
How to download Bhulekh document online in different states?

[] Here is a step-by-step guide on how to download property document online –Bhulekh document in different states using the state land record website such as Bhulekh UK, UPbhulekh, etc.

Land records or bhulekh before the digital era were managed on paper. This resulted in a lot of Bhulekh maintenance issues that also led to land related problems like land grabbing, disputes, scams, etc.

You are reading: How to download Bhulekh document online in different states?

Launched in 2008, the Digital India Land Record Modernization Program (DILRMP) maintains Bhulekh Indian land records online.

While most of the states are in the process of converting the Bhulekh documents and uploading it on the portal, some have completed the process already. These land records or Bhulekh can be viewed online on the state’s portals. State governments update the Bhulekh or land records in regular time period by monitoring land parcels.

Land records are known as Bhulekh in Hindi-speaking states, including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, etc. and by regional names in other Indian states. The Bhulekh document is not a legal document that can prove ownership but it can be used, if it is attested by the higher authorities.

Bhulekh download: Advantages

  • Access to Bhulekh portal is a user-friendly and transparent process where a land owner can access information related to his land like Bhu Naksha, land record registration and many other details from one single portal.
  • Online Bhulekh of a state government can be accessed from anywhere anytime, making it user friendly, transparent and reduces fraud practices.
  • As online Bhulekh of a state can be accessed anywhere anytime, people no longer need to visit various departments to get information on their registered land records / Bhulekh and can download the Bhulekh at their convenience.
  • Bhulekh portal allows addition and updation of land records.
  • With digitisation of land records, paying property tax is mandatory as it can be monitored and penalties can be imposed.
  • With bhulekh providing ownership details, legitimacy of property is available which is helpful during sale or purchase of land.

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Bhulekh: Services available

  •         Check and track mutation of property 
  •         Copy of Jamabandi or Nakal
  •         Fard
  •         Jamabandi/ Records of Rights (RoR)
  •         Khasra Khatauni number

Bhulekh: Documents required for online name change application

  •         An affidavit on stamp paper with a minimum value of Rs 10.
  •         Newspaper advertisement for name change
  •         Form filled by the applicant with witness signature
  •         Passport size photograph.
  •         PAN card, Aadhaar card, passport 
  •         CD with filled soft copy of the application in .docx format.
  •         Undertaking letter mentioning that contents in the applicant’s hard and soft copy is valid.
  •         Application form to the authority along with registration fee

Bhulekh: How to change your name in the land records register?

An applicant will take around 15 to 20 days to get the name changed in land records/Bhulekh. To change your name/update it, mentioned are the steps:

  • Submission of the affidavit: An affidavit with the existing name, new name, reason for the change, address that is signed by two Gazette officers should be given. 
  • Advertisement: Name change information including new name, old name, date of birth and address must be published in two newspapers-one in an English daily and one in the official language of the state.  This advertisement has to be then submitted to the Gazette officer.
  • Visit to land registry office to update new name: Land owner has to then visit land registry office after legally getting the name changed and submit all documents and convenience fee for name change.  The submitted documents will be then verified and if valid will be updated in the applicant’s land records. A copy of the updated name on the document will be sent to the applicant’s address.
State Land record name Bhulekh website link Online land records service available
Andhra Pradesh Meebhoomi Yes
Arunachal Pradesh Bhulekh No
Assam Dharitree
Bihar Bhulekh Yes
Chhattisgarh Bhuiyan Yes
Goa Goa Land Records Yes
Gujarat AnyRoR Yes
Haryana Jamabandi Yes
Himachal Pradesh Jamabandi Yes
Jharkhand Jharbhoomi
Karnataka Bhoomi Yes
Kerala E-Rekha Yes
Madhya Pradesh Bhu Abhilekh Yes
Maharashtra Bhulekh Mahabhumi Yes
Manipur Louchapathap
Meghalaya Directorate of Land Records and Surveys


