
What Are The Deuterocanonical Books? Best 2022


The deuterocanonical books (from the Greek meaning belonging to the second canon) are books and passages believed from the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox Churches, and the Assyrian Church of the East to become canonical books of the Old Testament but that are deemed non-canonical by Protestant denominations.

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So what are the Deuterocanonical books. Reading to find out more.

What are the Deuterocanonical books

The Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible are believed by the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodoxy to be canonical Areas of the Christian Old Testament but aren’t within the Hebrew Bible. The term deuterocanonical comes from the Greek meaning belonging to the second canon.

The etymology of this word is misleading, but it will signify the hesitation with which these books were accepted into the canon by a few. Be aware that the expression doesn’t imply non-canonical; despite this, it’s occasionally been used as a euphemism for the Apocrypha.

Protestant Christians usually don’t classify any texts as “deuterocanonical”; they omit them by the Bible or add them in a department designated Apocrypha. The similarity between these various terms leads to this confusion between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox deuterocanonical and the texts believed non-canonical by other forms of Christians.



Deuterocanonical is a phrase initially coined in 1566 from the transformed Jew and Catholic theologian Sixtus of Siena to explain scriptural texts of the Old Testament whose canonicity was set for Catholics from the Council of Trent, but that was omitted from early canons, particularly in the East.

Their acceptance among early Christians wasn’t worldwide, but regional councils from the West printed official principles that contained these books as early as the fifth and fourth generations.

The deuterocanonical scriptural texts are:

  • Tobitrn
  • Judithrn
  • Additions to Esther (Vulgate Esther 10:4-16:24, but see also Esther in the New American Bible)rn
  • Wisdomrn
  • Ben Sira, also called Sirach or Ecclesiasticusrn
  • Baruch, including the Letter of Jeremiah (Additions to Jeremiah in the Septuagint [2])rn
  • Additions to Daniel:rn
  • Song of the Three Children (Vulgate Daniel 3:24-90)rn
  • Story of Susanna (Vulgate Daniel 13, Septuagint prologue)rn
  • The Idol Bel and the Dragon (Vulgate Daniel 14, Septuagint epilogue)rn
  • 1 Maccabeesrn
  • 2 Maccabeesrn

There’s a good deal of overlap between the Apocrypha part of the 1611 King James Bible and the Catholic deuterocanon, but both are different. The Apocrypha part of this King James Bible contains, along with the deuterocanonical books, the following three books that weren’t announced canonical by Trent:

  • 1 Esdras (also known as 3 Esdras)rn
  • 2 Esdras (also known as 4 Esdras)rn
  • Prayer of Manassesrn

These three books make up the Apocrypha part of the Clementine Vulgate, in which they’re specifically called out of this collection of their canon. The 1609 Douay Bible contains them in an appendix. However, they aren’t included in the Catholic Bibles. They’re found, together with the deuterocanonical books, at the Apocrypha part of Protestant bibles.

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Impact of the Septuagint

Impact of the Septuagint

The massive majority of Old Testament references from the New Testament are taken from the Greek Septuagint that includes the deuterocanonical books and Apocrypha, both of which can be known as jointly anagignoskomena. Several seem to have been composed originally in Hebrew, but the text has been missing.

Archaeological finds in the previous century have given a text of nearly two-thirds of this book of Sirach, and fragments of other books are also seen. The Septuagint was broadly accepted and utilized by Jews in the first century, in Roman Iudaea Province, and so obviously became the text widely used by Christians.

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From the New Testament, Hebrews 11:35 describes an occasion explicitly listed in a few of the deuterocanonical books (2 Maccabees 7).

Even more tellingly, 1 Cor 15:29 “Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Are they then baptized for the dead?” is an allusion to two Maccabees 12: 44, “for if he weren’t expecting the fallen to rise again, it might have been useless and foolish to pray for them in passing.” 1 Cor 15:29 is an apparent reference to anguish to assist the deceased be loosed from their sins.

But, Josephus (a Jewish historian) entirely rejected the deuterocanonical books. However, Athanasius believed they helped study, but except for Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah, they weren’t at the canon.

Impact of the Vulgate

Impact of the Vulgate

Jerome, in his prologues, refers to a canon that excludes the deuterocanonical books, maybe accepting Baruch. But, Jerome’s Vulgate did contain the deuterocanonical books in addition to Apocrypha. He called them and quoted them to explain them as not in the canon.

In his prologue to Judith, with no term canon, he said that Judith was held to be scriptural from the First Council of Nicaea. In his response to Rufinus, he stoutly defended the deuterocanonical portions of Daniel although the Jews of the day didn’t:

What sin have I committed if I followed the conclusion of those churches? However, he brings charges against me for about the understanding that the Hebrews are wont to raise against the Story of Susanna, the Song of the Three Children, along with also the story of Bel and the Dragon, which aren’t seen in the Hebrew quantity, proves he is only a ridiculous sycophant. It wasn’t about my personal views, but the opinions they [the Jews] will not make from us. (Against Rufinus, 11:33 (402 C.E.)).

