You are influenced by what you read. We all know that reading the Bible regularly and consistently has many benefits. The Bible reveals God’s character to us and gives us God’s Revelation about himself to our people. We see God’s holy and unchanging character in each section of The Bible. He is faithful, loving, gracious, gracious, and faithful.
You are reading: Who Wrote The Books Of The Bible? Best Full Guide 2022
Who Wrote The Books Of The Bible? Penn Book will share the complete information with you in the article below.
Table of Contents
- 1 Who Wrote The Books Of The Bible?
- 1.1 1. Moses (Genesis | Exodus | Leviticus | Numbers | Deuteronomy | Psalms)
- 1.2 2. Ezra (1 & 2 Chronicles | Ezra)
- 1.3 3. Nehemiah (Nehemiah)
- 1.4 4. David (Psalms)
- 1.5 5. Solomon (Psalms | Proverbs | Ecclesiastes | Song of Solomon)
- 1.6 6. Asaph and family (Psalms)
- 1.7 7. Sons of Korah (Psalms)
- 1.8 8. Heman (Psalms)
- 1.9 9. Ethan (Psalms)
- 1.10 10. Agur (Proverbs)
- 1.11 11. Lemuel (Proverbs)
- 1.12 12. Isaiah (Isaiah)
- 1.13 13. Jeremiah (Jeremiah | Lamentations)
- 1.14 14. Ezekiel (Ezekiel)
- 1.15 15. Daniel (Daniel)
- 1.16 16. Hosea (Hosea)
- 1.17 17. Joel (Joel)
- 1.18 18. Amos (Amos)
- 1.19 19. Obadiah (Obadiah)
- 1.20 20. Jonah (Jonah)
- 1.21 21. Micah (Micah)
- 1.22 22. Nahum (Nahum)
- 1.23 23. Habakkuk (Habakkuk)
- 1.24 24. Zephaniah (Zephaniah)
- 1.25 25. Haggai (Haggai)
- 1.26 26. Zechariah (Zechariah)
- 1.27 27. Malachi (Malachi)
- 1.28 28. Matthew/Levi (Matthew)
- 1.29 29. John Mark (Mark)
- 1.30 30. Luke (Luke | Acts)
- 1.31 31. John (John | 1 John | 2 John | 3 John | Revelation)
- 1.32 32. Paul (Romans–Philemon)
- 1.33 33. James (James)
- 1.34 34. Peter (1 Peter | 2 Peter)
- 1.35 35 Jude (Jude)
- 2 FAQs
- 2.1 Who wrote the first 6 books of the bible?
- 2.2 Which disciples wrote books of the Bible?
- 2.3 Who decided on the books of the Bible?
- 2.4 Did Jesus write any part of the Bible?
Who Wrote The Books Of The Bible?
Let’s now take a closer look at the names of the Bible writers, according to tradition. Before we get into the names, I want to make a few points.
- This list includes authors who are either identified in the Bible or assumed to be Jewish by Jewish tradition. A few anonymous candidates (like Matthew, Ezra, and Moses) have been included.
- There are many more Bible authors than I have listed. We don’t know who wrote Judges. Although there were 40 Bible authors, the Bible and tradition refer to only 35.
- Modern attribution is not the same as ancient attribution. The book of Isaiah, for example, may have been composed and arranged partially by Isaiah’s disciples long after Isaiah died. The New Testament writers refer to the words of the book as though they were Isaiah’s.
- I don’t know the author of Hebrews.
1. Moses (Genesis | Exodus | Leviticus | Numbers | Deuteronomy | Psalms)
Moses is the prophet that leads Israel from slavery to Egypt to the Promised Land. He also wrote approximately 20% of the Bible. Moses is the most revered of all the Old Testament prophets (Dt 34.10-12).
Moses, a Hebrew Hebrew who was born in Egypt and raised at the house of Pharaoh, is an example of a Hebrew born Hebrew.
Moses escapes death by running into the wilderness after he kills an Egyptian slave driver. He marries and becomes a shepherd. Forty years pass and God meets Moses in the wilderness (there is a burning bush).
God commands Moses to tell Pharaoh that the Israelites should be released. Moses does this, Pharaoh resists, and God punishes Egypt with ten plagues.
The Israelites then leave. Moses leads the new nation to Mount Sinai, where the Lord brings Israel into an exclusive relationship. Israel will now be God’s people, and God will be Israel’s deity.