Mizoram Patta Dilna No
Nagaland Land records No
Odisha Bhulekh Odisha Yes
Punjab Jamabandi Yes
Rajasthan Apna Khata Yes
Sikkim Land Revenue and Disaster Management  Yes
Tamil Nadu Patta/Chitta Yes
Telangana Dharani Yes
Tripura Jami Tripura Yes
Uttar Pradesh Bhulekh
Uttarakhand Bhulekh Yes
West Bengal Banglabhumi Yes
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Land Records Yes
Chandigarh Jamabandi Nakal Yes
Dadra and Nagar Haveli Avanika Yes
Daman and Diu Avanika Yes
Delhi Bhulekh Yes
Jammu and Kashmir Land Records Yes
Ladakh No
Lakshadweep Land Records Yes
Puducherry Land Records Yes

Here is a step-by-step guide, to download the Bhulekh document in different states:


UPBhulekh has completed the digitisation of land records and the Bhulekh is available online for viewing and download. If you want to know how to download UP Khasra Khatauni follow these steps to download the Bhulekh.

Step 1: Visit the UPBhulekh portal on and select ‘Janpad’ from the left menu.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states?

Step 2: For Bhulekh, choose tehsil from the next menu, followed by the village name.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states?

Step 3: Search the UPBhulekh land details/ Khasra khatauni online check up by furnishing any of these details – Khasra number, khata number, owner’s name or the data of Jamabandi.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states?

Your UPBhulekh online khatauni will be generated and you can view and download it for future use.

Bhulekh Uttarakhand

If you are planning to buy land in Uttarakhand, it is important that you verify the seller’s right on the property, by checking the land documents through the Bhulekh Uttarakhand portal.

Here is how to do khasra khatauni online check UK and access it:

Visit the Bhulekh UK portal on and click on ‘Public ROR’. Select the district from the menu, followed by tehsil and then the village where the property is located.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different state

Next for Bhulekh UK, you can search by Khasra/Gata, by account number, by registry, by mutation date, by vendor, by buyer or by account holder’s name. The Bhulekh UK document will be searched and displayed on the screen, if available.

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How to download Bhulekh document online in different state

Bhulekh Haryana

If you are searching for digital land records or Bhulekh in Haryana, you need to follow the following procedure to download a copy of it:

Step 1: Visit the Jamabandi portal at and click ‘Jamabandi’ from the top menu and ‘Jamabandi Nakal’ from the drop-down menu.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states?

Step 2: You can search for Bhulekh in four ways – by owner name, by khewat, by survey number or by the date of mutation. Choose the option by which you want to search Bhulekh.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states?

Step 3: For Bhulekh, select district, Tehsil, sub/tehsil, village, Jamabandi year from the drop down box. Once you furnish all the details, you can view and print a copy of the land record.

Step 4: To search CERSAI Records, click on the link on the form-

Bhulekh Rajasthan

Like other states, Rajasthan is also in the process of digitising its records. While most of the districts have been covered, a few are still left. Here’s how you can check the land records or Bhulekh in Rajasthan:

Step 1: Visit Rajasthan’s Apna Khata portal at and select the district from the drop-down menu or from the map to proceed with Bhulekh.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states?

Step 2: You will be redirected to a new page, where you have to select the tehsil from the list or from the map.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states?

Step 3: You will be redirected to a new page where you have to select the village.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states?

Step 4: Fill the requisite information, such as applicant name, details and address. You should have one of the following things to search for land records or Bhulekh – Khata number, khasara khatoni number, owner’s name, USN number or GRN.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states?

Your Bhulekh document will be generated, once you fill this information.

Bhulekh Madhya Pradesh

The Madhya Pradesh government has created a very user-friendly portal to view and download Bhulekh land records. Follow this step-by-step process, to check the Bhulekh details online:

Step 1: Visit MP Bhulekh at and click on ‘ Search’ tab on the homepage.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Madhya Pradesh

Step 2: You will reach where you should click on Bhu-Abhilekh

How to download Bhulekh document online in MP

Step 3: After accessing MP Bhulekh, you will reach the land details page where you have to enter the district, tehsil and village from the drop down box. You can access Bhulekh by landowner name, Khasra no. or plot no.

Once all the information is entered, you can access all the Bhulekh information related to your land. These include land parcel details, land owner details, charge on land details, other land details, Khasra remarks, land revenue demand, civil court case details and details of bail.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Madhya Pradesh

Bhulekh Bihar

Bihar has also finished digitising its land records and has made it public. Here’s a step-by-step guide to download the Bhulekh in Bihar:

Step 1: Visit the Bihar land record portal at and click  ‘Jamabandi Panji dekhe’ or View Jamabandi registration.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states?

