Must Knows

MahaDBT Scholarship 2022: Everything you should know

[] In this article, we examine everything about the Maharashtra Direct Benefit Transfer (MahaDBT) Scholarship 2022-23 programme, such as how to register for MahaDBT Scholarship, documents required for registration and details about scholarship form last date

Maharashtra Direct Benefit Transfer (MahaDBT) Scholarship is one of the most valuable programmes that the state offers. Maharashtra, through MahaDBT portal at, provides scholarships to students who are unable to afford education fees. The portal is a one-stop solution for students looking for scholarships, as they can avail of different MahaDBT Scholarships based on types of students and categories. With this portal, students can easily avail of the scholarship without visiting the concerned Maharashtra government office. The MahaDBT portal can be accessed in English and Marathi.

You are reading: MahaDBT Scholarship 2022: Everything you should know

MahaDBT Scholarship 2022: Everything you should know


[] Bonafide certificate meaning

MahaDBT Scholarship aim

The MahaDBT Scholarship aims at providing transparent financial assistance for education. The state helps in minimising the drop in education leakage through this.


MahaDBT Scholarship: Post matric scholarship schemes 

Department MahaDBT Scholarship
Social Justice and Special Assistance Department · Government of India Post-Matric Scholarship

· Post-Matric Tuition Fee and Examination Fee (Freeship)

· Maintenance allowance for students studying in professional courses

· Rajarshri Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Merit Scholarship

· Post-Matric Scholarship for persons with disability

· Vocational training fee reimbursement for students belonging to Scheduled Caste category

Tribal Development Department · Post Matric Scholarship Scheme (Government of India)

· Tuition Fee and Exam Fee for Tribal students (Freeship)

· Vocational Education Fee Reimbursement

· Vocational Education Maintenance Allowance

· Vocational Training Fee reimbursement for students belonging to Scheduled Tribe category

Directorate of Higher Education · Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Scheme

· Assistance to Meritorious students’ scholarship – Junior Level

· Education concession to children of Ex-servicemen

· Eklavya Scholarship

· State Government Open Merit Scholarship

· Scholarship to Meritorious students possessing Mathematics /Physics

· Government Vidyaniketan Scholarship

· State Government Daxshina Adhichatra Scholarship

· Government Research Adhichatra

· Education concession to children of Freedom Fighters

· Jawaharlal Nehru University Scholarship

· Assistance to Meritorious students’ scholarship – Senior Level

· Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh Nirvah Bhatta Yojna (DHE)

Directorate of Technical Education · Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Yojna (EBC)

· Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Vastigruh Nirvah Bhatta Yojna (DTE)

School Education and Sports Department · Open Merit Scholarships in Junior College

· Merit Scholarships for Economically Backward Class Students

OBC, SEBC, VJNT & SBC Welfare Department · Post Matric Scholarship to VJNT Students

· Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to VJNT Students

· Payment of maintenance allowance to VJNT and SBC students studying in Professional Courses and living in Hostel attached to Professional Colleges

· Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Merit Scholarship for students studying in 11th & 12th standard of VJNT & SBC category

· Post Matric Scholarship to OBC students

· Post Matric Scholarship to SBC students

· Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to OBC Students

· Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to SBC Students

· Vocational training fee reimbursement for OBC, SEBC, VJNT & SBC Welfare Department students

Directorate of Medical Education and Research · Rajarshri Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Fee Reimbursement Scheme

· Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Hostel Maintenance Allowance

· Education fee reimbursement for open category students affected due to SEBC and EWS reservation in medical and dental colleges

Minority Development Department · State Minority Scholarship Part II (DHE)

· Scholarship for students of minority communities pursuing Higher and Professional courses (DTE)

· Scholarship for students of minority communities pursuing Higher and Professional courses (DMER)

Directorate of Art · Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Yojna (EBC)

· Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh Nirvah Bhatta Yojna (DOA)

Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri · Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Yojna (EBC)

· Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh Nirvah Bhatta Yojna (AGR)

MAFSU Nagpur · Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Yojna (EBC)

· Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh Nirvah Bhatta Yojna (MAFSU)

Skill Development, Employment and Entrepreneurship Department · Vocational training fee reimbursement for students belonging to socially and educationally backward class and open category (economically weaker section) students

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Source: MahaDBT


On, click on ‘Post Matric Scholarship’ tab on the top, to access various post matric scholarship schemes available. Click on the scheme that fits your requirements and you will get all details regarding the MahaDBT like MahaDBT scholarship 2020-21 last date, etc.

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For example, if you click on ‘Government of India Post-Matric Scholarship’ listed under ‘Social Justice and Special Assistance Department’, you will reach the following page that gives you all details about the MahaDBT scholarship, including overview, benefits, eligibility and renewal policy, documents required, etc.

MahaDBT Scholarship 2022: Everything you should know

You will also see ‘Login to Apply’ button, where you can click if you want to apply for the scholarship. Similarly, you can apply for any scholarship listed on the page like the MSBTE scholarship.

MahaDBT Scholarship: Eligibility criteria of scholarships under different departments


MahaDBT Scholarship eligibility for Social Justice and Special Assistance Department

Scholarship name Eligibility
Government of India Post-Matric Scholarship  

• Annual income shall be less than or equal to Rs 2,50,000

• Student should be a resident of Maharashtra

• Student category should be SC or Navbouddha

• Student should be SSC or equivalent Matric pass

• Only two professional courses are allowed

• If a student fails for the first time, he will get exam fees and maintenance allowance. The second time failure won’t get allowance.