Moses outlines the details of that relationship. These details are known as the Law and take up most books attributed to Moses in Scripture.
The first book, Genesis, sets the stage for all four books. It tells the story of how the Jewish people arrived in Egypt. The four next books describe Israel’s spiritual and physical journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.
Moses’s works don’t end at Deuteronomy. He is also the one who wrote Psalm 90.
2. Ezra (1 & 2 Chronicles | Ezra)
Ezra Ezra, the Bible author, was born long after Moses. Like the ancient prophet, Ezra leads an Israelite group from exile in another country back to the promised Land.
Ezra (ascribed) is someone who reads, writes and interprets documents. He’s particularly well versed in the Law of Moses (Ezra 7.6). Ezra is related to Moses. He is the great-great-great (…)-grandson of Aaron’s brother Moses, which means that he also has some priest blood (7:1-5). Ezra is a Babylonian child who wants to be a missionary in his homeland (7:10). He takes a group with him to Jerusalem to teach the people God’s ways.
Ezra plays a major role in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. He is a religious leader in Jerusalem who calls people to holy living.
According to the Jewish Talmud, Ezra is the author of 1 & 2 Chronicles (yes, they are two different parts of the same book) and Ezra. Ezra is, therefore, the second most prolific Bible author. It’s not bad for someone you don’t hear much about.
3. Nehemiah (Nehemiah)
Author of the Bible NehemiahNehemiah receives some troubling news from the King. His countrymen in Jerusalem are in serious straits, and the city is chaotic (Neh 1:13).
King Artaxerxes gives Nehemiah the green light to rebuild the city walls, gates, and gates. He then sends Nehemiah off for Jerusalem.
He gets the wall rebuilt in 52 days (6:15).
Nehemiah is more than just a wall builder. Artaxerxes is made the governor of Judah (Neh 5,14), and Nehemiah uses his position to point people to God.
He is responsible for stationing soldiers and commissioning singers to the temple. He also teams up with Ezra to rededicate people to God (10.28-39) and hold them accountable for their promises (13.4-31).
Nehemiah wrote the book that bears his title in the first person. Nehemiah is a transparent writer who tends to break from the story to record a prayer that he has made to God (4.4; 13.22).
4. David (Psalms)
Authors of the Bible DavidYou have all heard about this guy. He is the shepherd boy who defeated Goliath, the giant. He is the war hero King that saved Israel from its enemies and made Jerusalem the capital of Israel. He was the jerk that killed Uriah to get Uriah as his wife. Perhaps most important, he is a messiah. God has anointed him to lead the people in wisdom & justice.
David is the central character in 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Chronicles and 1 & 2 Chronicles. Ruth and Kings give us details about his family. David is one of the most important characters in the Bible, but that doesn’t mean that David is irrelevant.
Because God promised David: From David, an everlasting kingdom will be established with an everlasting king. Spoiler alert: It’s Jesus.
Someone may have claimed that David wrote the book Psalms. But that is not the truth. David wrote only half of the Psalms, 73 of 150 (though the Latin Vulgate & Septuagint gave him a few more credits). This is still a great deal more than any other psalmist.
These are his, precisely:
- Psalms 3–9
- Psalms 11–41
- Psalms 51–65
- Psalms 68–70
- Psalm 86
- Psalm 101
- Psalm 103
- Psalms 108–110
- Psalm 122
- Psalm 124
- Psalm 131
- Psalm 133
- Psalms 138–145
It can be as high as 85 if you add the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, and Latin Vulgate credits.
Sidenote: Another common myth about Psalms’ book is that it is the longest Bible book. However, this is not true.
5. Solomon (Psalms | Proverbs | Ecclesiastes | Song of Solomon)
Solomon Authors Solomon Solomon Authors Solomon succeeds his father David; he dreams that the Lord will appear to him. Solomon is given the ultimate blank cheque by God: Solomon can name anything he desires, and God will grant it to him. Solomon asks God for wisdom rather than asking for money or heads from his enemies. God delivers, boy!
God granted Solomon wisdom and a very high level of discernment and breadth. It was like the sand on the beach. Solomon’s wisdom was greater than all the wisdom from Egypt and all of the east sons. He was wiser than Ethan, Calcol, Calcol, and Darda, all of the sons from Mahol. His fame spread throughout the world. (1 Ki 4:29-31)
Solomon came up with 1,005 songs and 3,000 proverbs (1 Ki 4:32). We are fortunate that a lot of this wisdom is in our Bibles.