Step 2: You will be redirected to a new page where you have to select the district, tehsil, halka and mauja. You can then check the records using one of the six options on the screen. Enter the captcha code and press search and you can see the Bhulekh Bihar which can be downloaded.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Bihar

[] Bhu naksha Bihar: How to check Bhulekh land map in Bihar online?

Bhulekh Maharashtra

Also known as MahaBhulekh, the Maharashtra government has digitised all land records on this portal. Property owners can download the 7/12 extract and 8A extract easily from Bhulekh Maharashtra. The Maha Bhulekh portal also allows land owners in Maharashtra to search and check land records and to get a copy of the same online, by paying a nominal fee. Follow this step-by-step guide to download Bhulekh:

Step 1: Visit the Mahabhulekh portal at

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states

Step 2: Choose the type of Bhulekh document you want to download from – digitally signed 7/12 or digital notice board and proceed.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states


Step 3: Search for your property using its survey number and get your document displayed on the screen.

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How to download Bhulekh document online in different states

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To view the unsigned 7/12 and 8A, select the section and click on ‘go’ on the home page. You will reach a page like the one shown below, from which you can access the Bhulekh records you are looking for.

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How to download Bhulekh document online in different states

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Bhulekh Karnataka

Property owners can download the Karnataka Bhulekh through the Karnataka Bhoomi RTC portal. Also known as Pahani, here’s the step-by-step guide to download Karnataka Bhulekh download:

Step 1: Visit Bhoomi portal at and choose ‘i-RTC’ from the top menu.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states

Step 2: Then enter the login details like name, registered mobile number, email id and Aadhaar card number and click on proceed to download Bhulekh Karnataka.


How to download Bhulekh document online in different states

Step 3: Once the details are fetched, you can pay and download the legal copy.

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Bhulekh Andhra Pradesh

To search Bhulekh in Andhra Pradesh, property owners can visit the Meebhoomi portal and search for land documents directly from the depository. The government launched the Meebhoomi portal, a digital depository of land records, to provide plot details online and to make it accessible for public use, in June 2015. Here’s how to download ‘Bhulekh’ from Meebhoomi portal:

Step 1: Visit Meebhoomi Portal at and search ‘Adangal’ in the top menu.

How to download Bhulekh document online in different states

Step 2: You can search Your Adangal by survey number, account number, Aadhaar number or opt for automation records.  To download Bhulekh, choose one of the 4 options and enter details like district name, zone name, village name and other details as asked.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Andhra Pradesh

Step 3: You will be able to generate the requested document on your screen.

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Bhulekh West Bengal

Property owners in West Bengal need to visit Banglarbhumi for searching their Bhulekh document. Banglarbhumi (also referred to as Bangla Bhumi) is the web portal for land records and reforms, launched by the West Bengal government. The portal can be used look up data on land and property, such as the owner’s name, land area, plot number, value of the property, etc. Here’s how to search land records on Banglarbhumi portal:

Step 1: Visit the Banglarbhumi portal at and click on the ‘Know Your Property’ section on the portal. You will reach the following page:

How to download Bhulekh document online in West Bengal

Step 2: Select from the drop down box required details like district, block, Mouza, Khatian type, enter Captcha and press view.

Step 3: You will be able to see the complete details of your land.

Bhulekh Delhi

Property owners can now view land records and Bhulekh documents online in Delhi, as well. Also known as Indraprastha Bhulekh portal, here you can also check Jamabandi, Khasra and Khatauni records. Here is a step-by-step guide to check Bhulekh in Delhi:

Step 1: Visit the official Bhulekh Delhi portal at

How to download Bhulekh document online in Delhi

Step 2: Click on Khasra Khatauni details under DLR Act. You will reach:

Bhulekh Document Delhi

Step 3: Select the district and click on ‘View Records’. You will reach the next page where you have to fill details such as district, sub-division, khata type and village. You can search the record by the following methods: khata number, khasra number and name. Once details are entered, click on ‘View Khata Details’.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Delhi

Step 4: In this page you can see all the Bhulekh Delhi Khata details.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Delhi

Bhulekh Telangana

Also known as Pahani in Telangana, property owners and buyers can search Bhulekh in Telangana by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Log in to

How to download Bhulekh document online in Telangana

Step 2: Click on Land details search and click on the button to continue.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Telangana

Step 3: You can search by Survey number where you have to enter district, mandal, village, survey number and captcha.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Telangana

You can see the Bhulekh Telangana land details. Alternatively, you can also search using Pattadar Passbook number.

