Must Knows

All you need to know about MP Rojgar

[] MP Rojgar: Know in detail about the MP Rojgar Portal 2022- procedure to register, documents to be submitted during registration and login process.

The state of Madhya Pradesh has created the MP Rojgar Portal 2022 to help young people find jobs. The Madhya Pradesh Employment Portal 2022 will help the state’s jobless young people find work. With the use of this MP Rojgar online platform, both job seekers and employers will be able to meet their needs.

You are reading: All you need to know about MP Rojgar

MP Rojgar employment portal 2022

To register for a job, residents of the state will no longer have to travel to the employment office. If you are a Madhya Pradesh resident who wants to apply for a job, you may do so online by accessing the MP Rojgar website on your mobile phone. As a result of their expertise and educational credentials, job seekers from around the region will be granted positions in local businesses.

MP Rojgar employment registration 2022

This registration is only valid for a limited time. While this is temporary, the procedure of permanent MP employment registration must be completed by visiting the employment office in the relevant district during the month of registration. A person may register with the District Employment Office in this manner even when they have been out of the district for a shorter time. The District Employment Office will register you for a period of three years. It is valid for three years and must be renewed. If you are unable to register yourself within this time period, your membership will be invalidated. You will then be required to re-register.

MP Rojgar portal in 2022: Goal

Making it easy for the state’s youth looking for employment to sign up for jobs is a primary goal of the Madhya Pradesh Employment Portal (MPEP). As a result, the state government has made the job application procedure online so that the state’s youth looking for a job may enrol on the Madhya Pradesh Employment Portal 2022 easily. 

MP Rojgar Yojana updates

Madhya Pradesh migrant labourers have been able to find jobs based on their talents owing to this employment platform. On this platform, there are already 25247 registered employers and 29170 migrant worker positions. Migrant workers will be employed under this programme. In addition, 54268 migrant labourers have been connected to job opportunities through the MGNREGA programme. The state government provides a variety of financial help to impoverished migrant workers who register with the Sambal portal, which allows them to access a variety of benefits. Additionally, food grains were supplied to a total of 1310186 people under the Self-Reliance and National Food Security Acts.

Features of MP Rojgar’s official site

  • It will be much easier for the state’s candidates to gather all the information they need through this platform.
  • Jobseekers in Madhya Pradesh may post their resumes and credentials on the MP Rojgar Portal 2022.
  • There will be no state government fees for enrolling on the MP job site.
  • Employment seekers have a wide range of options when it comes to job types, industries, and geographic locations.
  • It will be possible for both firm owners and job seekers to update their information on this web platform.
  • Applicants do not have to pay any fees to register or submit an application.

MP Rojgar portal: Documents to be submitted

  • In order to apply, the applicant must be a resident of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Aadhar card of the applicant
  • Certificate of academic achievement
  • Pan Card
  • Mobile number
  • Passport size photo

MP Rojgar portal: Procedure for registering 

Aspiring Madhya Pradesh residents who wish to apply for employment on the online MP Rojgar Portal 2022 should follow the instructions below.

  • To begin, go to the MP Rojgar official website at 

MP Rojgar portal

  • Click on the “Register now” option under the “Job Seeker” option, as shown in the picture below. 

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Vacanies MP Rojgar portal

  • Afterwards, the following page will appear on your computer screen, and you will find the Application Form.

MP Rojgar portal

  • Fill out the application form with your name, Aadhaar number, phone number, and bank account information, among other things.
  • Once you’ve completed the form and entered all the necessary data, click the submit button. Registration is not complete until you log in.
  • To log in, go to the main page and click on the “Applicant Login” link at the bottom.

MP Rojgar portal

  • You’ll be sent to a login page after selecting the appropriate option from the list. The username and password are required fields in this form. The MP Rojgar Portal 2022 application process will be completed in this manner.

MP Rojgar portal: Login for job seekers

  • Go to the official website of the MP Employment Portal to get started.
  • To log in, go to the homepage and choose the “login” link there.
  • Now you must click on the Login as a Job Seeker button on the page.
  • A new screen will appear, requiring that you type in your user name, password, and a captcha code to continue.

mp rojgar5

  • To log in, you will need to press the “Login” button.
  • Job seekers may log in using this method.

Registration for the MP Rojgar job fair

  • To begin, go to the MP Employment Portal’s official website.
  • The homepage will now appear in your browser window.
  • You need to go to the Latest Notifications area on the main page.

