If you’re an avid reader, you’ve read a book or two in the genre of fantasy. The different worlds and lands that your favorite authors have created always leave you wanting more and many of us fantasize about living in these imaginative lands ourselves. What are some of the best fantasy books series of all time? Penn Book takes a look at the top fantasy series so you can determine what best captures your imagination and why. Our favorite series is filled with emotional and dark twists and turns that keep you hooked, and we can’t wait to experience even more adventures in this fictional world.
You are reading: Best Fantasy Books Series Of All Time Reviews [ecis2023]
Best Epic Fantasy Books Series Ever
Epic fantasy is the epic fantasy genre. It is essential to rescue the world. The kingdom is under threat from the royal families—amazing magic battles.
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
J.R.R. Between The Hobbit’s publication, and the completion of Frodo’s epic journey from Mordor in The Return of the King, Tolkien spent twelve years creating the Middle Earth. Each location visited by the Fellowship had a rich history, language, and songs that spoke of more than the page.
The four hobbits were the most relatable, even though they had to face a world much more significant than their Shire home. There was the nobility that was opposite their size, and there was a struggle between good & evil that still resonates 62 decades later.
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A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin
Before the award-winning HBO series Game of Thrones, there was The Song of Ice and Fire. George R.R. George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy series is set on Westeros and Essos and centers around three main plotlines: the feuding families for control of Westeros and the threat of the northern-based “Others.” And, of course, the grand political ambitions of Daenerys Targaryen, better known as “Mother of Dragons.”
Graceling By Kristin Cashore
Graceling, published in 2008, was one of the first fantasy books to be published in the current young adult revival. Kaisa is a Graceling, a race of people who are gifted with extreme skills. Her uncle is her enforcer, and she falls for it because of nature, her gift. Her uncle, by the way, is not the most generous.
Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind
These 21 epic fantasy novels are perfect for those who want to dive deep into classic fantasy. Sword of Truth’s heroes is on a constant quest to defeat evil. Evil appears in many forms but is always defeated in some compelling way. It’s not the most exciting series, but it’s still a fun series to revisit time and again.
A Wizard Of Earthsea By Ursula Leguin
It was through her science fiction that I discovered LeGuin for the first time. It wasn’t until much later that I discovered she had also written fantasy. The SyFy channel’s whitewashed adaptation of the Earthsea series is perhaps more well-known than the series. It’s a tragedy because LeGuin was an expert at world-building and depicting cultures.
The Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Lord of the Rings is often criticized for its fantasy world. However, Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea Cycle series was another science fiction title that attempted massive world-building and influenced writers such as Neil Gaiman. Six titles in the series, published from 1968 to 2001, explored an archipelago far removed from our world.
While we may think of wizarding education in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, many people point out its origins in Earthsea Series. The series follows a young age as she struggles to bring balance to the magic world. This theme was well-known among American moviegoers in 2016. Le Guin’s influence continues to be a strong presence in the ever-evolving fantasy world.
The Dark Tower series, by Stephen King (1998)
Although Stephen King is most commonly associated with genre fiction, that doesn’t mean you should discount his contributions to a horror beyond traditional.
“The man in dark fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed him.” This famous line is the beginning of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower, mixing fantasy, westerns, and elements from science fiction. This is the first of seven books that follows Roland, a gunslinger who seeks out a mysterious, evil presence in a strange land that’s connected to ours. It then becomes a sprawling epic that highlights King’s imagination and his flair for horror.
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Lyonesse Trilogy by Jack Vance
Jack Vance is one of the great masters of science fiction and fantasy. He has brought the imaginative world of The Elder Isles to life.
This series is a breath of fresh air if you’re tired of the many dry, plodding, wordy epic fantasy decks where hack authors almost seem like the word is paying them. Beautiful prose that is efficient.
The Black Company by Glen Cook
Good fantasy stories rely on world-building, and Glen Cook’s Black Company series does this well. These tales span over 400 years of rich history, with ten novels, three subseries, and many short stories. Although a series title may not always be accurate for real adventures inside, The Black Company is perfect.
The collection examines morality in a group of hired men who live in a multi-dimensional world full of magic and wizards. Cook discovered a broad audience beyond fantasy fans. Real-life soldiers also loved The Black Company’s true-to-life depiction of mercenaries living their chosen careers.
Malazan Book of the Fallen series, by Steven Erikson (1999 to 2011)
Steven Erikson’s fantasy series spans ten books and more than 9,000 pages. It is a collection of beautiful, complex, and brutally honest fantasy writing, Steven Erikson’s series delivers world-building on a larger scale than Tolkien and Jordan put together.