Solomon is typically credited with writing the Ecclesiastes book and Song of Solomon books. The first asks, “What’s the point in even existing?” While the second celebrates love, marriage, and all the sexual privileges that go with it.
Solomon also contributes to two other books of the Bible. Proverbs is Solomon’s main work. It is a collection of principles that can be used to make wise and just decisions. Solomon wrote or edited most of the 29 first chapters. The wise King joins his father in the book Psalms. Numbers 72 and 127 belong to Solomon.
6. Asaph and family (Psalms)
Author of the Bible Asaphhen David orders the construction of Jerusalem’s temple. He appoints Asaphhh and his family as the leaders of worship (1 Ch 16;5). We know very little about Asaph except that he is a singer from Levi (2 Ch 5 12). Twelve Psalms were attributed to Asaph and his family (Ps 50; Ps 73-83).
7. Sons of Korah (Psalms)
The Bible sons of Korah: Moses leads Israel through the wilderness. A Levite called Korah challenges Moses’ leadership. The story doesn’t end there, as the earth swallowed Korah and his companions.
Korah’s children survived, and their music has left a lasting legacy in the Bible. 11 Psalms were written by Korah’s descendants:
- Psalm 42
- Psalms 44–49
- Psalms 84–85
- Psalms 87-88
8. Heman (Psalms)
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Heman, Authors of the Bible The similarity in the name is quite funny.
Heman, a wise man, co-authored the eighty eighth psalm together with the sons Korah. Heman was wise enough to be compared to Solomon but not wiser (1 Ki 4:131).
9. Ethan (Psalms)
Authors of The Bible EthanOh! Look, another psalmist! Ethan, like his relative Heman, was one of God’s wisest men. Ethan was also wiser than Solomon (1 Ki 4 31). He wrote Psalms 89.
10. Agur (Proverbs)
The Bible Agur Authors We don’t know much information about Proverbs 30’s author. Although he was wise enough to be included in the Jewish book of wisdom, he doesn’t regard his intelligence as superior to God’s.
- I’m sure that I’m more stupid than any other man.
- And I don’t have the understanding of men.
- I have not yet learned wisdom.
- I do not know God. (Pr 30.2-3)
11. Lemuel (Proverbs)
The Bible’s Authors LemuelAgain, the Bible doesn’t tell us much about the author. Lemuel was a King. Perhaps from Massa (31.1). The Bible sometimes translates his intro to refer to him as king of Massa, although we aren’t sure exactly where.
Lemuel’s contribution to the Bible is largely a tribute to his mother. He is passing on his mother’s wisdom to his readers.
12. Isaiah (Isaiah)
Isaiah is one of the oldest and most important Major Prophets. His ministry spans four kings, and he appears to be responsible for some royal records (2 Ch 2622, 32:32). Isaiah marries a prophetess Is 8:3 and has two sons.
Isaiah not only proclaims the word of God to Israel but also advises Judah’s kings. He advises King Ahaz not to worry if the kingdom of Israel or Aram makes war on Jerusalem (Is 7;3-4). He assures King Hezekiah the Lord will protect Judah against Assyrian armies (2K 19:1-7; Is 37:1-7) but warns that Jerusalem will be overthrown by the Babylonians (Is 39:5-7).
The book of Isaiah, which is his most famous work, is also credited to him. However, it seems that his disciples contributed to the bulk of the work overtime. His prophecies concern the rise of Cyrus, the Persian emperor, the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the coming kingdom.
13. Jeremiah (Jeremiah | Lamentations)
Author of the Bible, Jeremiah is the weeping prophet of the priests of Benjamin (Jer 1:1). Jeremiah starts his prophetic ministry at a young age (Jer 1:16). He spends most of his time warning Judah about the coming judgment. He warns them of multiple Babylonian invasions, but they don’t listen to him. Jeremiah, however, outlasts all kings and offers counsel to the Jerusalemites and others. They don’t even listen.
Jeremiah is the Peter Parker of The Bible: The dude can’t catch his breath.
Books of the Bible Jeremiah wrote.
Don’t believe everything you hear about Psalms. Jeremiah is the longest book in the Bible. Jeremiah wrote many other things. Tradition says that Jeremiah also wrote the book of Lamentations. This book contains five acrostic poetry that mourns Jerusalem’s fall. Jeremiah also wrote some more dirges after Josiah, the noble King, died in battle (2 Ch 35.25).