MP Rojgar portal

  • Click Here to Sign Up for the Job Fair will appear when you have completed this step.

MP Rojgar portal job fair

  • Enter your email address, password and verification code to complete the login process.
  • In the next step, you’ll need to choose the job fair choice.
  • After that, you’ll be presented with the opportunity to sign up for the event.
  • To complete this form, you must include all requested information, such as your name, email address, and cell phone number.
  • Submitting is the last step.
  • Using this method, you may register for the employment fair.

MP Rojgar portal: Process of renewing a user’s registration 

  • For starters, you must first visit MP Employment Portal’s official website.
  • As a result, you will now see your homepage.
  • Renewal Registration may be found on the main page.

MP rojgar portal registration

  • Fill in your registration details and follow the link for Renewal Registration to complete the registration process.
  • This will result in the renewal of your registration.

MP Rojgar portal: Employer login process

  • To begin, you must visit the MP Employment Portal’s official website.
  • Now you’re on the home page.
  • You must first tap on the login option on the main page.
  • At this point, you must click the Employer Login option.
  • Following that, a new page will appear in which you must enter your login, password, and captcha code.

MP Rojgar Employer login process

  • Now, click the login button.
  • You’ll be able to access the employer’s website.

Procedure for obtaining your MP Rojgar registration information

  • To begin, you must visit the MP Employment Portal’s official website.
  • Now you’re on the home page.
  • On the main page, click the Know Your Registration option.

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MP Rojgar portal registartion process

  • Following that, a form will appear on the screen, in which you should enter all of the requested information, such as your name, cell phone number, and captcha code. You must click the submit button.
  • Your registration information will be shown on your computer monitor when you click the submit button.

Procedure for printing MP Rojgar registration

  • To begin, you must access the MP Employment Portal’s official website.
  • Now you’ll see the home page.
  • You must first click on the print registration link on the main page.

Procedure for printing MP Rojgar registration

  • You must now enter your registration details and follow the link to print your registration.
  • This will enable you to print your registration.

Procedure for applying on the MP Rojgar portal for employers

  • To begin, you must visit the MP Employment Portal’s official website.
  • Now you’re on the home page.
  • On the main page, go to the Employer section and click the Register Now option.

Procedure for applying on the MP Rojgar portal for employers

  • When you tap on this link, a separate form will appear. You will need to fill in all of the required information, including your company’s name, GST number, PAN number, and sector name.
  • Following that, you must enter the verification code and click the submit button.
  • This will complete your registration on the MP Employment Portal.

OLEX login process on MP Rojgar portal

  • To begin, you must visit the MP Employment Portal’s official website.
  • Now you’re on the home page.
  • You must first tap on the login option on the main page.
  • Now, click the OLEX Login button.
  • Following that, a new page will appear in which you must enter your login, password, and captcha code.

OLEX login process on MP Rojgar portal

  • Now, click the login button.

Successful login process 

  • To begin, you must visit the MP Employment Portal’s official website.
  • Now you’re on the home page.
  • You must first tap on the login option on the main page.
  • Now, you must click on the successful login page.
  • Following that, a new page will appear in which you must enter your login, password, and captcha code.

Successful login process MP Rojgar portal

  • Now, click the Register button.

MP Rojgar dashboard view process

  • To begin, you must access the MP Employment Portal’s official website.
  • Now you’ll see the home page.
  • You must first click on the Dashboard link from the main page.

MP Rojgar dashboard view process

  • As you click on this link, you will be sent to the dashboard.
  • This dashboard displays relevant information.

MP Rojgar feedback process

  • To begin, you must visit the MP Employment Portal’s official website.
  • Now you’re on the home page.
  • You must first tap on the Support and Help link on the main page.
  • Now, you must click on the Feedback link.

MP Rojgar feedback process

  • The feedback form will appear.
  • You must provide all required information in this form, including your username, cell phone number, email address, and location.
  • You must now click the submit button.
  • This way, you may provide feedback.

MP Rojgar helpline number

We have included all pertinent information about the MP Employment Portal in one post. If you continue to have problems, you may resolve them by contacting the MP Rojgar Portal’s toll-free number or by sending an email to the MP Rojgar Portal. The toll-free number and email address for the MP job portal are as follows. 

  • Toll-Free Number- 18005727751
  • E-mail Id-

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Category: Must Knows

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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