[ecis2016.org] We explain the common rules, as recommended in Vastu Shastra, for keeping birds and pets at home.
Humans have had long-standing associations with domestic animals. According to some studies, owning pets can have certain health benefits. Pets are known to decrease blood pressure, reduce stress, increase the feel-good hormone oxytocin levels, and even alleviate certain types of pain. To thank them for everything they do, we also need to ensure that they are properly taken care of. According to Vastu Shashtra, animals and birds such as love birds at home have an incredible ability to govern elements, putting an end to the universe’s evil energies. Lovebird is the common name given to some species of birds of the parrot family.
You are reading: Vastu rules for keeping pets and birds at home
If you want to keep your pets happy and healthy while creating a pleasant and successful atmosphere in your home, there are a few crucial Vastu recommendations and rules you should follow.
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Vastu tips for pets and love birds at home
According to Vastu for pets, animals have distinct effects on a home and its owners depending on their kind. Which pet to keep at home? What is the direction in which a pet should be kept? There may be additionals questions on Vastu pets for home. So, let’s find out the answers to these common questions.
Dogs are a man’s best friend. Dogs serve as a sign of devotion and protection in the home as household pets. Following Vastu Shastra guidelines, the dog should be kept in an enclosed area that faces the north direction. You must place your dog’s kennel at the entrance of your home if you own a bungalow. Also, dogs should be cleaned regularly; they should not be let inside your house if they are filthy.
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You must maintain your birdcage facing east, north, or northeast in order to keep the birds healthy, active, and reciprocating, especially if you have parrots or love birds at home. Provide enough natural light, open space, and fresh air for your pet birds. Keep water in an earthenware dish in the southeast corner of your home so that your flying pets may quench their thirst anytime they like. Keeping love birds at home fosters mutual affection between husband and wife and helps to maintain a happy environment.
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According to Vastu Shastra, fishes bring their owners good fortune, wealth, and good health. If you have a fish aquarium at home, it is best to keep it towards the northeast to have longer, healthier lives.
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Turtles are one of the most popular animals to keep as pets. Ensure that your turtle is housed in a north-facing aquarium or tank. According to Vastu principles, turtles are connected with wealth, good fortune, and prosperity and are considered auspicious. Moreover, they are a symbol of wealth, and they will undoubtedly bring you luck.
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Even though many people do not keep frogs as pets, it is essential to understand the Vastu associated with them. Frogs are considered incredibly auspicious and are often used to signify success and prosperity. They help bring your family members closer together and decrease tension in your home environment. According to Vastu, if they are discovered, they should be allowed to wander free in the open air.
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Cows are considered to be of great importance in the Hindu Puranas. The cow, referred to as ‘Maata’, is regarded as a holy animal. According to Vastu Shastra principles, cows alleviate human sadness and anguish, while cow’s milk, urine, and dung are also known to have medicinal advantages. In other words, whether you have cows as a pet or for business reasons, you should always keep them in the east or northwest direction.
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Source: Pinterest
Things to stay away from
While most animals kept as pets are safe, some might negatively influence the home if they are not adequately cared for. Some animals, as well as some directions for pets, are prohibited by Vastu, as explained below:
- Avoid placing your dog’s kennel in southeast and southwest directions. These directions are not favourable, and the pets may get ill and fidgety most of the time.
- Not every bird, particularly pigeons, makes an excellent pet. Pigeons, according to the Vastu Shastra, are a source of unhappiness for family members. Pigeons, according to Vastu, have the potential to undermine the true bliss of a house.
- Pet parrots may have an adverse effect on their human companions, especially if the birds have been caged. Always place the birdcage in a northeast direction to dissipate any negative energy.
- Last but not least, be sure that you provide sufficient care for your pets. If pets are not adequately cared for and handled, they may have no beneficial influence on the person or the family.
Source: https://ecis2016.org/.
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Source: https://ecis2016.org
Category: Vastu