Erikson’s stories will make you laugh and cry as you follow the lives and adventures of a variety of heroes and villains in a vast landscape of worlds populated by an eclectic range of animals and races. His characters will make you fall in love and hate you, but you’ll want to find out what happens next. Erikson’s ability for epic convergence is unsurpassed. You will be unable to bear the tension that leads up to significant events.
The Witcher Saga by Andrzej Sapkowski
This is fundamentally a sword-and-sorcery more than an epic, but I included it because it does interesting things here. This series examines moral ambiguities while also looking at popular fantasy archetypes from a new perspective. The Witcher books don’t focus on world-building but instead use archetypal stories to ask difficult moral questions.
This is world-building, but it uses existing worlds for a purpose. Don’t expect the village boy to go off and slay the dark god. Instead, he will meet an incognito princess on the way and discover that he is the one who can save the universe. It’s unique because it uses fantasy tropes from well-known fantasy tropes to explore other ideas. It’s worth reading.
A Game Of Thrones By George R.R. Martin
This novel was the launch of the Song of Ice and Fire series and rescinded the established tropes of epic fantasy from the 1990s. The shocking end is worth noting! It isn’t easy to believe, but it was a fantasy back then.
The Fifth Season By N.K. Jemisin
Although the Fifth Season doesn’t have the highest ratings on Goodreads, it is still a significant part of the Broken Earth Trilogy. Jemisin is the first author to win consecutive years of the Hugo for each of the books. This is an excellent example of a top fantasy novel.
The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
The Chicago P.D. works with Wizard Harry Dresden To solve the most challenging and supernatural cases. This series features bizarre circumstances, from magically mutilated corpses to vampire and werewolf witnesses. It is an exceptional blend of detective fiction and dark fantasy.
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Hardboiled detective fiction set in Chicago, with a wizard as the PI. Jim Butcher’s popular series is known for its premise. It’s one of the most memorable “Why didn’t I think of this?” moments. Since the inception of the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, there have been many “Why didn’t I think of that!” combinations.
Jim Butcher’s story is a mashup of two established pulp genres. This gives Jim Butcher’s stories a structure that both detective noir and fantasy fans can instantly recognize. It also allows him to skip some more tedious aspects of world-building and just get to the action. He polishes the very tropes and cliches that he used to have a head start. It’s a pulp series that feels modern and retro and has plenty of content (15 novels and anthology) to satisfy all your binging needs.
Joe Pitt Casebooks by Charlie Huston
Gormenghast might be dark fantasy Jane Austen. Joe Pitt, however, is vampire Mario Puzo. Joe Pitt is a New York City vampire who lives among several factions of vamps. He’s not willing to commit to one clan but is being forced by each of them to do so, as he has the exclusive underworld connections that they all desire. Joe needs to be careful about what he does. Their tolerance could quickly turn into suspicion. And things can get very messy when you have fangs.
Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan series is one of our favorites. Even if you are a veteran fantasy fan, the books’ incredible cast of characters, well-developed magic system, and creative timeline (or time-wheel) make them a memorable read. Wheel of Time is often ranked alongside A Song of Ice and Fire in epic fantasy series. It’s also poignant to know that Jordan died while writing the final installment. Brandon Sanderson, a friend, and a fan took over the responsibility to complete the series.
The Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore
For most of their history, fantasy novels and role-play gaming have been inseparable. However, it can be dangerous for casual gamers to venture into this area. Game-based fiction allows for an almost impossible immersion into such a world. It can also be tedious to read poorly written fantasy fiction.
This is not an issue for Dungeons & Dragons-Forgotten Realms fans. R.A. Salvatore’s contributions to Forgotten Realms were some of the most loved titles in the series. The Dark Elf Trilogy is one of its best titles, which tells the story of Drizzt Do’Urden. This is one rare instance where a series like this one reaches mass audiences. Sojourn was a New York Times bestseller.
The Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb
Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings is a series that includes multiple series set within the same world. It offers adventure in many different areas. Three series focus on the life of FitzChivalry, a royal bastard and assassin (The Farseer Trilogy and The Tawny Man Trilogy), while two other series explore the sea trade and dragons within the same world (The Rain Wild Chronicles and The Liveship Traders Trilogy). The Realm of the Elderlings novels is full of interwoven stories that show Hobb’s ability to create a rich fantasy world and still explore the everyday lives of his beloved characters.
Shannara by Terry Brooks
Shannara can be described as a series of books. The fantasy tale is composed of 10 stories. Each story averages a trilogy. These books are connected by a family which manifests magic-users every few generations, an obscure druid order, and a tree that keeps back demons. The only question you have is whether to go through the books chronologically or in the order, they were written. Terry Brooks has written as many stories as the ones that preceded The Sword of Shannara. The Shannara Chronicles is not a series you should follow. This is a world that’s worth exploring.
