People adore the golden age of piracy. Piracy, like the tides of the sea, has had its ups and downs. The historical stories of real-life swashbucklers include a plethora of action and excitement, from the booming golden age of piracy to the catastrophic anti-piracy maritime war. New works are inspired by new interpretations of mythical pirates like Captain Hook, while lesser-known real-life individuals like Grace O’Malley and Jean Laffite are being explored for the first time. You’re looking for the Best Pirate Books That Aren’t ‘Treasure Island’?
You are reading: Top 30+ Best Pirate Books of All Time Review In 2022
Best Books On Pirate Offer High Seas Adventure and Real-Life Treasure
If you’re searching for a swashbuckling adventure and you are looking for a treasure hunt for good pirate books, then Pennbook has got you covered.
A General History Of The Pyrates
by Daniel Defoe
The legend of Edward Teach Blackbeard, an undeniable symbol of the golden age of privacy, is unraveled in this book. First released in 1724, A General History Of The Pyrates is one of the best pirate history books that comprise the renowned flair for journalistic detail and represents a significant source of information regarding piracy from the early 18th century. Defoe recounts these outlaws’ daring and bloody deeds as infamous pirates Anne Bonny Edward Teach (alias Blabéckbeard), Captain Kidd, Mary Read, Jolly Roger, Calico Jack others.
Treasure Island
by Robert Louis Stevenson
First published in 1882, this pirate book captivates readers in the second young Jim Hawkins first experiences the menacing Blind Pew in the Admiral Benbow Inn before the climactic struggle for treasure on a tropical isle.
Daughter of the Pirate King
by Tricia Levenseller
Sent on a mission to recover an early concealed map-the secret to a mythical treasure trove-seventeen-year-old pirate captain Alosa intentionally lets herself be caught by her enemies, giving her an ideal chance to look at their boat. But she had not counted on the remarkably creative and attractive first partner, Riden.
The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
by Johanna Craven
A galleon full of pirates heads into the Caribbean town of Port Royal, secretly intending to mutiny. Superstition is rife among seamen. The presence on board the Atlantis of two girls a high-born French stowaway Catherine and another a Jamaican slave-born “cabin boy” Serafine-will probably be a bad omen if they’re discovered.
On Stranger Tides
by Tim Powers
On Stranger Tides is a beautifully written pirate adventure set in a world ruled by dark magic. Tim Powers writes many of the very best private foundations around, and On Stranger Tides is just one of them. The place from the Golden Age of piracy features such historical characters as Blackbeard and Ponce de León, wound to excellent discovery narratives such as the hunt for the Fountain of Youth. Native folklore-zombies, vogue, and the sorcerers that do that voodoo magic are equally as genuine as the creaking planks of the pirate crew or the woman who has to be rescued.
That is to say, history is a complex mixture of fiction and fact, and Powers blurs the line between these. Powers’s book was utilized (quite loosely) as the source material for the Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, although Jack and Jack are different characters.
Magic of Blood and Sea
by Cassandra Rose Clarke
Magic of Sea and Blood collects The Assassin’s The Pirate’s Wish ideology, which accompanies the irascible pirate’s daughter Ananna of this Denarau. She strikes from her arranged marriage with an ally pirate clan, who subsequently sends the assassin Naji after her. The killer unwittingly activates an ominous curse, one which binds them into an embarrassing and embarrassing intimacy. Ananna and Naji have to sail across the seas and the dangerous waters to break their curse.
Ananna is a proud, single-minded monster, a product of her entire life on the water with her pirate parents. Her matriculation has as much to do with all her convictions’ power since it will improve her ability to trust and let go. A beautiful coming-of-age narrative, with pirates!
A Gathering of Shadows
by V.E. Schwab
At A Darker Shade of Magic, Schwab introduces us to Delilah Bard, a cutpurse and pickpocket Residing in Grey London. Grey London is approximately equivalent to Georgian England, but it is determined by additional Londons: Red, White, and Black. All the Londons are fixed factors in changing realms, elongated and bent by magic or its shortage.