• If a student studies outside Maharashtra, the same rules are applicable as per the Government of India.

Post-Matric Tuition Fee and Examination Fee (Freeship) · Annual income should be above Rs 2,50,000

• Student category should be SC or Navbouddha

• Student should be resident of Maharashtra

• Student should have passed SSC or equivalent Matric

• The institute should be in Maharashtra and be government recognized.

• Admission only through CAP round for professional courses

• Only one failure is allowed in entire curriculum

Maintenance allowance for student studying in professional courses · Student should be admitted in a professional course

· Students should be the scholarship holder under Government of India

· Annual income should be less than or equal to Rs 2.5 lakhs. The income limit will be according to the Government of India scholarship scheme, i.e., annual income limit should be less than or equal to 2.5 lakhs

Rajarshri Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Merit Scholarship · Student should be a resident of Maharashtra and from SC category

· No income limit for this MahaDBT scholarship

· Students must be studying in class 11th or class 12th

· Students should have secured 75% or above in class 10th.

Post-Matric Scholarship for persons with disability • Student should be disabled (40% or above) and resident of Maharashtra

• Should be studying in recognised institute in or outside Maharashtra

• Scholarship won’t be applied for incomplete course or failing in the same

• If a candidate applies on the criteria of HSC/SSC/Degree, then the scholarship won’t be applied twice, i.e., the course is allowed only once

• If a student is PG from medical field and he is not allowed to practice out of the institute, then he is eligible.

• Students in Arts, Science and Commerce who discontinue a course and apply for professional course, technical education certificate /diploma /degree is applicable for the scholarship. But except group “A”, if the candidate fails the scholarship, he will not be applicable for the scholarship.

• Candidate can only apply for Shahu Maharaj Merit Scholarship with this scheme and can’t apply for another scheme.

• Full-time employed candidate is not eligible

Vocational training fee reimbursement for students belonging to Scheduled Caste category · Candidates should be residents of Maharashtra

· Admission taken through PPP scheme in a Government Skill Development Institute or Private Institute and admitted through central online admission process

· Admission to be taken for DGT, New Delhi or MSCVT approved courses

· No scholarship for Management Quota Admission

· Student should belong to SC Category and provide caste certificate

· Overall family income limit should be Rs. 8 Lakh

· Recommendation letter required by orphan candidates

· If taking this scholarship, candidate should not have taken any benefit for course previously from government or private ITI.

· Candidates should not have taken any benefit for training program sponsored by state/central government/department/local body/company or corporation.

· Non-satisfactory educational progress due to academic year failure, irregularity in attendance will result in candidates’ rejections for the scholarship.


Read also : Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Source: MahaDBT


MahaDBT Scholarship eligibility for Tribal Development Department 

Scholarship name Eligibility
Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme (Government of India) · Applicable for ST only

· Family income should be less than or equal to Rs 2.5 lakhs

· Minimum SSC pass

· Consequent drops for two years will not be allowed to fill the MahaDBT scholarship application form

Tuition Fee & Exam Fee for Tribal Students (Freeship) · Applicable for ST only

· Family income should be less than or equal to Rs 2.5 lakhs

· Students need to pass previous year exams

· Failing in any year will result in non-payment of scholarship for that year

Vocational Education Fee Reimbursement · Applicable for ST only

· Family annual income limit should be less than

Rs 2,50,000

Vocational Education Maintenance Allowance · Applicable for ST only

· If family income is less than or equal to Rs 2,50,000, students will get the scholarship. If family income is more than Rs 2,50,000, student will get a freeship renewal policy provided he passes previous year examination

· If student fails in any year, then he cannot avail the scholarship for that particular year

Vocational Training Fee Reimbursement for Students belonging to Scheduled Tribe category · Student should belong to ST category

· Domicile of Maharashtra

· Scheme applicable for SSC Pass and SSC Fail

Admission taken through PPP scheme in Government Skill Development Institute or Private Institute and admitted through central online admission process

· No fee reimbursement for management quota admission

· Overall family income will be considered

· Student should not have taken any course benefit earlier from the government or private ITI.

· Scholarship benefits applicable to only two children

· Non-satisfactory educational progress due to failure in academic year, inadequate attendance criteria, etc., will result in student not getting the reimbursement

Read also : Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Source: MahaDBT

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MahaDBT Scholarship eligibility for Directorate of Higher Education 

Scholarship name Eligibility
Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Scheme · Candidate should be a domicile of Maharashtra. Applicant can also be a resident of Maharashtra or Karnataka state border.

· Family annual income limit is up to Rs 8 lakhs.

· First two children are eligible for the MahaDBT scholarship.

· General and SEBC categories candidates are eligible.

· Candidates should not avail of any scholarship or stipend.

· The MahaDBT scholarship is not for students who take admission in part-time, virtual learning and distance education courses.

· Courses approved by (government /university/AICTE, PCI/COA/MCI/NCTE/etc.) are eligible for the MahaDBT scholarship.

For the MahaDBT scholarship, candidates should not have a gap of two years and candidate should attempt every semester exam and annual exam during the course.

Assistance to Meritorious Students (AMS) Scholarship 1) For AMS scholarship (Junior Level)

  • Top rank students in secondary and higher secondary examinations from grades 11 and 12 are eligible.
  • For Renewal: Junior level student must have 55% marks and admission to next class
  • DHE sanctioned letter
  • Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra can apply.


2) AMS Scholarship (Senior Level)

Top rank students in secondary and higher secondary examinations who have completed grade 12 are eligible.