The Swan’s War by Sean Russell
Beautiful and cleverly written fantasy tale. It is rich with many of the elements that make Lord of the Rings so compelling.
This is why you might want to read it. Let’s take a look at this little checklist: A mysterious landscape almost poetic. You can check. There is a strong mythos about the world that underlies history, references, and conversations. You can check. Magic is rare and mysterious. You can check. Some unknown force is threatening the world. You can check—beautiful and lyrical prose. You can check it out.
This trilogy of three books shows that you don’t have to own ten thousand-page books to tell a high fantasy tale.
Chronicles Of Amber by Roger Zelazny
Although it’s not epic high fantasy in the usual sense, there are enough fantasy elements to make it a worthy addition to the list. Amber is almost an unknown series for fantasy readers. It’s a fantasy series you should read. It’s full of complex political scheming and a cast that includes warring noble siblings and parallel worlds.
This series is regarded as one of the most crucial fantasy series ever written. It’s true; this fantasy world is unlike anything you’ll find other than Tolkien.
Although the plot is complex, this series is one where you can pick up the book and get started reading. The best part about reading a fantasy book was discovering the story as it unfolded.
His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
If you’ve read Harry Potter and want something like it, there are better options than His Dark Materials. Lyra Belacqua, twelve years old, and her “daemon,” travel across many worlds in this series on various imaginative missions that will eventually save the multiverse.
The Chronicles Of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander
This timeless classic has been around for quite some time and will continue to be popular. This epic fandom is not well-known. It tells a beautiful tale that combines heroic fantasy with Welsh folklore. It’s certainly not as good as Lord of the Rings, but it’s still worth reading. It doesn’t do the fancy existentialist things modern fantasy like Martin, Bakker, and Lawrence. But that’s okay.
Sometimes you want to read about good heroes who do good things because it’s the right thing. Alexander’s epic fantasy series stands out from many of his contemporary epic fantasy contemporaries. His prose is exquisite; every word belongs, and sentences are works of art. Alexander can perfectly combine humor and sorrow at the right moments. Wonderful. Although this book is a classic for children, it should be enjoyed by all adults.
The Magicians Trilogy by Lev Grossman
Lev Grossman’s trilogy is often called “Harry Potter for grown-ups,” missing two essential facts. Harry Potter was for grown-ups already. 2. Despite its school setting, the series owes more to C.S. The series was more inspired by C.S. Lewis’s Narnia series and J.K. Rowling than J.K. Rowling. The first entry is filled with college-age angst. But as the focus shifts from Brakebills College of Magical Pedagogy to Fillory’s fantastical world, which is captured in a series of children’s books that have long intrigued Quentin Coldwater’s young protagonist, Lev Grossman shares his heart.
Every book takes a more profound interest in its characters, who face the same struggles for meaning- and purpose as the rest of us.
Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix
This epic fantasy/dark fantasy series is a massive favorite of mine. The story follows Sabriel and her children from the New Kingdom (the contemporary world) to the mysterious Old Kingdom. This magical world lies behind a wall that borders the two realities. Strange things occur there. There are dead in the land, magic is everywhere, and evil lurks around every corner. It’s both thrilling and chilling. This series is perfect for those who want to be scared while reading epic fantasy. The first book is excellent and will blow you away. It is the best fantasy series book to read it alone, with no distractions.
The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks
“Wetboys are to assassins like a tiger is to a kitten,” Kylar Stern, the protagonist of Brent Weeks’ Night Angel Trilogy, says. Kylar lives in a gritty world of greed and elemental magic. He is forced to choose between peace and violence to save the life he loves. Weeks blends realistic characters with a creative magic system to create a captivating trilogy worthy of its place among the top fantasy stories.
The Broken Earth Series by N. K. Jemisin
This series’ title refers to a devastating climate change that causes havoc every few centuries. These powerful “orogenes” can control energy and are often persecuted by society because of their influence. Jemisin’s Broken Earth trilogy focuses on three female orogens from history and shows how their fates are intertwined.
Riftwar Cycle by Raymond E. Feist
The Riftwar Cycle originated with Feist and his friends creating a Dungeons & Dragons alternative: a tabletop/role-playing game based on their own world, Midkemia. Feist later expanded the Midkemia stories and Kelewan into the Riftwar Universe. The 30 books (yes, that’s right) in the cycle describe the adventures of people and animals in different lands with all the excitement and suspense of live-action games.