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Bhulekh Tamil Nadu

In Tamil Nadu, the ‘Patta’ document proves a person’s legal ownership of a property. The ‘Chitta’ document includes information about area, size and property ownership. The Patta Chitta has been merged and people can view and download the Patta Chitta adangal certificate online.

Firstly log on to and click on View Patta/Chitta.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Tamil Nadu

You will reach From the dropdown box, select the district and area type – Rural or Urban and press on submit.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Tamil Nadu

You will reach another Bhulekh Tamil Nadu page where you have to select district, taluk and village.

You can view Patta/Chitta using Patta number or survey number. So, select the option and enter the patta number or survey number accordingly. Then, enter authentication value, captcha and submit.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Tamil Nadu

On submission, you can access your Tamil Nadu Bhulekh certificate which will include details like locality, land, type of land, survey number details etc.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Tamil Nadu

*sample copy

[] Patta online: How to get Patta Chitta Tamil Nadu TN Land Records?

Bhulekh Punjab

To check land records or Bhulekh Punjabi visit and click on Jamabandi.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Punjab

You will then have to select the region and the time period of Jamabandi in Punjab Bhulekh page. Select if you want current record or previous record and the district, tehsil, village and year from drop down box.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Punjab

You will reach the Punjab Bhulekh page where you have to select the option by which you want to search. The options are owner name wise, Khewat no wise, Khasra no. wise and Khatouni no-wise.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Punjab

If you are searching through Khasra no, then, select Khasra number from drop down box, enter captcha and press view report.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Punjab

You can see your Punjab Bhulekh record

How to download Bhulekh document online in Punjab

Bhulekh Goa

To check Goa land records or Bhulekh Goa, visit and on the homepage click on Land Records (ROR).

Here, select through which form you want to access land records-Form I and XIV , Form D or Non promulgated.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Goa

Then enter the Taluka, Village, Survey Number, Subdivision Number, captcha and press on View details.

You will see Goa land records in detail.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Goa

Bhulekh Odisha

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To check Bhulekh Odisha, click on

How to download Bhulekh document online in Odisha

Select district, tehsil and village from the dropdown box. You can choose to search using Khatiyan, plot or tenant and correspondingly select value from dropdown box and press View ROR.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Odisha

Bhulekh Gujarat

To check land records Gujarat or Bhulekh Gujarat, visit

You will reach the following Gujarat Bhulekh page where you have to fill the details.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Gujarat

Once done, click on get record detail and you can view the land record details.

Bhulekh Jharkhand

To view land records Jharkhand or Bhulekh Jharkhand logon to Jharbhoomi website on Here, click on Register-II Khesra wise details and the following page will open.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Jharkhand

For Bhulekh Jharkhand, fill details including district, name, maija name, account number, khesra number and captcha. You will view the Bhulekh Jharkhand online.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Jharkhand

Bhulekh Chhattisgarh

To check Bhulekh Chhattisgarh, visit

Here, enter the district, tehsil, R.N, village name, village code. You can search the land record details using Khasra number or name and click on search to view Chhattisgarh land records.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Chhattisgarh


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Bhulekh Himachal Pradesh

To check Bhulekh Himachal Pradesh, click on and enter the details asked.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Himachal Pradesh

Press ok and you can see the Jamabandi copy on Bhulekh Himachal Pradesh.