  • For Renewal: Senior level students must have 65% marks and admission to next class.
  • DHE sanctioned letter
  • Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra can apply
Education Concession to children of Ex-Servicemen


· Applicants should be son/daughter/wife/widow of an ex-serviceman

· MahaDBT scholarship allowed only for government and aided college

· Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra cannot apply for this scheme

Eklavya Scholarship · Applicants must graduate from Law, Commerce and Arts with 60% marks and 70% for Science graduates

· Applicant parents’ annual income should be less than or equal to Rs 75,000.

· Applicant must be a resident of Maharashtra

· Applicant should not do part-time or full-time job anywhere

· Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra cannot apply for this MahaDBT scholarship

State Government Open Merit Scholarship  · Applicant must be a resident of Maharashtra

· Applicant should get at least 60% in class 12

· Only applicable for Arts, Commerce, Science and Law streams

· Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra cannot apply for this MahaDBT scholarship.

Scholarship to Meritorious students possessing Mathematics /Physics · Applicants need to get 60% in Science in 12th and over 60% in Maths and Physics

· Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra cannot apply for this MahaDBT scholarship

· Applicant must be a resident of Maharashtra

Government Vidyaniketan Scholarship · Applicants need to get 60% marks in 10th

· Applicants need to pass 10th from the state government Vidyanikethan only

· Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra cannot apply for this MahaDBT scholarship.

· The applicant must be a resident of Maharashtra

State Government Daxshina Adhichatra Scholarship · Applicants must be graduate (non-agricultural universities).

· Only government colleges (a)Elphinstone College, Bombay (b)Institute of Science, Bombay (c) Ismaail Yusuf College, Jogeshwari (d) Sydenham College of Commerce (e) Government Law College, Bombay (f) Rajaram College, Kolhapur (g) College of Science, Nagpur (h) Nagpur Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur (i) Vidarbha Mahavidyalaya, Amravati (j) Government Arts and Science College, Aurangabad and Mumbai University, Pune University, Nagpur University, Kolhapur and SNDT

· Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra cannot apply for this MahaDBT scholarship

· Applicant must be a resident of Maharashtra

Government Research Adhichatra · Applicant must be post-graduate

· Applicant must be a resident of Maharashtra

· Applicant should have 60% marks in post- graduation, B.A./B.Sc./B.Ed., and M.A./M.Sc./M.Ed. and for any other degree below 60% marks is applicable

· Only Government Science Institute (Mumbai, Nagpur, Aurangabad) and Government Vidarbha Gyan Vigyan Science Institute (Amravati), Vasantrao Naik Mahavidyalaya College (Nagpur), universities and affiliated colleges

· Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra cannot apply for this MahaDBT scholarship

Education concession to children Freedom Fighters · Students should be son/daughter/wife/widow of freedom fighters

· Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra cannot apply for this MahaDBT scholarship

· Domicile of Maharashtra

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)


· Maharashtrian students who studied in JNU are eligible. Quota is only for one decided by JNU

· UG and PG (JNU students) are applicable for scheme

· Domicile of Maharashtra

Assistance to Meritorious Students (AMS) scholarship – Senior Level 1) For AMS scholarship (Junior Level)

  • Top rank students in secondary and higher secondary examinations from grades 11 and 12 are eligible.
  • For Renewal: Junior level student must have 55% marks and admission to next class
  • DHE sanctioned letter
  • Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra can apply.

2) AMS scholarship (Senior Level)

  • Top rank students in secondary and higher secondary examinations who have completed grade 12 are eligible.
  • For Renewal: Senior level students must have 65% marks and admission to next class.
  • DHE sanctioned letter

Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra can apply.

Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh Nirvah Bhatta Yojna (DHE) · Applicant should be domicile of Maharashtra

· For professional courses, applicants should be a child of registered labour, child of Alpabhudarak or both. Total annual income of family should not be more than Rs 8 lakhs.

· For non-professional courses, applicants should have upto 1 Lakh family annual income.

· Applicant should submit Family Annual Income Certificate.

· As per the government resolution, first two children are eligible for MahaDBT scholarship scheme.

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· Candidates from general category and SEBC category can apply.

· Applicants should be hosteller (government/private hostel/ paying guest/ tenant).

· Applicants should not avail any other Nirvah Bhatta benefits.

· Courses approved by government/AICTE,PCI/ COA/MCI/NCTE/university are eligible.

· During the course, applicants should not have a gap of two years.

· Applicants should attempt every semester exam.

Read also : Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Source: MahaDBT


MahaDBT Scholarship eligibility for Directorate of Technical Education 

Scholarship name Eligibility
Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Yojna · Candidates of general category and SEBC category allowed

· Applicants should be national of India and domicile of Maharashtra

· Applicants should be ‘Bonafide student at a recognised Institute’ and admitted for professional and technical course

· Students of Deemed University and private university are not eligible

· Applications should be done through Centralized Admission Process (CAP).

· No other scholarship should have been availed by applicants

· Only two children from a family are allowed for benefit of scheme for MahaDBT scholarship 2021-22

· Family income should not be over Rs 8 lakhs.

· Applicants should have minimum 50% attendance in previous semester

· Candidate to avail MahaDBT scholarship should not have a gap of two or more years.

Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh Nirvah Bhatta Yojna · Candidates of general category and SEBC category allowed

· Applicants should be national of India and domicile of Maharashtra

· Applicant should be ‘Bonafide student at a recognised Institute’ and admitted for professional and technical course

· Students of Deemed University and private university are not eligible

· Applications should be done through Centralized Admission Process (CAP).