14. Ezekiel (Ezekiel)
Ezekiel, one of the authors of the Bible EzekielEzekiel was one of many Jews who were taken to Babylon (Ezek 1:1). He is a priest of the tribe Levi (1:3), but the Lord has chosen him to do more than just make sacrifices. Ezekiel is God’s watchman for Jews. Because, as bad as things are now, they’re about to get into even more trouble.
Ezekiel is a man who makes many sacrifices for his ministry. He eats cakes made from poop (4,12-15). For 430 days, he lies on his back (4:4-6). He doesn’t have the chance to grieve after his wife passes away (24:15-24). It’s not easy for him.
His prophecies, however, are extraordinary. He sees the Lord sitting on top of the cherubim (10.1-2). He sees the temple to God being destroyed and rebuilt. He can see dry bones growing ligaments, flesh, and other structures. He is the watchman and watches many crazy things.
15. Daniel (Daniel)
Who wrote the Bible, Daniel? You’ve probably heard about this guy and his episode in the lion’s hole. Daniel is a Judah young nobleman who King Nebuchadnezzar takes prisoner. (Da 1;3, 6).
Daniel is exiled to Babylon and quickly stands out from the rest of the boys because of his wisdom (1:20). He’s also one of the few characters in the Bible who can reliably interpret dreams (2:28). He is chief government officer for both the Babylonian Empire and Persian Empires (5:29; 6;1-3).
He also has intense visions. Two major themes are the focus of his prophecies.
The future of the world’s kingdoms: Babylon and Persia. Greece, Rome, and God’s unshakeable kingdom.
The Messiah, the temple, and Israel’s role in God’s long term plans are the future of God’s people.
Daniel is a wise man. He wrote an important book that will help you study biblical prophecy.
16. Hosea (Hosea)
The Bible HoseaHosea authors claim to fame: God instructed him to marry in a very unhealthy relationship.
God has Hosea marry a prostitute (Hos 1:2). Hosea did. His wife has taken up her old profession and started sleeping with other men. God commands him to bring his wife home.
Why? Because Israel has abandoned her relationship with God and pursued idols. Israel will have to face the consequences of her actions, but the Lord has plans to bring Israel back to him just as Hosea brought back his wife (3.5)
17. Joel (Joel)
Authors of the Bible JoelAll that we know about this prophet’s father is Pethuel. Joel has written a short book on prophecy that explains two significant phenomena: the current plague caused by locusts and the coming of the Lord.
18. Amos (Amos)
Author of the Bible AmosAmos was a shepherd from Tekoa in the Southern Kingdom Judah. He is given visions by the Lord and called to travel north to prophesy against King Israel. You can see that the false priests of Israel are trying to shut down this Southerner (Am 7:12-13).
Amos is a fascinating character because it appears that he doesn’t have any experience in public ministry. Amos replies to Amaziah’s false priest, telling him to prophesy elsewhere.
19. Obadiah (Obadiah)
The Bible Authors ObadiahWe don’t know much about him, other than that he made a brief prophecy against Edom. We don’t even have an Obadiah son of X introduction to his book, so we don’t know much.
His book is a must read for anyone who loves underdogs. It is the most neglected book in the Bible.
20. Jonah (Jonah)
Authors of The Bible JonahOne the most well known characters in the Bible, even though it is one of the least read books.
Jonah is a prophet for the Northern Kingdom Israel (2 Ki 14.25), but God sends him to Nineveh to warn the Assyrians about God’s imminent judgment. Jonah instead sails in the opposite direction, is thrown overboard, and spends three days under the stomach of a large fish.
Jonah is called again to Nineveh. Jonah follows the call this time. Jonah doesn’t like it when the Ninevites repent.
Jonah is often credited to him. He must have experienced a moment of clarity following the events.
21. Micah (Micah)
Authors of the Bible MicahMicah are a prophet from Moreshetch, the Southern Kingdom Judah. He preaches to both North and South (Mic 1:1). We don’t know much about Micah, but we know that Judah’s elders considered him a prophet by the time Jeremiah was around a century later.
To save Jeremiah, the people quote Micah. The priests and false prophets attempt to kill Jeremiah when he prophesies that Jerusalem will be destroyed and the temple will be looted (Jer 26.8, 11). The officials and people of the city recall Micah’s prophecies about Jerusalem and stop Jeremiah from being murdered by the priests (26:17-19).