The Lies Of Locke Lamora By Scott Lynch
The fantasy genre is home to assassins and royal bastards and boasts a host of thieves. Surprised? There are many critical mystical artifacts that you can steal. A fantasy setting can be the ideal backdrop for a heist adventure.
Codex Alera by Jim Butcher
It’s classic fantasy done right. Great action and a great story. This is a rare fantasy setting. The series is complete, which is a huge bonus. And unlike other fantasy epics, it retains its quality.
The novel fantasy setting will be a delight to you. It isn’t often that a fantasy story is set in a world that’s similar to Tolkien. Exciting and unique is the author’s magic system.
Codex Alera has a lot of military aspects to it, so if your favorite thing is outnumbered armies fighting it out with superior troops (ala Malazan Book of the Fallen or The Black Company), then this series has plenty of that.
The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie
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Fantasy is a genre that relies on world-building. But Joe Abercrombie’s First Law Trilogy fans are proud to hold its titles high because of their unique characters. First Law fans love scenarios where the protagonists can excel at their assigned labels and indulge in their worst behavior. The Blade Itself is the first installment. It features a wide cast of characters: a military officer and a barbarian and a man with magical abilities and a torturer. Abercrombie’s three novels show a world through the eyes and experiences of deeply flawed characters. This creates more engaging stories that are also more emotional.
Daughter Of Smoke And Bone By Laini Taylor
Best Young Adult Fantasy Books
If I had to describe the book, it would be about angels or demons. That answer is both accurate as well as inaccurate. You won’t be disappointed if you read a Laini TAYON novel. They have fascinating characters, unique settings, and creepy imagery that will surprise you.
The Lost Hero By Rick Riordan
Best Fantasy Books For Young Readers
Riordan is a beloved middle-grade author, so it isn’t easy to pick just one Riordan book that I would recommend. To make it easier, I used my previously mentioned restrictions. The Lost Hero is set in the Percy Jackson world. Riordan’s interpretation of Greek mythology, but with a new cast of characters, is featured again.
Riot Baby, by Tochi Onyebuchi (2020)
Riot Baby is set shortly. Although it may seem like a story with fantastical elements, it addresses genuine and relevant issues about race and bias algorithms. Kev, a young Black prisoner, is the riot baby in this story. Ella, his sister, can see the future and has many other special abilities. Riot Baby is a novella of length, which is ideal for those with a shorter attention span. It’s written in a fast-paced style so that we, the readers, feel like we’re seeing flashes back in time.
The Bartimaeus Sequence by Jonathan Stroud
The imaginative sequence of four fantasy books follows Nathaniel, a teenager magician. He is accompanied by his djinni or genie, a vibrant spirit called Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus enjoys obeying his master more than anything else. Although technically a children’s series, the Bartimaeus Sequence is sure to entertain readers of all ages. It has a skillful balance between magical fantasy and speculative fiction.
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen R. Donaldson
First Book in the Series: Lord Foul’s Bane (1977)
Although Stephen R. Donaldson’s trilogy has many similarities to Tolkien, it is undisputedly a derivative (an enormously powerful ring, staff-wielding magicians, an unseen foe, supreme malevolence). The writer manages to pull off one of the most incredible tricks of fantasy reader loyalty: the protagonist of his trilogy is one of the most annoying main characters to anchor a series. Although Thomas Covenant is unpleasant, it’s not surprising. Leprosy can be a terrible disease. Donaldson’s trilogy is on this list because it has many other things going for it, including the Bloodguard and some incredible battles.
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant is all about love for the Land. This world is rich in the relationships between humans and animals, stone, wood, and other materials. The Lord of the Rings has you rooting for the hobbits and Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas. Thomas Covenant is not your root. Instead, you support the Land and the forces that threaten it. This self-loathing leper is, inexplicably, your best hope of defeating Lord Foul and his comrades.
The Fionavar Tapestry by Guy Gavriel Kay
A great writer has created an epic fantasy. This isn’t your typical epic fantasy. It’s epic fantasy with an emphasis on character. The series does have a good-versus-dark lord plot, but it’s not about killing bad guys. It is more about how normal people respond to bad situations, both good and bad. This doesn’t mean that the series is boring. This series is far more intelligent than you might think.
Alex Verus by Benedict Jacka
Alex Verus, the future-seer, wants to live a quiet, peaceful life. He’s had a falling out with the Council of mages. He is not going to be happy. Ironically, he will find himself again in the world of Light vs. Dark. This diviner didn’t see dark magic coming.
The Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan
The Black Magician trilogy is the story of Sonea. She is a young girl living in the slums and magic country Kyralia. Sonia, a girl of the slums of Kyralia, discovers that she has magical abilities. The Magician Guild of Kyralia captures her, and she must learn how to control them.