· No other scholarship should have been availed by applicants

· Only two children from a family are allowed for benefit of scheme for MahaDBT scholarship 2021-22

· Family income should not be over Rs 8 lakhs

· Applicants should have minimum 50% attendance in previous semester

Candidate to avail MahaDBT scholarship should not have a gap of two or more years.

Read also : Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Source: MahaDBT


MahaDBT Scholarship eligibility for School Education and Sports Department

Scholarship name Eligibility
Open Merit Scholarships in Junior College • Candidates should be in Class 11 or 12.

• Candidates should have secured at least 60% in SSC examination in first attempt.

• MahaDBT scholarship will be continued based on progress and securing at least 50% marks in first year of Junior College

• All beneficiary categories can apply

Merit Scholarships for Economically Backward Class student ·  Candidates should have at least scored 50% in SSC examination.

·  Only students who cleared examination in first attempt can avail the MahaDBT scholarship

Read also : Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Source: MahaDBT

MahaDBT Scholarship eligibility For OBC, SEBC, VJNT & SBC Welfare Department

Scholarship name Eligibility
Post Matric Scholarship to VJNT Students · Family annual income should be less than or equal to Rs 1.5 lakhs.

· VJNT category applicants can apply

· Applicants must be residents of Maharashtra

· Applicants must pursue the course approved by the government from Post Matric.

· Maintenance allowance and exam fees are paid to applicants if they get promoted to next class. If applicants fail in a particular year, then they will get the tuition fees, exam fees and maintenance allowance of that academic year but no benefits until they get promoted to next class.

· Applicants should come via CAP round for professional courses.

· Only two children can benefit from the MahaDBT scholarship with exception for girls (any number of girl applicants allowed).

· No scholarship will be paid to applicants under this scheme from the date they accept another scholarship/stipend

· 75% attendance is mandatory for current year.

· Applicants will be eligible for scholarships if they change the course from non-professional to professional, but they will not be eligible if they do the opposite.

· Scholarships/freeship will continue until applicants complete one course, for example, 11th, 12th, B.A., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. If applicants completed B.A. and B.Ed. courses and later take admission in M.A. They will not be allowed for scholarship/freeship. But after admission in M.B.A. after B.Ed., they can be eligible for scholarship/freeship as it is a professional post-graduate course.

· Applicants studying in a particular professional/non-professional course, and availing benefits of scholarship/freeship for the course cannot get benefits if they want to change their existing course in the middle of an academic year.


Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to VJNT Students · Applicants must have Post Matric education

· Applicants should belong to VJNT category.

· Parent’s annual income should be less than or equal to Rs 8 lakhs.

· Applicants must be residents of Maharashtra.

· Applicants should pursue education course approved by the government for Post Matric courses by taking admission in government aided/private non-aided/ private permanently non-aided for professional courses

· Degree courses in Health Science: If applicants admitted through Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges entrance examination or admitted via government common entrance examination then they will be eligible for the freeship.

· In case of Higher and Technical Education Department, freeship will be applicable to unaided colleges/government and aided colleges with technical education/polytechnic and government unaided professional courses.

· Agriculture, animal husbandry and dairy development and fisheries department: The scholarship fees will be applicable to applicants were admitted through government quota in private unaided/permanently unaided institute.

· For B.Ed. and D.Ed. courses: 100% benefit (tuition and exam fees) is applicable for D.Ed., B.Ed. courses. For students studying in aided, unaided for D.Ed., B.Ed. courses, the fee structure is applicable as per government rates for same course.

· For professional courses, applicants should be admitted through CAP.

· If applicants fail in a particular year, they will get the tuition and exam fees of that academic year but won’t get benefits until they get promoted to the next class.

· Applicants will be eligible for scholarship if they change course from non–professional to professional but won’t be eligible if they change course from professional to non-professional.

· Applicants pursuing professional course in private unaided/permanently unaided institute from 2015-16 onwards fail in the examination two or more times in an academic year, they are not eligible for the freeship.

· MahaDBT scholarship/freeship will continue until applicants complete a course.

· Applicants studying in professional/non-professional courses, availing benefits of scholarship/freeship for that academic course cannot benefit from the same if they change their existing courses in the middle of academic years.

Payment of Maintenance Allowance to VJNT and SBC Students Studying in Professional Courses and Living in Hostels Attached to Professional Colleges · Applicants should opt for professional course

· Applicants must belong to VJNT and SBC categories

· Applicants should be eligible for Post Matric Scholarship.

· Applicants’ parents’ annual income should be less than or equal to Rs 1 lakh

· Applicants should submit application forms for admission in government hostels.

· Applicants are not eligible for maintenance allowance if they take admission in government hostels.

· Applicants should have hostels attached to professional colleges or should produce certificates of non-availability of rooms.

· Applicants residing outside hostels, should submit certificates that they had applied for government and college hostels but could not get admission though eligible for it.

· If applicants fail in academic year, they will get the maintenance allowance for that year and thereon will not get until they get promoted to the next class.

· Applicants will be eligible for scholarship if they change course from non-professional to professional but won’t be eligible if they change the course from professional to non-professional.

· Scholarships/ freeship will continue until applicants complete a course.

Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Merit Scholarship for Students in 11th & 12th Standard of VJNT & SBC Categories · Applicants should belong to Vimukta Jatis, Nomadic Tribes or Special Backward Class.

