
Top 7 Office Remodelling Tips For Creating Ideal Workplace


There are various factors that impact employee productivity. Then there are other sets of factors that influence the impression that a customer gets from office. Hence there are a number of aspects that should be kept in mind while deciding the paint colours, layout and decor of the office.

You are reading: Top 7 Office Remodelling Tips For Creating Ideal Workplace

An office should be a place where employees should feel excited to come to and work. If you have an office that is not up to the mark and you are thinking of changing the layout and design, here are some of the tips to consider:

1 The Layout Has To Be Right

Office layout has an important bearing on the productivity of the employees. The employees get higher job satisfaction in on office where they are able to sit, interact and work comfortably without being watched by their bosses unnecessarily. The layout of the offices have greatly changed over the years and there have been several kinds that have been in use. There were times when cubicles were the order of the day and all offices were designed in way that employees worked in isolation inside cubicles.

Then it was realised that cubicles were not great and employees needed interaction and team work for which ‘cubicled’ offices were not right. So Open Offices made their way and were quite successful for couple of decades. However, this form of office design was not considered great since employees thought they were being watched needlessly. Now offices are being designed in way that they have quiet places as well as open area where employees can interact with each other.

If you are remodelling your office, make sure you have private places for employees to work and enough break-out and open area where they can share thoughts and interact with others.

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2 Cooling and Ventilation

Cooling and ventilation are extremely important from the view of employee productivity. A study shows that these factors affect as much as 38 percent on the productivity of the employees.

The employees should be comfortable to work in all weather conditions, be it summers or winters. Complexity arises when one part of the office is cool enough but the other part is extremely warm since the sunlight may be hitting that part directly. There can be several such factors that impact the temperatures and working conditions in different parts of the office at any given point of time. Extreme care should be taken during remodelling so that it is comfortable for all the employees at any given point of time to work.

There should be proper insulation in the office so that once the once the air-conditioner is switched on, there should be no leakage of the cooled air and the office area becomes cool enough in as little time as possible.

3 Environmental Consciousness

Environmental consciousness is extremely important these days while any construction or even remodelling activity is being planned. You can have as many natural elements in the office as possible. Choose materials for walls and flooring so that they require less of cooling in summers and heating in winters. This will result in lower energy consumption in the office which will not only save costs for your business but also protect the environment.

4 Choose Paint Colour Wisely

When you are remodelling your office, it is only natural that you will give your office a fresh coat of paint. Here, the colour must be chosen wisely as this can have a major impact on the productivity of the employees. Certain shades of grey and beige can have the effect of making your employees depressed and since they spend quite some time in the office every day, they better not feel sad or depressed.

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5 Using Lighting Wisely

Try to get big windows. Idea is to get as much natural light as possible. This is so because natural lighting brightens up any space and also makes the employees feel better. It also helps them perform better at workplace. Modern architecture is focusing on this aspect quite a bit and hence there are larger windows in offices these days. How the Sunlight entering any part of office is to be handled is another aspect. If the Sunlight is too bright and is making the office too hot then it has to be managed. There are ways to place the windows in such a fashion that there is lot of natural light entering in winters and the same is blocked in summers with innovative architecture methods.

6 Hot Desking

There is a new trend in offices of hot desking. Hot desks are a great way of assigning a new seat to an existing employee and the employee gets a chance to interact with new set of co-workers. It also helps them to have great bonhomie and camaraderie.

Hot Desks have been used to increase interaction among employees but if there is an employee who is not happy with changing seats, then he or she can be accommodated on a permanent seat.

7 Place Plants Inside Office

Having plants inside office is a great way of improving the atmosphere and also productivity of employees. Plants have a soothing effect and having them inside the office means that there will be freshness in the atmosphere. Studies have proven that offices that have plants have happier employees. Plants release oxygen which is anyway good for the health. They also have soothing effect on the eyes.

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Category: Lifestyle

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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