Bhulekh Kerala

To search and download Bhulekh Kerala, visit the Kerala land records website at Click on ‘File Search’ and you will reach:

How to download Bhulekh document online in Kerala

Based on your land records, click on old survey records or resurvey records and enter the details asked by selecting information from the drop down box and submit. You will see the Bhulekh Kerala. If you want to download the original one, please click on Checkout button. Enter your login credential and verify the details. You can see the document download fee displayed here. Click on continue button, note down the transaction number, pay the document download charge and finally download the Bhulekh Kerala document.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Kerala

Bhulekh Manipur

If you are looking at downloading Manipur Bhulekh or land records Manipur Jamabandi, visit the Loucha Pathap portal at Click on Download and you will see the below page. Select the details asked including district, circle, village, new patta no, new DagNo and click on check to view the land records. To print the Bhulekh Manipur, use legal paper in landscape mode.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Manipur

Bhulekh Assam

To access Jamabandi Assam or Bhulekh Assam on Dharitree Assam, log on to and select district, circle, village.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Assam

Next, for Bhulekh Assam, enter the Dag No/ Patta number or the Pattadar name (to be entered through virtual keyword) and captcha and press on see Jamabandi. You will view the Bhulekh Assam which can be downloaded too.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Assam

Bhulekh Tripura

To view Bhulekh Tripura or Jami Tripura, please visit . You will reach the following page, where you have to enter the details asked to view your copy of Jami Tripura land records or Bhulekh Tripura records.


How to download Bhulekh document online in Tripura


Bhulekh Andaman and Nicobar Islands

To check land records in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, click on . You can check the land records Andaman & Nicobar Islands using Survey number wise or Holding number wise.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Enter the Tehsil, village, survey no and sub division no and press View.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Andaman and Nicobar Islands

You can check the land records or Bhulekh Andaman & Nicobar Islands that can also be downloaded.

Bhulekh Dadra & Nagar Haveli

To check land records in Dadra & Nagar Haveli, logon to Click on Form 7 & 12 and fill required details like district, taluka, village, survey number, sub division number, old survey number and enter code.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Bhulekh Daman & Diu

To check Bhulekh Daman & Diu, click on . Enter taluka, village, survey no and sub div no and you will get the land records page as shown below.


How to download Bhulekh document online in Daman and Diu

Bhulekh Jammu & Kashmir

To view Bhulekh Jammu & Kashmir or land records Jammu & Kashmir, click on and click on search land records.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Jammu and Kashmir

You will reach where you have to click on the land records tab.

You will reach the following page, where you have to enter details asked to view the Bhulekh Jammu & Kashmir.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Jammu and Kashmir


Bhulekh Lakshadweep

Bhulekh Lakshadweep can be viewed and downloaded by visiting

How to download Bhulekh document online in Lakshadweep

Click on record of rights under MIS reports.

Enter details asked in the page like islands, land owners, survey number, subdivision number, chitta no, land types and press continue and you can view the land records that can be downloaded.


How to download Bhulekh document online in Lakshadweep


Bhulekh Chandigarh

To check Bhulekh Chandigarh, click on and you will reach the online Nakal page where you can search for Bhulekh Chandigarh using owner name, Khewat or Khasra No.

How to download Bhulekh document online in Chandigarh

Click on your preferred choice and proceed to select details and view the land records.


Bhulekh Puducherry

To check the Bhulekh Puducherry or land records Puducherry, go to the and click on land records option and you will be led to


How to download Bhulekh document online in Puducherry

Select region, taluk, village, select land type, search by either Patta number or R.S. no. If you choose Patta number, enter Patta Number and press search and you can see Bhulekh Puducherry land record.

Bhulekh land records: Problems if name is spelt incorrectly

If the name is misspelt in Bhulekh, you may face issues like:

  • No buyer will show interest as name on the property is wrong
  • Legal disputes may go against you because of wrong name
  • Financial help like loans will be difficult to get as lenders may reject on the basis of wrong name.

Bhulekh Land Records: How to rectify spelling errors?

  • An affidavit that points the error and way to rectify it can be corrected stamped by notary has to be submitted to the land registration department.
  • Post this, the authorities will check the mistake, rectify and update on Bhulekh land records website.
  • After details are updated on Bhulekh online, submit a rectification deed in the land registration department to change the Bhulekh name.
  • Post rectification, register the property with the permission of both the parties- buyers and sellers and pay stamp duty for it.


What is Bhulekh?

Bhulekh means land records in English. Various states have digitised their land records, which can be downloaded online.

How to check Bhulekh in UP?

You can check Bhulekh in UP online by visiting

How to download Bhulekh?

Every state has a different procedure to check land records in the state.

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Category: Lifestyle

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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