· Applicants must be in 11th and 12th in Junior College.

· No income limit for the MahaDBT scholarship.

· Applicants should secure 75% marks and above in grade 10th

· Scholarship benefits can be taken in addition to Post Matric Scholarship.

· Education gap is not allowed for this MahaDBT scholarship.

· Applicants must be residents of Maharashtra.

Post Matric Scholarship to OBC Students · Parents/guardian’s annual income should be less than or equal to Rs. 1.5 lakhs.

· Applicants should belong to OBC category.

· Applicants must be residents of Maharashtra.

· Applicants must be pursuing the course approved by the government from Post Matric.

· If applicants fail in academic year, they will get tuition, exam fees and maintenance allowance of that academic year but they won’t get benefits until they get promoted to next grade.

· Applicants should join via CAP round for professional courses only.

· Any number of girls applicants are allowed, but boys applicants maximum of two for same parents will be eligible for the MahaDBT Scholarship.

· No scholarship will be paid to applicants under this scheme from the date they accept another scholarship/stipend.

· 75% attendance is mandatory for current year.

· Applicants will be eligible for scholarship if they change their course from non-professional to professional but not eligible if they change the course from professional to non-professional.

· Scholarships/freeship will continue until applicants complete a course.

· Applicants studying in professional/non-professional courses, and availing benefits of scholarship/ freeship for that course cannot get benefits if they change course mid-way

Post Matric Scholarship to SBC Students · Parents/guardians’ annual income should be less than or equal to Rs 1.5 lakhs.

· Applicant should belong to SBC category.

· Applicants must be residents of Maharashtra.

· Applicants must be pursuing a course approved by the government from Post Matric.

· If applicants fail in a year, they will get tuition and exam fees with maintenance allowance of that year, but they won’t get benefits until they get promoted to next grade.

· Applicants should only come through CAP round for professional courses.

· Any number of girl applicants allowed, but only two boy applicants of the same parent, will be eligible for the MahaDBT Scholarship.

· No scholarship will be paid to applicants under this scheme from the date they accept another scholarship/stipend

· 75% attendance is mandatory for current year.

· Applicants will be eligible for scholarship if they change the course from non-professional to professional but won’t be eligible if they change the course from professional to non-professional.

· Scholarships/freeship will continue until applicants complete a course.

Applicants studying professional/non-professional courses, and availing benefits of scholarship/freeship for that course cannot get benefits if they change it midway

Tuition & Examination Fees to OBC Students · Applicants must take Post Matric education.

· Parent’s annual income should be less than or equal to Rs 8 lakhs.

· Applicants should belong to OBC category.

· Applicants must be pursuing the course approved by government from Post Matric course.

· Applicants must be residents of Maharashtra.

· Applicants must take admissions in government-aided/ private non-aided/private permanently non-aided courses.

· Degree courses in Health Science (Medical, Dental, Homeopathy, Unani, Ayurveda, Physiotherapy, Business Aid, Nursing): If applicants admitted through Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges entrance examination or admitted through government common entrance examination, they will be eligible for the freeship.

· Higher and Technical Education Department: Freeship will be applicable to unaided colleges/government and aided colleges with technical education/polytechnic and government unaided professional courses. Followings are the applicable courses for this scheme:

• Diploma – Engineering, Pharmacology, HMCT

• Degree – Engineering, Pharmacology, HMCT

• Post-Graduate –MBA/MMS, MCA

·  Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development and Fisheries Department – The MahaDBT scholarship fees will be applicable to applicants who have been admitted through government quota in private unaided/permanently unaided institute.

• Agricultural colleges (diploma)

• Dairy Business Department (Diploma)

• Colleges for Agricultural and Allied subjects (Degree and Post-Graduate)

• Agriculture and Biotechnology Colleges (Degree and Post-Graduate)

• Agriculture and Food Technology Colleges (Graduate and Post-Graduate)

·  For B.Ed. and D.Ed. courses: 100 % benefit (Tuition and Exam Fees) is applicable for D.Ed., B.Ed. courses. For students studying in aided, unaided for D.Ed., B.Ed. courses, fee structure is applicable as per government rates for the same course.

·  For professional courses, applicants should be admitted only through CAP round.

·  If applicants fail in a year, they will get tuition and exam fees of that academic year, but they won’t get benefit until they get promoted to next class.

·  Applicants will be eligible for scholarship if they change the course non-professional to professional but won’t be eligible for vice-versa.

·  If an applicant pursuing professional course admitted in private unaided/permanently unaided institute from 2015-16 onwards fails in an examination two or more times in a course, he/she will not be eligible for freeship.

·  Applicants studying in professional/non-professional course and availing benefits of scholarship/freeship for that course cannot avail those if they change course in midway.

·  Scholarships/freeship will continue until applicants complete a course.

Tuition & Examination Fees to SBC Students ·  Applicants must be taking Post Matric course.

·  Parent’s annual income should be less than or equal to Rs 8 lakhs.

·  Applicants should belong to SBC category.

·  Applicants must be pursuing the course approved by government for Post Matric course

·  Applicants must be residents of Maharashtra.

·  Applicants must take admission in government aided/private non-aided/private permanently non-aided courses.

·  Degree Courses in Health Science (Medical, Dental, Homeopathy, Unani, Ayurveda, Physiotherapy, Business Aid, Nursing): If applicants admitted through Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges entrance examination or admitted through government common entrance examination, they will be eligible for the freeship.