At A Gathering of Shadows, Bard transforms from Grey London to Red London, in which magic is fecund and flowing. Almost instantly, she discovers herself in a pirate ship and sails out to the unknown. Lila Bard is a fascinating character: prickly, self-contained, and working together with odd ambitions. Her telephone into piracy is as powerful as her phone to magical itself-magical, faltering in one the worlds, the color.
The Princess Bride
by William Goldman
The Princess Bride is owned by the rare kind of pirate novels using a movie adaptation that is equally as excellent. Given how utterly fantastic the movie is, this is saying something. Both versions have the framework narrative of this grandfather studying his son in a story.
Still, the book becomes much more layered, together with this adult’s commentary prepared to set from the “original” text. Blah, blah, what I intended to convey was: pirates! The Princess Bride includes the most well-known modern literary pirate proceeding: the Dread Pirate Roberts, who is not a person, but a set of pirate captains who assume the ring, then retire after they have grown wealthy enough.
The Silk Road founder, a darknet black market, was famous under the nom de guerre of Dread Pirate Roberts, which resulted in speculation that perhaps the guy they captured was not the founder in any way. (But then again, maybe he knew we knew he knew that we would find the reference.)
The Scar
by China Miéville
The Scar starts with a ragtag group of folk departing the fetid town of New CrobuZon to reinvent themselves at a brand new colony throughout the sea. There’re a librarian and also a scientist, a cabin boy, and a versed offender. Their lives in a brand new location are redirected when pirates accept them aboard the floating pirate city of Armada, a town composed of thousands of boats lashed with all the open water.
Red Seas Under Red Skies
by Scott Lynch
The next outing at Scott Lynch’s Gentleman Bastard series introduces us to Zamira Drakasha, the Poison Orchid captain. Locke Lamora and Jean Tannen, the burglar protagonists of The Lies of Locke Lamora, fall under the captainship of Zamira because of one of the complicated, long cons.
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The Gentleman Bastard pirate books manage the odd honor among thieves-why the show is called after both gentlemen and bastards. The protagonist thieves have a fascinating relationship with the pirate captain Zamira: they have certain similarities in worldview and cussedness, but pirates and thieves are not the same. Zamira is as accountable for her pirate council as Locke is to his thieves guild.
That is to say: not always bound for their conclusion pirates and thieves will do what they do but nevertheless optimistic of the assistance of the inconstant peers.
A Wizard of Earthsea
by Ursula K. Le Guin
Ged that will later become one of the beautiful magicians of all Earthsea was increased on the island of Gont, a seldom-visited backwater. God produces two types of individuals: shepherds and the pirate lifestyle. Ged finds a different way, a middle course, but not before attempting the two choices before him.
During Le Guin’s Earthsea pirate books, which happen within an archipelago in an infinite sea, we fulfill quite a few pirates, by the Kargish northerners (who’re something like Vikings) into the Gontish pirates of Ged’s childhood. While the series does not linger on pirates overly long, it does detail sailing along with the joys of water to a great extent. Ged may know all of the magic methods, the strength of ability beyond all other people, but the necessary skills of rushing across the waves enroll as strongly as the era’s greatest magician.
Captain Blood
by Rafael Sabatini
It is possible to imagine that using a title such as Captain Blood, Rafael Sabatini was not one to care about excessively eye-shadowed and brassy pirates. Instead, Captain Blood tells the narrative of Peter Blood, an honest Irish doctor who has roped to a charge of treason while treating wounded rebels.
After escaping, he sees himself and convict-slaves who overtake a Spanish boat, sailing off to become one of the comes most feared pirate captains on the Spanish Main. Captain Blood was among the prevalent pirate books upon its first release. Still, Sabatini never produced a full-blown sequel to Blood’s narrative, somewhat bettering his literary heritage with numerous short stories.
Pirate Spirit
by Jeffery Williams
It follows the story of Anne Bonney, a real pirate who roamed Ireland, the Carolinas, and Caribbean waters throughout the 1700s who immediately became among the most notorious female pirates in the history of the pyrates. The book is based on the cutthroat pirate’s real historical accounts, such as many of her customs. Pirate Spirit sheds a more favorable light on Bonney, but it is still a fantastic read for those considering a little pirate history.
