” – Vanessa Tucker

“Seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another.” – Alfred Adler

“Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself.” – Mohsin Hamid

“It’s very difficult to design something for someone if you have no empathy.” – Stewart Butterfield

“A prerequisite to empathy is simply paying attention to the person in pain.” – Daniel Goleman

“Have compassion and empathy in your heart. Many people are suffering deep emotional anguish beneath the surface of their lives, and smile even as they hurt inside.” – Jim Palmer

“Feeling too much is a hell of a lot better than feeling nothing.” – Nora Roberts

Quotes About Empathy In Business

Quotes About Empathy In Business

“If you want more kindness in the world, but some there.” – Zero Dean

“The highest form of knowledge is empathy.” – Bill Bullard

“Learning to stand in somebody else’s shoes, to see through their eyes, that’s how peace begins. And it’s up to you to make that happen. Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world.” – Barack Obama

“Empathy is a respectful understanding of what others are experiencing.” – Marshall B. Rosenberg

“The nature of humanity, its essence, is to feel another’s pain as one’s own, and to act to take that pain away. There is a nobility in compassion, a beauty in empathy, a grace in forgiveness.” – John Connolly

“Wherever there is a human being there is an opportunity for kindness.” – Seneca

“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone…just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

“Empathy is a special way of coming to know another and ourselves.” – Carl R. Rogers

“Walk with me for a while, my friend, you in my shoes, I in yours, and then let us talk.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

“History is not just facts and events. History is also a pain in the heart and we repeat history until we are able to make another’s a pain in the heart our own.” – Julius Lester

“We think we listen, but very rarely do we listen with real understanding, true empathy. Yet listening, of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change that I know.” – Carl Rogers

“Empathy and compassion will make our world better.” – Anonymous

“If you look into someone’s face long enough, eventually you’re going to feel that you’re looking at yourself.” – Paul Auster

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“Empathy is the starting point for creating a community and taking action. It’s the impetus for creating change.” – Max Carver

“True empathy requires that you step outside your own emotions to view things entirely from the perspective of the other person.” – Anonymous

Love And Compassion Quotes

Love And Compassion Quotes

“The greatest cruelty is our casual blindness to the despair of others.” – Anonymous

“Empathy is the faculty to resonate with the feelings of others. When we meet someone who is joyful, we smile. When we witness someone in pain, we suffer in resonance with his or her suffering.” – Matthieu Ricard

“If we can get a man to the moon, we can get a man to walk in each other’s shoes.” – Mary Gordon

“One of the benefits of aligning yourself with an indistinct cluster of people is that claiming to feel their pain is often enough.” – Charlie Brooker

“In my view, the best of humanity is in our exercise of empathy and compassion. It’s when we challenge ourselves to walk in the shoes of someone whose pain or plight might seem so different than yours that it’s almost incomprehensible.” – Sarah McBride

“The outward expression of empathy is courtesy.” – Stewart Butterfield

“Empathy is one of humankind’s prized possessions. Acts of consideration and kindness are inevitable when a person can mentally step into someone else’s shoes. Even if it’s just for a moment.” – Izzy Victoria Odiase

“We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives.” – Oprah Winfrey

“When good people consider you the bad guy, you develop a heart to help the bad ones. You actually understand them.” – Criss Jami

“Empathy requires knowing that you know nothing.” – Leslie Jamison

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” – Mother Teresa

If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of Inspirational Mother Teresa Quotes To Express Unconditional Love [2022].

“Treat people like people. Beware of pity and patronization because, in them, you can’t see when you’re unashamedly looking down on someone.” – Criss Jami

“To embrace suffering culminates in greater empathy, the capacity to feel what it is like for the other to suffer, which is the ground for unsentimental compassion and love.” – Stephen Batchelor

“Judge tenderly, if you must. There is usually a side you have not heard, a story you know nothing about, and a battle waged that you do not have to fight.” – Traci Lea LaRussa

“Empaths did not come into this world to be victims, we came to be warriors. Be brave. Stay strong. We need all hands on deck.” – Anthon St. Maarten

Empathy Quotes For A Friend

Empathy Quotes For A Friend

“What dooms our best efforts to cultivate empathy and compassion is always, of course, other people.” – Tim Kreider

“Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. Not only is empathy hard to outsource and automate, but it makes the world a better place.” – Daniel H. Pink

“It is true that I am endowed with an absurd sensitiveness, what scratches others tears me to pieces.” – Gustave Flaubert

“There are so many men, all endlessly attempting to sweep me off my feet. And there is one of you, trying just the opposite. Making sure my feet are firm beneath me, lest I fall.” – Patrick Rothfuss

“An exchange of empathy provides an entry point for a lot of people to see what healing feels like.” – Tarana Burke

“A child is not born with affection, adoration, and kindheartedness. A person accrues empathy and sympathy from experiencing our own pain.” – Kilroy J. Oldster

“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” – Ernest Hemingway

“Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?” – Marcus Aurelius

“Experiencing terrible pain opens our hearts and minds to express compassion for other people and communion with ourselves.” – Kilroy J. Oldster

“The state of empathy, or being empathic, is to perceive the internal frame of reference of another with accuracy and with the emotional components and meanings which pertain thereto as if one were the person.” – Carl Rogers

“You can only understand people if you feel them in yourself.” – John Steinbeck

“The idea of faking empathy to take a step forward to understanding is really a powerful idea.” – Jonathan Groff

“We have to teach empathy as we do literacy.” – Bill Drayton

“If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can’t survive.” – Brené Brown

“The little things you do can be very significant to others.” – Wayne Gerard Trotman

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Plato

“I think we all have empathy. We may not have enough courage to display it.” – Maya Angelou