·  Higher and Technical Education Department: Freeship will be applicable to unaided colleges/government and aided colleges with technical education/polytechnic and government unaided professional courses. Followings are applicable courses for this scheme:

• Diploma – Engineering, Pharmacology, HMCT

• Degree – Engineering, Pharmacology, HMCT

• Post-Graduate – MBA/MMS, MCA

·  Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development and Fisheries Department: The MahaDBT scholarship fees will be applicable to applicants who have been admitted through government quota in private unaided/permanently unaided institute.

• Agricultural colleges (Diploma)

• Dairy Business Department (Diploma)

• Colleges for Agricultural and Allied subjects (Degree and Post-Graduate)

• Agriculture and Biotechnology Colleges (Degree and Post-Graduate)

• Agriculture and Food Technology Colleges (Graduate and Post-Graduate)

·  For B.Ed. and D.Ed. courses: 100% benefit (Tuition Fees, Exam Fees) is applicable for D.Ed., B.Ed. courses. For students studying in aided, unaided for D.Ed., B.Ed. courses then fee structure is applicable as per government rates for the same course.

·  For professional courses, applicants should be admitted only through CAP round.

·  If applicants fail in a year, they will get tuition and exam fees of that year, but they won’t get benefits until they get promoted to next class.

·  Applicants will be eligible for scholarship if they change the course non-professional to professional but won’t be eligible for vice-versa.

·  If an applicant pursuing professional course admitted in private unaided/permanently unaided institute from 2015-16 onwards, fails in examination two or more times in academic course duration, they will not be eligible for freeship.

·  Applicants studying in professional/non-professional course and availing benefits of scholarship/freeship for the course, cannot avail it if they change course in midway.

·  Scholarships/freeship will continue until applicants complete a course.

Vocational Training Fee Reimbursement for OBC, SEBC, VJNT & SBC Welfare Department Students ·  Admission taken through PPP scheme in Government Skill Development Institute or Private Institute and admitted through central Online Admission Process.

·  No fees reimbursement for Management Quota Admission

·  Student should belong to OBC, SEBC, VJNT & SBC categories and should provide caste certificates.

·  Overall family income should be Rs. 8 Lakh.

·  Orphan candidates require recommendation letter.

·  Candidate should not have taken any benefit for course or training program previously from government or private ITI.

·  Domicile of Maharashtra

·  Admission taken for DGT, New Delhi or MSCVT approved courses.

·  MahaDBT scholarship benefit is applicable to only two children

·  Attendance criteria is mandatory.

·  Candidates need to attend all semester exams.

·  Non-satisfactory educational progress like failure, insufficient attendance, etc. will result into non-eligibility for reimbursement.

Read also : Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Source: MahaDBT


MahaDBT Scholarship eligibility for Directorate of Medical Education and Research Department

Scholarship name Eligibility
Rajarshri Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Fee Reimbursement Scheme · For MBBS/BDS and other courses, applicants’ family annual income should be less than Rs 8 lakhs.

· Candidates under general category and SEBC are eligible for admission

Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Hostel Maintenance Allowance · For students with admission for MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, BPTH, BOTH, B.Sc. Nursing, BUMS, BP & O, BASLP in government aided/corporation/private unaided colleges, family annual income should be less than or equal to Rs. 8 Lakh.

· Applicants whose parents are Alpabhudharak Shetkari/registered labourers.

· Hostel maintenance allowance for students with annual income less than Rs 1,00,000; Rs 3,000 per year for Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad and Rs 2,000 per year for other locations. (For 10 months in an academic year).

· Hostel maintenance allowance for students whose parents are Aplabhudharak shetkari/Registered Labourers: Rs 30,000 per year for Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad and Rs 20,000 per year for other locations (For 10 months in an academic year).

· MahaDBT scholarship not applicable for students pursuing admission through management quota/institute level.

· Applicable for students who have taken hostel admission in Mumbai, Pune, Aurangabad, Nagpur, or other locations in Maharashtra.

· Candidates under general category and SEBC category are eligible.

Education Fee Reimbursement for Open Category Students Affected Due to SEBC and EWS Reservations in Medical and Dental Colleges  · Applicants should belong from open category.

· Applicants should take admissions through CAP.

· The MahaDBT scholarship is not applicable for Management Quota Admission.

· No income criteria for this MahaDBT scholarship scheme.

· Applicants should be domicile of Maharashtra.

· Deemed University students can’t apply for this MahaDBT scholarship scheme.

· Applicants shouldn’t have gap of two or more than two years in course period.

· Failure, misconduct, or irregular attendance will result in ineligibility. Such candidates will not be eligible.

Read also : Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Source: MahaDBT


MahaDBT Scholarship eligibility for Minority Development Department

Scholarship name Eligibility
State Minority Scholarship Part II (DHE) · Graduate and post-graduate can apply (Arts/Commerce/Science/Law/Education)

· Domicile of Maharashtra

· Income should be upto Rs 8 lakhs

· Only 2, 000 applicants will be provided quota (freshers)

· Maharashtrian students studying out of Maharashtra cannot apply for MahaDBT scholarship scheme.

Scholarship Scheme for State Minority Communities Pursuing Higher Professional Education/All Post H.S.C Courses (Part-I {(Technical Course (DTE)}. · Applicants should be Indian national and domicile of Maharashtra.

· Applicants should pass SSC from Maharashtra

· Applicants should be ‘Bonafide Student of Institute’ and admitted for professional and technical course (diploma/graduation/post-graduation degree) as mentioned in GR

· Candidates should be admitted through CAP/ Institute level.