The Pirate Hunter: The True Story of Captain Kidd
by Richard Zacks
Best Thrilling Pirate Books Of All Time
If you enjoy a little more pirate background than black magic, then check out Richard Zacks’ The Pirate Hunter. The Pirate Hunter follows the true story of Captain Kidd, among America’s most callous buccaneers who buried heaps of treasure chests along the eastern seaboard. Filled with all the numerous pirate tales of Captain Kidd, The Pirate Hunter is a thrilling piece of history of the pyrates that’s remarkably well-written and well-researched.
Under the Black Flag
by David Cordingly
If you genuinely wish to comprehend what a typical day was like to get a proper pirate, then Under the Black Flag is the book for you because it contains riveting accounts from the golden age of piracy from pirate expert David Cordingly. While pirates’ background was romanticized by legends, myths, and pirate pictures, this book was composed by David Cordingly. He functioned as the head of exhibitions in England’s National Maritime Museum.
Many historical records are obtained from original documents; Under the Black Flag also covers contemporary pirate myths and separates fact from fiction. This fictional pirates book is excellent for new readers since it’s simple to read and contains exciting pictures, maps, and historical records.
The book delves into the reality behind pirate legends such as Blackbeard, Captain Kidd, Sir Francis Drake, and strong female pirates such as Mary Read and Anne Bonny. Looking outside precise historical context, Cordingly analyzes mythical pirates such as Captain Hook and Long John Silver.
The Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down
by Colin Woodard
This book tells the story of a group of heroic Caribbean pirates. A contemporary book written by writer Colin Woodardthis book closely details the total Golden Age of Piracy and concentrates on famous pirate captains such as “Black Sam” Bellamy and Edward “Blackbeard” Teach. Bellamy and Educate worked collectively by joining forces and forming the notorious Flying Gang pirate entourage that conducted a terror campaign across the Caribbean and Atlantic for ages.
This book details the roots and the exploits of the infamous group and explains their pirate harbor where pirate outcasts could find refuge from prosecution. Sailors, indentured servants, and runaway slaves were among them and the other pirates. The writer utilized information acquired from numerous historical documents, testimonies, court documents, and scribes he gathered through the years. This historic book also humanized pirates and portrayed them as ordinary people living extraordinary lives.
The Whydah: A Pirate Ship Feared, Wrecked, and Located
by Martin W. Sandler
A real pirate ship mess that has been found under the waves of the Caribbean motivated The Whydah book. The Whydah was a pirate boat commanded by the fearless pirate Black Sam Bellamy, also known as the Prince of Pirates or even Robin Hood of the Seas. Bellamy terrorized the Atlantic from the years 1716 and 1717.
This pirate book provides an insider’s perspective on Bellamy’s life and experiences. Bellamy and his team were able to amass a fantastic fortune briefly, along with his sunken boat were discovered centuries after in 1984. Writer Martin W. Sandler managed to acquire extensive information and content from the shipwreck, which helped create his book, another top pirate book choice. It targets the unpleasant realities of the pirate lifestyle, also exposing pirate stereotypes and myths.
by Craig Cabell, Graham A. Thomas, and Allan Richards
The legend of Edward Teach Blackbeard, an undeniable symbol of the golden age of privacy, is unraveled in this book. Presenting dramatic reports of the pirate’s quite powerful strategies and his reputation for cruelty, the writer provides an intriguing examination of their business and life of piracy along with the lure of the brutal and bloody trade.
Sweet Vengeance ( Duke of Rutland #1)
by Elizabeth St. Michel
Lady Abigail Rutland wants a more exciting life compared to the arranged marriage she’s put before her. Rescued from a dangerous situation by a pirate who mistakes her for a cabin boy, she joins him on the high seas and has to keep her disguise despite her growing attraction to the priest.
Pirate Latitudes
by Michael Crichton
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Jamaica in 1665 is a demanding outpost of the English crown, a small colony holding out from the vast supremacy of the Spanish empire. Port Royal, Jamaica′s funds, a Spanish galleon city of taverns, grog shops, and bawdy houses, are devoid of London′s conveniences; a lifetime here can end quickly with dysentery or a dagger in the back. However, for Captain Charles Hunter, it’s a life that may also lead to wealth if he abides by the island′s code. However, this is excellent news for you since it gives you plenty of time to read Pirate Latitudes before the film is released.