22. Nahum (Nahum)
Authors of the Bible Nahum are prophets and call themselves an Elkoshite. We don’t know where Elkosh is, so we don’t know much about Nahum.
23. Habakkuk (Habakkuk)
The Bible Habakkuk Authors. We don’t know much else about this minor prophet except for his songwriting abilities. His third chapter is a prayer psalm. It’s one of the few examples of shiggaion in the Bible ( Hab 3:3).
24. Zephaniah (Zephaniah)
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The Bible Zephaniah authors have some royal blood. He opens his small Bible book with his genealogy, which traces back to Hezekiah, the righteous King (Zep 1:1).
25. Haggai (Haggai)
The Bible Haggai authors provide a brief description of his ministry in Scripture. Ezra gives him a thumbs up (Ezr 5:1-2). He encourages the Jews to rebuild the temple to God. His ministry lasted for three months and 24 consecutive days (Hag 1:1, 2:10).
Haggai, the Minor Prophets’ most precise when it comes to dates, gives the month and the day for every message God sends to him. Haggai, you can clock in your hours!
26. Zechariah (Zechariah)
The Bible Zechariah Zechariah gears up around halfway through Haggai (Zec 1:2). He also encourages the people (Ezr 5:1-2) to get their feet on the ground and finish the temple.
Zechariah began delivering God’s messages as a young man, much like Jeremiah (Zec 2:14). His visions and messages were recorded by him, which is why we have the Bible’s book, Zechariah.
Zechariah appears to be a prophet, and Neh 12:16 suggests he is a priest. This would indicate that he is from the tribe, Levi.
27. Malachi (Malachi)
Author of the Bible Malachi Malachi was the last prophet to contribute to the Old Testament. We don’t know much about him except that he calls post exilic Jews to reconnect with the Lord.
28. Matthew/Levi (Matthew)
Author of The Bible Matthew Matthew was one of Jesus’ 12 apostles and one of four evangelists that wrote Jesus’ story. Matthew is a tax collector from Rome when we first meet him.
Because they took money from Jews to pay a heathen King, tax collectors were not very popular in Israel. Matthew follows Jesus when he calls Matthew. He closes his booth to serve the true King. He then invited Jesus to dinner (Mt 9;9-10).
Matthew is called Levi by the gospels. This could indicate that Matthew is from Levi, but we aren’t sure (Mk 2:4-15; Lk 5:27-29).
29. John Mark (Mark)
John Mark, the Bible John Mark, is an interesting character in the background to the New Testament. In the book of Acts, Mark is our first encounter. Peter miraculously escapes prison and goes to Mark’s home (Ac 12/12). Later, Paul and Barnabas take Mark with them on their missionary trip as a helper. But he returns to Jerusalem (13.5, 13).
Barnabas suggests that Paul and Barnabas bring John Mark back to Cyprus, but Paul doesn’t like it (15:37–38). Paul and Barnabas were so at odds that they split: Barnabas took Mark to Cyprus, and Paul started a new missionary team (15.39-40).
Mark matures, though. Decades later, Mark is considered useful by Paul (2 Ti 4:11) and a son of Peter (1 Pe 5 13). Tradition says that Mark is the one who wrote down Peter’s stories about Jesus. This is how we got our Gospel of Mark.
30. Luke (Luke | Acts)
Authors of the Bible Luke describes Paul as a physician who follows him through thick and thin (Co 4:14 & 2 Ti 4:11) as Paul has to take a lot (2 Co 24ff).
Luke’s greatest legacy, however, is his contribution to the New Testament. Luke wrote more about the NT than any other person (yes, even more than Paul). Luke is a meticulous journalist.
He records Jesus’ life and ministry in sequential order (Lk 1:1-4), then later, he records the history and origins of the early church (Ac 1:2-2). Luke writes these accounts for Theophilus, a mysterious Christian interested in learning more about his Christian faith.
31. John (John | 1 John | 2 John | 3 John | Revelation)
John is another apostle, a former Galilean fisherman who followed Jesus (Mk 1:19-20). John and James are called Sons of Thunder by the Lord (Mk 3:17). Although the Bible does not mention how John earned this nickname (Mk 3:17), John seems to have a stormy personality at points (Lk 9;51-56).