· No other scholarship/stipend should be availed by applicants

· Annual family income should not be more than Rs 8 lakhs

Scholarship for Students of Minority Communities Pursuing Higher and Professional Courses (DMER) · For students who have taken admissions for MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, BPTH, BOTH, BASLP, BP&O, B.Sc. Nursing, M.Sc. Nursing, BPMT, OPTHALMIC ASST., OPTOMETRY, PB B.Sc. Nursing and courses affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik.

· Annual family income should be less than or equal to Rs 8 lakhs.

· Admission to course should be through CET/competitive exam/HSC marks

· 30% scholarship is reserved for girls.

· Applicants should be domicile of Maharashtra.

· Applicable for candidates studying outside Maharashtra, but they must be a domicile of Maharashtra/resident of Maharashtra for 15 years.

· If targeted amount of scholarship for particular minority community is not achieved, then other minority community student’s scholarship can be included in it.

· If candidate is studying outside Maharashtra, the following documents should be submitted:

-Letter from authority stating the institute is recognized

-Copy of FRA

-Bonafide for current academic year

Read also : Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Source: MahaDBT


MahaDBT Scholarship eligibility for Directorate of Art Department

Scholarship name Eligibility
Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Yojna (EBC) · Applicants should be domicile of Maharashtra.

· Applicants belonging to Maharashtra and Karnataka state border can apply for MahaDBT scholarship

· Family annual income limit is upto Rs 8 lakhs

· As per the government resolution, first two children are eligible for scheme.

· Candidates taken admission under general category are eligible.

· Applicants should not avail any other scholarship or stipend.

· Applicants are not eligible if they have taken admission in Distance Education, Virtual Learning, and part-time courses.

· During the course, candidates shouldn’t have a gap of two years.

· Applicants should attempt every semester exam.

Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh Nirvah Bhatta Yojna (DOA) · Applicants should be domicile of Maharashtra.

· For professional courses, applicants should be a child of registered labour, child of Alpabhudarak or both and total annual income of family/guardian should not be more than Rs 8 lakhs.

· Applicants should submit Family Annual Income Certificate.

· Only first two children are eligible to take benefits of the MahaDPT scheme.

· Candidates who have taken admissions under general category are eligible.

· Applicants should be hostellers. (government/private hostel/paying guest/tenant).

· Applicants should not avail any other Nirvah Bhatta benefit.

· During the course, candidates should not have a gap of two years.

· Applicants should attempt every semester exam.

Read also : Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Source: MahaDBT


MahaDBT Scholarship eligibility for Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri Department

Scholarship bame Eligibility
Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Yojna (EBC) · Applicants should be an Indian national.

· Applicants should be domicile of Maharashtra.

· Candidates under general and SEBC categories are eligible for MahaDBT scholarship.

· Applicants should be ‘Bonafide Student of Institute’ and admitted for professional, non-professional and technical course (Diploma/Graduation/Post- Graduation degree) as mentioned in GR 14th January 2019.

· Applicants from Deemed and private universities are not eligible.

· Applicants should be admitted through CAP.

· No other scholarship/stipend should be availed by applicants

· Only two children from a family are allowed to take benefits

· Total family income should not be more than Rs 8 lakhs.

· Applicant should have minimum of 50% attendance in previous semester (Exception for fresh admission in colleges).

· During course duration, candidate should not have a gap of two or more than two years.

Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh Nirvah Bhatta Yojna · Applicants should be an Indian national.

· Should be a domicile of Maharashtra 

· Candidates under general and SEBC categories are eligible for MahaDBT scholarship.

· Applicants should be ‘Bonafide Student of Institute’ and admitted for professional and technical course (Diploma/Graduation/Post-Graduation Degree) as mentioned in GR. 

· MahaDBT scholarship is not applicable for Deemed and Private universities. Candidates should be admitted through Centralized Admission Process (CAP).

· Applicants from Deemed and private universities are not eligible.

· Applicants should be admitted through CAP.

· No other scholarship/stipend should have been availed by applicants

· Only two children from a family are allowed to take benefits

· Total family income should not be more than Rs 8 lakhs.

· Applicants should have minimum of 50% attendance in previous semester (Exception for fresh admission in college).

· During the course duration, candidates should not have a gap of two or over two years.

Read also : Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Source: MahaDBT


MahaDBT Scholarship eligibility for MAFSU Nagpur Department

Scholarship name Eligibility
Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Shulkh Shishyavrutti Yojna · Applicants should be an Indian national.

· Candidates should be domicile of Maharashtra.

· Candidates took admission under general category are eligible for this MahaDBT scholarship

· Applicants should be ‘Bonafide Student of Institute’ and admitted for professional and technical courses (graduation/ post-graduation degree) as mentioned in GR.

· The MahaDBT scholarship is not applicable for Deemed and private universities.

· Candidates should be admitted through Centralized Admission Process (CAP).

· Applicants should not avail any other scholarship/stipend.

· Only two children from a family are allowed to benefit from the MahaDBT scheme.

· The total family income should not be more than Rs 8 lakhs.

· Minimum of 50% attendance in previous semester is important (exception for fresh admission in college).

· During the course, candidates should not have a gap of two years.

· Applicants should attempt every semester exam.

Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Vasatigruh Nirvah Bhatta Yojna · Applicants should be an Indian national.

· Candidates should be domicile of Maharashtra.

· Candidates taken admission under general category are eligible for this MahaDBT scholarship.

