
Email Marketing Tips For Your Commercial Property


As a marketing professional of a commercial real estate company, you have to be on your toes and produce results quickly. One of the key tools in your hand to effectively market the property now a days is email marketing. Although a very useful and creative tool, email marketing has not been exploited completely by the real estate professionals.

You are reading: Email Marketing Tips For Your Commercial Property

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Here is a quick look at the ways of using email marketing in way that is more effective and result-oriented.

1 Get the Timing Right: Timing is everything in almost all spheres and getting the timing right for the email that you want to send out to your clients or prospective clients is very important. There are certain times of the day when the emails get read more than at other times of the day. This timing is different for different industry segments like retail, hospitality etc. You have to know which time of the day people in your industry or the targeted industry are more likely to read an email sent to them for marketing purpose. One simple way of finding that out is to look at the patterns of readership of the newsletters that your company may already be sending to the registered email ids. If the highest time slot of your newsletters getting read is, lets say, 1-2 pm, then that is the time to send out marketing emails to the prospective customers and clients.

2 Keep It Short and Simple: The content of the email should be simple to understand for the prospective clients. Don’t expect a person who has received a marketing email to go through a long and complex mail. The content should be well thought out and should be relevant for the industry to which the receiver of the mail belongs. You have to be diligent in your research work and come up with solutions that will be suitable for the industry to which the receiver of the mail belongs. The email should address some of the problems faced by that industry as regards property, yet be short and simple.

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3 Keep It Pointed: The content of the email should not take too long to come to the point. The subject line should be able to tell the receiver what the email is all about. The first couple of lines of the body of the email should excite the reader and at the same time be very clear as what the mail is all about. Highlight some of the aspects of your property and try to think from the perspective of the clients and see how the property will serve the purpose of the clients and include those points in the email.

4 Include Pictures and Other Attachments: The email should include all the visual elements of your property and that include pictures taken from as many sides as possible. Be sure to include these as attachments and the body of the mail should lead the prospective client to open the attachments and look at all the pictures. If there are other visual elements, be sure to include those too.

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Category: Lifestyle

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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