John is made a pillar in the early church after the resurrection (Ga 2:9). He then gives a convincing account of Jesus’ earthly ministry and death. Then he writes four letters. (The last, Revelation, contains many apocalyptic visions. John is a member of the Ephesus church’s elders, according to tradition. He eventually goes to the Isle of Patmos (Rev 1:19).
Fun fact: John is the author of the longest epistle (Revelation) and the shortest (John). 3 John is the shortest Bible book.
32. Paul (Romans–Philemon)
Paul, the author of the Bible, may not have the same word count as Moses, but he has written more individual documents than any other biblical writer 13 to be exact.
Paul is not the leader of the church when we meet him for the first time. He’s leading the charge against it. Paul, also known as Saul, kidnaps Christians from Judea and takes them to Jerusalem to be punished for their blasphemy. This punishment was usually death or prison (Ac 8;9:1-2).
Paul’s life is forever altered when Jesus stops him on the way to Damascus. He is made an apostle and becomes the face of the Roman Empire’s church to non-Jews (Ep 3:3, 8). He travels the globe planting churches and spreading Jesus Christ’s gospel message.
Paul’s letters to Christians all over the globe make up his contribution to the Bible. Some letters were addressed to churches that he had established, while others were directed to churches that he hoped to visit one day. Paul also wrote to leaders of local churches like Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.
33. James (James)
Author of the Bible James James is the younger brother to Jesus (Mt 13.55; Mk 6.3) and the son of Mary & Joseph. James does not believe in Jesus Christ while the Lord goes about his earthly ministry (Jn 7.5). All that changes when Jesus rises from death. James is the first to see Jesus (1 Co 15:7). James then becomes one of the key leaders in the early church.
James is particularly adept at balancing Christ’s freedom with God’s holiness. James offers some pointers to help the church decide how the Gentiles should deal with the Law of Moses.
James later wrote a letter to Christian Jews spread across the globe, encouraging them not to give up on their faith. This letter is known as the Book of James.
34. Peter (1 Peter | 2 Peter)
Peter, the author of the Bible Peter. We all, know Peter. Peter is the leader of the 12 apostles and a pillar of the early church (Ga 2:19). Peter, like Paul, is charged with the mission of bringing the gospel message to the Gentiles (Ga 2:17).
This man is quite hardcore. He walks on water (Mt14:29), he removes an ear from a man to protect Jesus (Mk14:29, 31; Jn 18:10), then he boldly proclaims that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed One (Mt16:16).
He is also the one who denied Jesus three times during the Lord’s trial (Jn 18.15-16), but the resurrection transforms him completely. Peter proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ in the city when the Holy Spirit visits the church.
Peter was the author of two books on the Bible. Both are named after him. The first describes how Christians should live in this world as aliens: although we will suffer, it is nothing compared with the glory that awaits us. The second letter encourages Christians to keep Peter’s lessons, even after their death (2 Pe 1:13-14).
35 Jude (Jude)
Authors of the Bible Jude Jude is Jesus and James’ younger brother (Jude 1) He didn’t believe Jesus was his savior during Jesus’ earthly ministry (Jn 7;5). But, after the resurrection, he became Christian. Jude wrote one book in the Bible, a letter encouraging believers to contend about the faith (Jude 3-4).
Who wrote the first 6 books of the bible?
The Book of Genesis, the first book of Scripture and the first of five books of Pentateuch, was written by Moses. Moses wrote the majority of the Pentateuch during Israel’s exile (1446 to 1406 BCE).
Which disciples wrote books of the Bible?
These books are Matthew Mark, Luke, Luke, and John because Matthew was thought to be a tax collector disciple; John is the Beloved disciple mentioned in the Fourth Gospel; Mark is the secretary of the disciple Peter; Luke is the traveling companion of Paul.
Who decided on the books of the Bible?
Jason Combs, an assistant professor at Brigham Young University specializing in ancient Christianity, says that there was not one church authority or council that rubber stamped the biblical canon (official listing of books in the Bible).
Did Jesus write any part of the Bible?
Jesus did not author any books in the Bible. The apostles of Jesus vis Matthew Mark. Luke, Luke, and John wrote the Gospels. James and Paul wrote some books.
Tradition has it that Paul was the author of 14 books in the New Testament. Seven of the 14 books are accepted by all as his, but there is still much debate about the other.
Read more:
- How Many Books In The Catholic Bible?
- How Many Books Were Removed From The Bible?
- What Are The Books Of The Bible?
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