If you happen to be interested in other action and adventure books, go check out Top 20 Best Sailing Books of All Time Reviews [2022] or Best Time Travel Books Of All Time: 2022 Pick before reading on.
Pirate legends
by Jill Keppeler
This swashbuckling pirate book presents a few of the most exciting pirate lore, such as ancient legends, for example, William Kidd and Grace O’Malley. Fact boxes provide more details regarding pirate tales, while mostly chosen graphics will captivate young buccaneers’ imaginations.
Pirateology: The Pirate Hunter’s Companion
by Dugald A.Steer
Measure lively pirate foes and fanciers! Prepare to get a mesmerizing narrative of the golden age of piracy out of storm-tossed sailing boats to tantalizing treasure shores, out of pirates’ flags and styles to their wily firearms and evil manners. An excellent find for pathologists, here’s an authentic and complete companion for your committed pirate hunter.
Sea Queens: Women Pirates Around The World
by Jane Yolen And Christine Joy Pratt
Discover these Artemisia, the Admiral Queen of Persia; Rachel Wall, that hurried away from her strict upbringing to be a murderous celebrity; and Grania O’Malley, daughter of an Irish chieftain. This is a real and accurate account of their very low-down, scurviest-however the most adorable -black-hearted pirates you are ever going to like to read about.
Daniela The Pirate
by Susanna Isern
Daniela dreams of being a pirate on the Blac Croc ship. Nonetheless, it would appear that the pirates are tiny chauvinists. Captain Choppylobe will create Daniela and undergo quite tricky challenges. Can Daniela make it?
Goldenlocks And The Three Pirates
by April Jones Prince And Steven Salerno
Once upon a seaworthy sloop dwelt three pirates: the large, pilfering Papa, the medium-sized, menacing Mama, along with the little, bonny Baby, a pirate-in-training. Fortunately for them, Goldenlocks occurred along if they had been outside for a row at the harbor.
Pirate Girl
by Cornelia Funke And Kerstin Meyer
Ferocious pirate Captain Firebeard THINKS he and the ruthless team of the “Terrible Haddock” rule the high seas. However, Firebeard and his group meet their game when they muster a small but feisty woman named Molly.
Pirate Princess
by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen And Jill Mcelmurry
Princess Bea is not like other princesses-she favors pirate ships over tea parties, the sea over absurd dolls. However, what’s a princess to do?
Shiver Me Letters: A Pirate ABC
by June Sobel And Henry Cole
The captain of the courageous and bumbling pirate crew has arranged for them to catch the whole decoration and they will walk the board if they are missing one letter!
Small Saul
by Ashley Spires
Can Small Saul reveal to these ruffians that he is worth his weight in gold? With treasure chests of laughs, Little Saul’s high-seas experience is a light-hearted party of identity, perseverance, and being true to yourself.
The Golden Age of Piracy
by David Head
The “golden age of piracy” has been bandied about a lot, but what precisely was it? The myths of 17th and 18th-century pirates are explored through the eyes of 12 different authors in this book. Readers will get insight into how pirates ran their looting operations, how governments combated piracy, and when and why piracy diminished in this compilation of scientific writings.
Pirate Hunter of the Caribbean: The Adventurous Life of Captain Woodes Rogers
by David Cordingly
Pirate Hunter of The Caribbean: Captain Woodes’ Adventurous LifeRogers David Cordingly is a world-renowned expert on pirate history. He also wrote this book.Unter dem Schwarzen Flag. Pirate Hunter of the Caribbean Follows the adventures of Woodes Rogers, his battling of real pirates of the Caribbean sea. You’ll love the entertaining history of pirates, piracy, and other stories. Pirate Hunter of the Caribbean The tale of Woodes Rogers.
Peter Pan
by J. M. Barrie
While the titular boy-who-won’t-grow-up used to be the focus of these tales, series like Once Upon a Time has served to popularize the evil pirate Captain Hook. Other well-known characters introduced in this novel include Wendy Darling and Peter Pan… and a ticking crocodile. Treasure Island is likely as important to pirate literature but doesn’t contain overt fantasy elements required for this list.
Video: Best Pirate Movies
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