
Best Ways To Find Book Title By Plot 2022


Have you ever can’t remember the title of a publication that you wish to read? When you are attempting to work out the title of a publication without knowing this writer’s name, the protagonist, or even some of the primary characters. The name has escaped you, and with no information, you do not know what to enter the search bar.

You are reading: Best Ways To Find Book Title By Plot 2022

Luckily, book lovers are happy to have resources and help to direct us in such impossible times. Penn Book has assembled a few helpful approaches. It is possible to help you find book title by plot.

Find Book

Table of Contents

  • 1 How To Find Book Title By Plot?
  • 2 Step 1: Compose Down the Specifics
  • 3 Step 2: Use Google (or another search engine)
    • 3.1 Use quotes
    • 3.2 Try the Advanced Google Search Page
    • 3.3 Consider using Google Images
    • 3.4 Use Google Books
    • 3.5 Try One of These Sites
  • 4 Step 3: Consult Reddit
  • 5 Step 4: Request Your Social Media Circle
  • 6 Step 5: Request a librarian
  • 7 Conclusion

How To Find Book Title By Plot?

Step 1: Compose Down the Specifics

Whichever other approaches you decide to utilize from this listing, always begin with this one.

Grab a pencil and paper, and record everything you can remember about the publication in question. Insignificant details may be crucial once you’re looking for a book with no title. Ask yourself the questions below (you will recall more than you believe).

What was the genre of this book?

By way of instance, was it a romance, a thriller, or even a sci-fi publication? If you are pretty sure about the genre, how can you narrow it down much more to a sub-genre?

At what age were you when you examined it?

Even if you can not recall precisely how old you were when you examine it, then try to consider where you’re in your own life at the time and proceed from there. What school were you currently attending, or where did you reside?

Use these virtual memories to gauge what year you browse the publication. At the minimum, you will have the ability to work out the decade. Also, you’re able to rule out any published names then.

What were the essential plot features?

Even if you can not fully remember anything significant in the storyline, write everything down which you could remember, however vague.

Occasionally, when you begin to record the things you’ll be able to recall, you wind up uncovering more memories of this book, and you are ready to fill in a few vital blanks.

What about the figures?

Try to consider as many particulars as possible regarding the book’s character, their defining features, and their character traits. Any character titles you can imagine at all will be useful, even though they just played a minor part in the narrative.

Can you recall any quotes or lines?

Some individuals are better at remembering exact lines compared to others. Still, if you can remember any direct quotations in the book, this may be super useful in finding your elusive book title.

Even when you’re not 100% convinced it is word for word true, it is always worth noting it down and pasting it into an internet search engine in the event you receive a match.

What exactly did the book cover look like?

Would you recall the color and the font of this book cover? Or the picture that has been used? Was the name in giant print, or even the writer’s name? At least one of these details can make a huge difference when it comes to looking for your puzzle book.

Even if a search does not pull up anything out of a description of this cover, you’re going to have the ability to recognize it by sight once you do (hopefully) stumble upon it.

Did anything else stick out about the publication?

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As an instance, were there any scenes or theories that have stuck in your head? Or can you recall some other story-related particulars, like the title of a town or a large school or the title of some landmarks featured?

Step 2: Use Google (or another search engine)

You can now use all the information you gathered above to find google or your favorite search engine. Should you follow step 1, then you’re going to be more inclined to get what you’re looking for than if you head directly to Google with just a few vague questions or phrases.

In the end, you will find a vast number of novels with similar plot topics, character names, and preferences. Then, everybody is competing with different search engine optimization tactics, all battling for that location near the peak of the search results page. If your publication is even slightly vague, you will likely fight to discover it via a simple Google search.

By way of instance, if you search for a novel about a teenager vampire that attends an American high school, that the very first couple of pages of Google’s search results are the likes of Twilight, Vampire Academy, and Marked (all super popular names at the vampire sub-genre).

Still, the more obscure names by lesser-known authors will probably be tens of thousands of thousands or even hundreds of web pages.

So that is why you’ve got to be somewhat ingenious in regards to the way you search. Attempt to add variations of all of the different details you came up with in Step 1 and use them together with Google’s numerous search purposes. Try these techniques:

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Use quotes

If you recall a specific quote or phrase from the publication in question, then use quotation marks at the beginning and the ending. These tell Google that you’re searching for a specific match instead of a jumble of these words. With this procedure, you will get search results with that exact word in the precise word sequence.

Try the Advanced Google Search Page

This comprises various filters, like the terminology, the area, the writer, the publication date, and the topic. It is a more in-depth and organized lookup function compared with only typing into the standard search bar.

An Advanced Google Search helps exclude some search terms you don’t need to look at. For example, to use the same case as before, you are trying to find a book about vampires put in an American high school.

It is possible to inform Google Advanced Search to omit any outcomes comprising Twilight, Vampire Academy, or even Marked. This way, you are more likely to come across the obscure books on this issue, and one of them is going to be yours!