· Applicants should be ‘Bonafide Student of Institute’ and admitted for professional and technical course (graduation/post-graduation degree) as mentioned in GR.

· MahaDBT scholarship is not applicable for Deemed and private universities.

· Candidates should be admitted through Centralized Admission Process (CAP).

· Applicants should not avail any other maintenance allowance scheme.

· Only two children from a family are allowed to benefit from the scheme.

· Applicants should be child of registered labours or child of Alpabhudharak or both

· Total annual income of family/guardian should not be more than Rs 6 lakhs.

· Minimum of 50% attendance in previous semester (exception for fresh admission in college).

· During the course, candidates should not have a gap of two years.

· Applicants should be hostellers.

· Applicants should not avail maintenance allowance from any other scheme.

· Applicants should attempt every semester exam.

Read also : Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Source: MahaDBT


MahaDBT Scholarship for Skill Development, Employment and Entrepreneurship Department 

Scholarship name Eligibility

Vocational Training Fee Reimbursement for Students Belonging to Socially and Educationally Backward Class and Open Category (Economically Weaker Section) Students

· Admissions should be done through PPP scheme in Government Industrial Training Institute or Private Industrial Training Institute and through central Online Admission Process.

· No MahaDBT scholarship for Management Quota Admission.

· Applicants from Open and EWS categories can participate

· Total family income should be considered

· Recommendation letter needed for orphans

· Applicants should not take any benefit for course or any sponsored training programme

· Domicile of Maharashtra.

· Admissions taken for DGT, New Delhi or MSCVT approved courses

· The MahaDBT scholarship applicable to only two children.

· Attendance criteria is mandatory.

· Candidates need to attend each semester exam.

· Failures in academic year, irregular attendance, etc., will make the candidate ineligible.

Read also : Victory for cooperative societies, as Supreme Court approves the principle of mutuality, for CHS income

Source: MahaDBT


MahaDBT Scholarship: Documents required

To avail MahaDBT Scholarship, following documents are required. Submit documents according to the scholarship criteria. 

  • Authorised income certificate
  • Domicile certificate
  • Caste certificate
  • Caste validity certificate
  • Latest examination mark sheet
  • SSC/HSC mark sheet
  • College admission receipt
  • Hostel certificate
  • CAP round allotment certificate
  • Aadhaar card
  • Ration card
  • Disability certificate
  • Bank account details
  • Residence proof and mobile number
  • Birth certificate
  • Passport size photograph


MahaDBT Scholarship: Online registration procedure

To start with the online registration, visit the MahaDBT Scholarship website on and click on ‘New Applicant Registration’ on the right side of the page.

Enter details including applicant’s name, username, password, confirm password, email id, mobile number, and register. You will get OTPs in registered email id and mobile number for verification of both, email and mobile number. Once done, you will be successfully registered with the MahaDBT website.

MahaDBT Scholarship 2022: Everything you should know


The next step is to login using your username, password and captcha. You will be directed to a new registration page, where you will be asked for Aadhaar card. Note that Aadhaar number is required for processing MahaDBT Scholarship benefits. So, one needs to link the user id of the MahaDBT portal with Aadhaar card on priority basis.

MahaDBT Scholarship 2022: Everything you should know


Once linked, choose the scheme, fill the application form for MahaDBT, upload all documents required and submit the MahaDBT Scholarship form and get a print of the same for future reference.


MahaDBT Scholarship: Applicant login

For applicant login, on the MahaDBT website, click on ‘Post Matric Scholarship’ link.

MahaDBT Scholarship 2022: Everything you should know


Click on the applicant login and you will reach the page as shown below. Enter the username and password. You can access the MahaDBT website.

MahaDBT Scholarship 2022: Everything you should know


MahaDBT Scholarship: Institute/Dept/DDO login

On the website, click on ‘Institute/dept/DDO login’ and you will reach the following page.

mahadbt scholarship 2022 everything you should know 07 1

On this page, enter username, password and captcha. Login to proceed with MahaDBT Scholarship institute/dept/DDO login.


MahaDBT Scholarship: Grievance redressal

To address any grievance associated with MahaDBT, visit and click on grievance/ suggestions. A page as shown below will open where you need to enter details including name, mobile number, email id, district, taluka, department, scheme name, category, grievance/suggestion type, academic year, and comments. You also have the option of uploading supporting screenshots. Enter captcha and press submit.

MahaDBT Scholarship 2022: Everything you should know

MahaDBT Scholarship 2022: Everything you should know


MahaDBT download guidelines and rules

On the website, click on ‘guidelines and rules’ on the bottom left of the page. This page will open in a PDF format and includes MSBTE scholarship rules, which can be downloaded and accessed. The guidelines include rules for re-applying MahaDBT Scholarship 2020-21.

MahaDBT Scholarship 2022: Everything you should know


MahaDBT Scholarship: Download colleges list

On the website, click on ‘download colleges list’, just below guidelines and rules on the bottom left of the page. You will see an entire colleges list in excel format that gets downloaded in your computer and can be accessed.

MahaDBT Scholarship 2022: Everything you should know


MahaDBT contact information

You can contact MahaDBT helpline at 022-49150800 or call the Chief Minister Helpline (24 x7) toll free number at 1800 120 8040



When was the MahaDBT Scholarship 2020-21 last date?

The last date of MahaDBT Scholarship 2020-21 was October 20, 2021.

When was the MahaDBT Scholarship 2021-22 last date?

The last date of MahaDBT Scholarship 2021-22 was April 30, 2022.

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Category: Must Knows

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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