Thus Jerome confessed the principle by which the canon has settled the conclusion of the Church, instead of his judgment or the decision of Jews.

The Vulgate is also crucial since the touchstone for which books are canonical. Whenever the Council of Trent recorded the books contained in the canon, it characterized the books as being complete with all their parts, since they’ve been used to be read from the Catholic Church, as they’re found in the old Latin Vulgate variant.

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A term used out of Catholicism

A term used out of Catholicism

Utilizing the term Apocrypha (Greek: hidden away) to explain texts, but not always pejorative, suggest to people the writings in question shouldn’t be included in the canon of the Bible.

This classification partners them with specific different gospels and New Testament Apocrypha. The Style Manual for the Society of Biblical Literature urges using deuterocanonical literature Rather than the Apocrypha in academic writing.

Exterior of Roman Catholicism, the expression deuterocanonical is occasionally used, using an analogy, to explain books that Eastern Orthodoxy and Oriental Orthodoxy contained from the Old Testament, which isn’t a part of the Jewish Tanakh, nor the Protestant Old Testament. One of Orthodox, the expression is understood to imply that they had been written later than the Hebrew Bible.

From the Amharic Bible utilized by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church (an Oriental Orthodox Church), these books of the Old Testament who are still counted as canonical, although not by the rest of the Churches, are usually set in another section titled Deuterocanonical, that is precisely the same word.

These books comprise, as well as the typical set recorded above, a few books which are nevertheless held canonical by just the Ethiopian Church, such as Henok (I Enoch) and Kufale (Book of Jubilees). On the other hand, the Books of Maccabees discovered completely distinct works from those utilized by another Church, without a similarity aside from the names.

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Eastern Orthodoxy

Eastern Orthodoxy

The Eastern Orthodox Church has traditionally contained all of the books of the Septuagint in its Old Testament. Regional differences have been based on various versions of the Septuagint.

The Greeks use the term Anagignoskomena to explain all those books of the Greek Septuagint which aren’t within the Tanakh. These books comprise the Roman Catholic deuterocanon recorded above and the following added texts:

  • 3 Maccabeesrn
  • 4 Maccabeesrn
  • 1 Esdras (also included in the Clementine Vulgate)rn
  • Odes which includes the Prayer of Manassesrn
  • Psalm 151rn

Much like the Catholic deuterocanonical books, these texts have been incorporated with the remainder of the Old Testament, not published in another section. Most Protestant Bible variations exclude those books.

It was widely believed that Judaism formally uttered the deuterocanonical and the Greek texts recorded here out of their Scripture at the Council of Jamnia throughout the year 100 C.E., but now this claim is contested. [9]

A variety of Orthodox churches generally incorporate these (initially Greek) texts, plus a few add the Psalms of Solomon. In such churches, 4 Maccabees has frequently relegated to an appendix since its certain tendencies approach the Egyptian notion.

In Ethiopian Orthodoxy, a denominational family in Oriental Orthodoxy, There’s also a strong tradition of studying the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees. Enoch is cited by the writer of this New Testament book Jude (1:14-15).

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New Testament

New Testament

The expression deuterocanonical is occasionally utilized to refer to the canonical Antilegomena, these books of the New Testament which, such as the deuterocanonical of their Old Testament, weren’t universally accepted by the ancient Church, but that are included in the 27 books of the New Testament recognized by virtually all Christians. The deuterocanonical of the New Testament are as follows:

  • The Book of Hebrewsrn
  • The Second Epistle of Peterrn
  • The Second Epistle of Johnrn
  • The Third Epistle of Johnrn
  • The Epistle of Jamesrn
  • The Epistle of Judern
  • The Apocalypse of Johnrn


Why did the Jews remove the Deuterocanonical books?

The Reformers eliminated the deuterocanonical in the canon of Scripture since they thought just those books shown to the Jews from Hebrew were canonical, after the… He put the correspondence of James, the post to the Hebrews, the letters of John, and the book of Revelation in the New Testament in an appendix.

Is King James Bible Catholic or Protestant?

The King James Version (KJV) is considered one of the earliest English translations of the Catholic Bible and all the Great Bible and the Bishops Bible because of its first two Language predecessors. The KJV was translated or written with the usage of the very original manuscripts from Hebrew and Greek.

What is the most accurate Bible?

The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT) is a translation of the Bible printed by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.


The Deuterocanonical books are a set of texts considered by some Christians to be canonical but which are not part of the Hebrew Bible. These texts include such works as the Book of Tobit, the Wisdom of Solomon, and the Book of Judith.

While there is significant debate among Christians about the status of these texts, they are generally considered to help understand the history and development of early Christianity.

Thank you for reading!

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Category: Blog

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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