Consider using Google Images

If you have checked all of the best results on the routine All of google search, along with also the Advanced Search feature has provided you no pleasure, then head to pictures and scroll to determine whether a publication cover rings any bells.

You never know; you can stumble across the specific publication that you understand simply from the cover. Otherwise, you might still find a very similar looking book cover, which you may then run via a Reverse Picture Search and see if that yields some results.

Use Google Books

If Google, or another search engine, does not produce the merchandise, you may try searching, especially in Google Books. This will help rule out other websites, such as pictures, picture books, TV shows, etc., which may clog your search results.

Additionally, it lets you type keywords or phrases which you believe might have looked in the text. Google Books will then scan and search every page of every publication in their database (and a lot of books!) To discover a match to this text.

Try One of These Sites

Books on Google

Yes, Google has a search feature dedicated to books! You can be as comprehensive or as specific as you like. The more detailed you are, the fewer results you will have to sift through. Try the Google Books Advanced Search if the usual search doesn’t yield any results.

Amazon’s Advanced Book Search

Why not go to the original online bookstore, Amazon? You may search for things like title, author’s name, and publisher in the advanced search, but you can also use keywords, age range, release date, and subject.


If you’re unfamiliar with BookBub, it’s a great book search engine. (If you’re a writer, it can also be used to assist you in selling your book to potential readers in the book marketing platform.)

They publish everything from facts to historical fiction and everything in between. Category tags, which you can get from your book synopsis or imprecise description, will help you narrow down your search.

Library of Congress

Visit the Library of Congress website and use the Advanced Search function to search the world’s most extensive online library. Use keywords from any story beat you recall and categories like children’s book, graphic novel, or young adult to narrow your search.

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The Amazon-owned company In general, GoodReads is an excellent location to look for books. What’s the Name of That Book? is a community committed to helping individuals locate book titles based on the plot, narrative type, genre, or synopsis. If you don’t already have one (it’s free), you’ll need to create one to post in the group.


The feel of a book might sometimes be what sticks with us the most. WhichBook is an excellent search engine since it allows you to browse books by mood and emotion. You can also look for books by character or plot.


Everything has its own subreddit. So it’s no wonder that Tip of My Tongue, a website dedicated to helping people recall book titles, exists. Post everything you remember about the book, even if it’s only a hazy description, and see if anyone recognizes it.


You can ask questions about a book on Reddit or Quora and get answers from other book fans. Include the genre, a brief description of the book (if possible), and anything else that comes to mind. There’s a good chance someone will recognize the book you’re talking about.

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Book Benefits

Step 3: Consult Reddit

You do not need to know Reddit to utilize it to your benefit in your publication search; it is easy to use and may yield incredible results!

On Reddit, groups are organized into subreddits’ that can be categorized by pursuits. There are just two subreddits specifically: excellent sources for discovering long lost novels with just a plot or vague description. They are Whatsthatbook and Tipofmytongu.

Whatsthatbook is filled with confessed book nerds who love helping other people monitor the name of a book using just a vague description.

And Tipofmytongue is just another excellent subreddit that’s ideal for locating help with not only novels, but pretty much anything, from films and television shows to tunes, news events, and famous men and women.

Before you create a post on both of these classes, make sure you read the guidelines and rules (many subreddits have them at the peak of the main webpage) to ensure that your query is in accord with their community criteria which way, there is no possibility of it being deleted from the moderators.

Fingers crossed, somebody in those healthy communities will have the ability to find a suitable book utilizing the information you gathered in Step 1.

Step 4: Request Your Social Media Circle

If you are busy on social networking, be it Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, etc., it is well worth putting a post to find out if you’re able to run anybody else’s memory regarding the publication in question.

This can be a particularly fantastic alternative when you’ve got many followers, as lots of people are going to understand your article. However, even though that is not the situation, it is still worth a shot.

Another choice is to reach out to certain men and women in your life when you browse the book. By way of instance, if you are sure you discovered that this book in your college library around age 12, then it is possible to try to reach out to your classmates from this age to find out whether they can recall the title you are thinking of.

It is even better if you are connected to some of your older teachers. Even if they can not assist you with your particular novel question, they will probably enjoy an opportunity to reconnect with the older pupil.

Step 5: Request a librarian

If you have tried all of the advice above and you have still not solved the case of the mysteriously deserted publication, then your very last resort is to request a librarian. They’re the professionals, after all, and many often adore helping out with book related questions.

So have a visit to the regional library equipped with the info you’ve written down in Step 1 and inquire if they may have the ability to provide help. They view thousands of books each week, so if anybody has a shot at figuring out the name of the publication in question, it is your local librarian.


It can be challenging to locate a book with limited information. However, there are numerous tools available to assist you in your quest. Just remember that if none of the tools are functioning for you, it’s conceivable that you’re forgetting something important.

I frequently confuse two or three separate books in my mind, especially if I haven’t read them in a long time and they are in the same genre. When this happens, the best thing to do is focus your search on one or two details you’re confident of, then go back to hunting for the book.

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Category: Blog

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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