Here’s Top 100+ Best Maya Angelou Quotes To Elevate Your Perspective I recommend the most

“The functions of intellect are insufficient without courage, love, friendship, compassion, and empathy.” – Dean Koontz

“The greater good is achieved by not only telling people what they need to know but also filling them with a sense of empathy and love.” – Abigail Disney

Empathy Quotes For Loss

Empathy Quotes For Loss

“Empathy is important, openness, honesty, and an understanding for others.” – Niko Kovac

“The opposite of anger is not calmness, its empathy.” – Mehmet Oz

“The death of human empathy is one of the earliest and most telling signs of a culture about to fall into barbarism.” – Hannah Arendt

“If you’re enjoying these quotes, you’ll love our collection of grace quotes that will change your life.” – Unknown

“Anyone who has experienced a certain amount of loss in their life has empathy for those who have experienced loss.” – Anderson Cooper

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“Wearing another’s skin is the most effective way to learn sympathy.” – A G Howard

“Human morality is unthinkable without empathy.” – Frans de Waal

“One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone.” – Shannon L. Alder

“What you don’t realize is that the world does not need more perfection. It needs more compassion and empathy.” – Tessa Dare

“Every day you need to take some actions to improve your life and actions to improve someone else’s life.” – Amit Ray

“It is weak that expresses aggressiveness to show strength. But real strength, it’s in the gentle.” – Nurudeen Oshawa

“Those who are governed by reason desire nothing for themselves which they do not desire for the rest of humankind.” – Baruch Spinoza

“Love is that enviable state that knows no envy or vanity, only empathy and a longing to be greater than oneself.” – Anonymous

“Think about it. We all have our bits of madness. Don’t be too harsh about the madness of others.” – Osamu Tezuka

“I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization.” – Roger Ebert

“I did not know how to reach him, how to catch up with him… The land of tears is so mysterious.” – Antoine de SaintExupéry

“Compassion, empathy, and love are the real pillars we need to build within ourselves to become human.” – Loknath

“Are you proud of yourself tonight that you have insulted a total stranger whose circumstances you know nothing about?” – Harper Lee

“We must understand before we judge.” – Anonymous

Empathy Quotes For Kids

Empathy Quotes For Kids

“Empathy represents the foundation skill for all the social competencies important for work.” – Daniel Goleman

“When you show deep empathy toward others, their defensive energy goes down, and positive energy replaces it. That’s when you can get more creative in solving problems.” – Stephen Covey

“Every compassionate act makes large the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

“When you start to develop your powers of empathy and imagination, the whole world opens up to you.” – Susan Sarandon

“All advocacy is, at its core, an exercise in empathy.” – Samantha Power

“If it is not tempered by compassion, and empathy, reason can lead men and women into a moral void.” – Karen Armstrong

“There is no force in the world better able to alter anything from its course than love.” – Gregory Boyle

“Empathetic presence involves listening to someone’s pain with what I call the five A’s: attention, acceptance, appreciation, affection, and allowing.” – David Richo

“The discoveries of how we can grow and the insights we need to have really come from the inside out. To have genuine empathy, not as a make nice tool but as an understanding, is essential to the next step.” – Patricia Sun

“All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart.” – Tahereh Mafi

“No one heals themselves by wounding another.” – Anonymous

“Empathy is about two people, two people meeting, getting to know each other, and tuning in to what the other person is thinking and feeling.” – Simon BaronCohen

“There is a nobility in compassion, a beauty in empathy and a grace in forgiveness.” – Anonymous

“Stories teach us empathy. They reveal to us ourselves in the skins of others.” – Justin Simien

“Empathy is essential to peace.” – Anonymous

More Empathy Quotes

“When a good man is hurt all who would be called good must suffer with him.” – Euripides

“Nothing is more important than empathy for another human being’s suffering. Nothing. Not career, not wealth, not intelligence, certainly not status. We have to feel for one another if we’re going to survive with dignity.”- Audrey Hepburn.

“One doesn’t have to operate with great malice to do great harm. The absence of empathy and understanding are sufficient.” – Charles M. Blow

“The struggle of my life created empathy. I could relate to pain, abandonment, having people not love me.” – Oprah Winfrey

“The more you learn about someone, how could you not want to protect them and their rights? The more you learn about a culture or a certain identity, it’s hard to not feel empathy.” – Yara Shahidi

“Empathy is a skill like any other human skill. If you get a chance to practice, you can get better at it.” – Professor Simon Baron-Cohen

“Empathy is connection; it’s a ladder out of the shame hole.” – Brené Brown

“Empathy is the ability to step outside of your own bubble and into the bubbles of other people.” – C. Joybell

“I believe that stories are incredibly important, possibly in ways we don’t understand, in allowing us to make sense of our lives, in allowing us to escape our lives, in giving us empathy and in creating the world that we live in.” – Neil Gaiman

“People need people who show that they care.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

“Whether it is rational or empirical, your approach to life must always be empathetic. Emotional intelligence is acquired when knowledge and empathy are combined and applied to situations regularly in everyday life.” – Stewart Stafford

“Empathy is the greatest virtue. From it, all virtues flow. Without it, all virtues are an act.” – Eric Zorn

“Sometimes all a person wants is an empathetic ear; all he or she needs is to talk it out. Just offering a listening ear and an understanding heart for his or her suffering can be a big comfort.” – Roy T. Bennett

“Empathy is the gateway; compassion is the way.” – Scott Perry

“Empathy, sympathy, love, and justice create a place only in such character, where humanity fragrances and tongue stays sober.” – Ehsan Sehgal

“Empathy is really the opposite of spiritual meanness. It’s the capacity to understand that every war is both won and lost. And that someone else’s pain is as meaningful as your own.” – Barbara Kingsolver

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Category: Blog

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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