
Coronavirus precautions: How to protect your home

[] Basic hygiene is all that is required to keep your home virus-free. Coronavirus is not air-borne but coming in contact with an infected person can affect you and your family. Make sure you follow these simple tips to prevent spreading COVID-19 in your homes

What is Coronavirus?

As of date, millions of people globally have been affected by the  Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). While these are confirmed cases, there are many unconfirmed ones and the fear is lurking. If you are someone looking to protect your family from this disease, here are some simple steps you must follow.

You are reading: Coronavirus precautions: How to protect your home

Total cases Recovered Deaths  Currently infected





Source: As on July 5, 2021, courtesy Worldometer

Ways to prevent COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus

Sanitise the house with baking soda

Deep-cleaning your property every week will restrict the amount of germs all over the house. This need not be a costly affair. Disinfecting the house is easy. For example, lemon, baking soda and vinegar can kill germs in the kitchen. It is also safer to use kitchen-based products for cleaning up the kitchen. Use the mixture to clean all the counters.

Baking soda can also be sprinkled on upholstery. All you need to do is wait for it to settle for at least half an hour. It may be better than chemical spraying.

Use a paste of baking soda and dish soap and a scrub sponge to clean your refrigerator.  Wipe away the mixture with warm water. Also, microwave your sponge for two minutes after use to keep it from harboring germs.

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You can use baking soda for deep cleaning your washing machine every month.  Pour a half cup of baking soda into the detergent cup, then run a wash cycle with hot water to cut soap scum and deodorize the machine.

Use 1/2 cup of baking soda, 1/2 cup of borax and 1 cup of vinegar to clean toilets. Let it sit for about 20 minutes, then scrub and flush.

You can clean your outdoor furniture with baking soda as it also helps in removing stains. It works on outdoor furniture fabric, as well.

Important tip: Avoid mixing natural cleaning products with bleach or other chemical products. For example, do not clean a surface with vinegar and then follow it up with a bleach-based disinfected, as it can create a toxic gas.

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Sanitise with essential oils 

You can also use a do-it-yourself (DIY) method to tackle pollution and germs in your home. Make a mixture of water and vodka in equal parts with a few drops of essential oil. This will work as a disinfectant, as well as a deodoriser.

Similarly, essential oils can be used to clean shower curtains, toilet rims and damp places. You can scrub these later. Avoid keeping areas wet, because this is a good environment for germs to grow.

In the bedroom, make sure that all the linen is washed well in hot water and liquid disinfectant. It is advisable that you change bed sheets regularly, preferably every week.

Children’s room

Kids can bring in dirt and germs. While you cannot restrict their movement and play all the time, make sure that their room is neat and clean at all times. If your child is using toys, make sure you launder these toys. You can check the washing instructions, to make sure soft toys remain in shape even after you have washed them at home. Other toys can be washed frequently.


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Make sure that all surfaces – shelves, tables, chairs, racks, switches, ornamental artefacts and showpieces – are wiped clean at least once a week. If there are sick people in the house, wipe clean all places that they may have touched. Coronavirus spreads through contact with an infected person and while it is not air-borne, it transmits through body fluids.

Improve ventilation

Improving ventilation and ensuring better airflow in the house, can prevent the virus particles from gathering in the air. Here are some ways to enhance the ventilation in the house:

  • Open the doors and windows to let in fresh air.
  • If your home has a central HVAC system, then, change the filters regularly and make sure they fit properly.
  • Switch on the exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathrooms.

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Coronavirus infection: Things that need attention

Keep shoes and sandals that you wear outside, preferably outside the house, especially if there are small children in the house who may pick these up with their hands. Do not hesitate to ask visitors to take off their shoes when they come over.
Make sure that your clothes are washed every day. If germs come on to your clothes, it is advisable that these are not worn again, until washed.
Use separate towels at home.
Educate your domestic help, driver and other employees about the Coronavirus disease and provide masks and sanitisers to help them. This way you are ensuring their safety, as well as yours.
Avoid coming in contact with animals and slaughterhouses as the Coronavirus can spread from animals to people.

Coronavirus precaution: Quick tips

Personal hygiene

  • Keep yourself clean at all times, especially if you have come in contact with large groups of people.
  • Take a bath as soon as you come back from office/college/school.
  • Avoid touching or using cups, tissues, plates, or digital devices used by another persons.
  • Keep a hand sanitiser handy and provide one to your domestic help/s, as well.
  • Monitor your health daily. Watch out for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19.


  • Wash your hands before putting on your mask.
  • Wear your mask over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin.
  • Fit your mask snugly against the sides of your face.
  • When you take off your mask, handle it only by ear loops or ties.
  • Store your used mask safely to keep it clean between uses.
  • Wash your cloth mask regularly, preferably in a washing machine.

When going out

  • Avoid large gatherings as much as possible.
  • Drink plenty of warm liquids.
  • Avoid using public washrooms.
  • Avoid unnecessary travel.
  • Choose to stay at home when sick.
  • In shared spaces, stay about two arms’ lengths apart. Remember that people can spread the virus even if they do not show symptoms.

Follow the lockdown guidelines

To prevent a nationwide emergency, many state governments have introduced lockdown and curfew rules. While you may follow the right sanitisation practices, it is important to cooperate with the authorities, as well. To flatten the curve, not only must you keep your premises clean, you should also ensure that your movement is restricted within the home and you step out, only in case of an emergency.

Likewise, every housing society may have come up with rules, to be followed by families in quarantine or isolation. Follow the rules to flatten the curve.

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How can I keep my home coronavirus-free?

While there is no tried and tested tip, maintaining basic hygiene in the house will reduce chances of the virus spreading and affecting the health of your family members. Follow simple tips such as deep-cleaning the house, regular laundry, keeping separate towels for all, keeping the shoe racks away from the rooms and out of reach of the children. These will help you keep the house clean.

Can pets spread coronavirus disease at home?

If pets are infected, there are chances that it will spread to all family members, because Coronavirus is zoonotic. It can spread from animals to people and vice-versa.

Can the Coronavirus survive on surfaces?

Coronavirus can survive on a surface for hours to days, depending on the type of surface.

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Category: Lifestyle

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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