The Farseer Trilogy, by Robin Hobbs (1995-1997)
Robin Hobbs’ epic fantasy series hero is FitzChivalry Faseer, also known as Fitz, the bastard child of the crown prince. The story follows FitzChivalry Farseer’s adventures through The Six Duchies, where magic, murder, and political intrigue are all part of his life. Do you sound familiar? This is an excellent choice for anyone suffering from Game of Thrones withdrawal symptoms.
Empire by Raymond Feist and Janny Wurts
The Empire trilogy is set in a fascinating combination of Asia and medieval Europe. It stars Mara of Acoma, Mara’s newest Ruling Lady. However, not everyone is happy for her. Many of her closest friends want her to die. This series has a lot more to offer than political drama and feminist undertones. It’s also part of The Riftwar Universe which contains a staggering 27 additional fantasy books.
The Hollows by Kim Harrison
The Hollows has a rich alternative history mixed with magic elements. Keep up! Genetic engineering gone wrong has decimated a large portion of humanity, and supernatural species live freely among them. Rachel Morgan, a half-mortal and half-magic detective, is a partner in “Vampiric Charms,” which provides security/bounty hunting services for this new, unpredictable world. The assignments she gets are not ordinary.
The Way Of Kings By Brandon Sanderson
Sanderson is undoubtedly one of the most prolific fantasy authors in the field today. This is a refreshing change in a genre that has readers used to waiting for years between each installment. This is a fact I cannot overstate. This is one reason he has a large and dedicated fan base. Sanderson is best known for his well-delineated and almost scientifically designed magic systems.
The Saga of Recluce by L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
Magic exists in two types in the Recluce universe: order and chaos. Black mages can channel demand while white mages channel chaos. Gray mages, however, can do both. This series spans two thousand years and features several villains and heroes trying to harness their magic and make their fortunes as a mage despite the severe personal costs.
Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews
Kate Daniels is a believer in magic, but she doesn’t want anyone to find out. It is not surprising, as her world has been destroyed by it. Other humans resent magic because they have to take down their technology in the “magic Apocalypse.” Meanwhile, supernatural creatures hunt humans who they consider a threat. After Kate’s guardian dies, she realizes that she cannot remain passive in her world, and she sets out to become a ruthless mercenary with her sword.
The Dagger and the Coin by Daniel Abraham
This is an epic fantasy for the thinking person. It is tightly written and plotted, as expected from the author Of The Long Price Quartet. This fantasy series has been a top ten favorite fantasy series. Each character is complex and well-drawn. They have real motivations and weaknesses that they must overcome as the story progresses. I believe each character is a broken person looking for a way out in an uncaring, brutal world.
In the background, an ancient threat is rising in the shadows. It threatens the status quo for free humanity. The humanity that the Dragons once enslaved in a past age. Geder, a young rising star from a noble family, is particularly entertaining. He’s the real-world equivalent to an introverted, artistic high schooler who suddenly becomes a hero after being given command of a military company.
This fantasy is a compelling read and stands out as one of the most epic fantasy novels released recently. This one will appeal to Martin, Abercrombie, and Erikson fans, but it is more character-driven and slower-paced (at least until the third book). However, slowly doesn’t have to be boring. Slow roasting meat over a fire is a quiet way to enjoy its tender, delicious flavor for longer.
Graceling By Kristin Cashore
Graceling, published in 2008, was one of the first fantasy novels to be published in the current young adult revival. Kaisa is a Graceling, a race of people who are gifted with extreme skills. Her uncle is her enforcer, and she falls for it because of nature her gift. Her uncle, by the way, is not the most generous.
Prince Of Thorns by Mark Lawrence
This is not your typical epic fantasy, but more an epic tale about revenge. This is the story of a young boy who sets out to regain his throne. He fled his home after witnessing his mother and brother brutally murdered. This is a great fantasy series. It’s dark and gripping, similar to K.J. Parker’s works, which are set in a more traditional fantasy setting.
We’ve gathered some of the best fantasy series of all time. Some stories are set in far-flung places, while others take place closer to home. So whether you’re a die-hard fan of any of these fantasy books or simply want to read about one of the most popular fantasy worlds ever created, this article should have all the answers. Thanks for giving us this chance to share our favorite fantasy series with you, so have fun exploring the wonderful world of fantasy books.
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- What Are Fantasy Books? Best Full Guide [2022]
- Best New Fantasy Books Of All Time: 2022 Pick
- Best Fantasy Books Of All Time 2022: Top Pick
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Source: https://ecis2016.org
Category: Fantasy