
How To Ship Books? Best Full Guide [ecis2023]


Which do you prefer, an e-book? Although it might surprise you, most people still prefer to read printed books on paper. This means that shipping books are in high demand. It cannot be easy to calculate shipping costs and choose the best shipping method.

You are reading: How To Ship Books? Best Full Guide [ecis2023]

You may need to ship books at a specific time. You might need to ship textbooks in time for school back to school, or you may be a self-published author trying to fulfill orders. How To Ship Books? No matter your needs, the following practical advice will help you ship books safely and reduce damage during transit.

Table of Contents

  • 1 How to Ship Books?
    • 1.1 Shipping large books and books in volume
    • 1.2 Shipping antiquarian or valuable books
  • 2 How Do You Pack Books For Shipping?
    • 2.1 1. Gather supplies
    • 2.2 2. Place the Book and Order Slip in a Plastic Bag
    • 2.3 3. Secure the Book With Cardboard
    • 2.4 4. Tape and staple the cardboard roll
    • 2.5 5. Place the books in a shipping box and add more protection
    • 2.6 6. Ship the Box of Books
    • 2.7 Which size box is best for packing books?
  • 3 Additional Considerations When Shipping Books
  • 4 Get your books on their way today
  • 5 What’s the Cheapest Way to Send Books in the Mail?
    • 5.1 USPS Priority Mail
    • 5.2 USPS Flat Rate
    • 5.3 USPS Media Mail
    • 5.4 USPS Parcel Post
    • 5.5 Amazon
    • 5.6 UPS Ground
    • 5.7 Shipping Books: Turn the Page to Better Packing and Shipping Options
  • 6 FAQs

How to Ship Books?

No one wants to receive a book that has been damaged by moisture or dog hair when they are expecting a new, pristine edition. It doesn’t matter if you ship a paperback, hardcover, or both; it is important to minimize moisture exposure and protect the book’s edges from damage during transit.

Wrap the book in plastic to protect it from moisture. If you have a suitable plastic bag, wrap it in plastic wrap. For extra padding, leave some air in your bag. You can also cover the book with bubble wrap and tape the edges.

Bubble wrap can be used to protect the book from moisture and cushion against impact. You can also wrap the book completely in waxed Kraft papers, resistant to moisture, and don’t tear easily.

If you wish to protect paperback and hardcover books, create a cardboard mailer to place the book. Cut a piece of cardboard long enough to fit the book’s entire length using a box cutter. Securely tape the cardboard. The mailer should be able to protect the spine and sides of the book adequately.

Finally, place the book in a suitable sized poly mailer. To provide extra protection for your book during shipping, you can insert packing material such as loose bubble wrap or Kraft paper to cushion it and decrease the chance of being damaged in transit.

Shipping large books and books in volume

Shipping large books and books in volume

All books are not created equal. There are large books, small books, and thin books. It is different to ship a coffee table book than a small manual. Shipping all 20 volumes of the Oxford English Dictionary requires a different approach.

Wrapping large books in plastic offers excellent protection from water damage. Bubble wrap, as mentioned above, is an excellent option for repelling moisture. Place the book in a suitable sized shipping container. You can also secure the book in the box using additional packaging materials such as bubble wrap.

You should protect each book separately if you are shipping more than one book. Then, please place them in the box so that they take up the least space. To help you calculate the shipping cost, it is important to understand the principles behind dimensional weight as large books can be very heavy.

Consider purchasing a multi depth book box to store larger volumes. This allows you to easily adjust the depth of the box to suit your needs. To protect the books from being bent, use cardboard dividers.

To prevent books from sliding around, make sure you have extra packing material in the box. Tape the box on all sides to prevent moisture from getting in. Last, print and attach your shipping label to the box.

Shipping antiquarian or valuable books

Older books can sometimes be the best. One can’t help but marvel at an old collection of maps and a recipe book from over a century. The first edition of The Great Gatsby and Mrs. Dalloway‘ is more than a great book. It is a valuable commercial resource.

To ensure the best protection for your valuable antiquarian or antique books, you should follow the steps above. Depending on how urgent or sensitive the shipment is, choose the best delivery method. To prevent moisture from getting inside the shipping container, make sure you tape all seams.

For added security, you might also want to increase the declared value of your shipment.

How Do You Pack Books For Shipping?

The first step to safely ship your books to their destination is to pack them properly. There are many book shipping boxes that can be used to ship books safely. However, it is important to ensure the books are securely packed. Here are some tips!

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How do you pack books for shipping

1. Gather supplies

Clear a place or counter to store your supplies. To pack the books, you will need the following items:

  • Shipping boxes to be booked
  • Corrugated cardboard roll
  • Stapler
  • Packing tape
  • Scissors
  • Bubble wrap or clear plastic bag
  • Bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and other packing materials
  • Books

2. Place the Book and Order Slip in a Plastic Bag

If you are using a bag, place the book in a plastic bag or bubble wrap. Close the ziplock to seal the bag. If the book doesn’t come with a zipper lock, fold the open ends and tape it tightly, so it doesn’t open.

Bubble wrap is a good option for old books with fragile covers. Wrap the book in bubble wrap, then cut it to fit. Fold the book in half and securely tape the ends.

3. Secure the Book With Cardboard

Next, wrap the book in a cardboard roll to protect it from damage during shipping.

Place the plastic wrapped paper book on top of the roll. Wrap it tightly around the book and then cut the extra sheet. Wrap it in a double layer with cardboard to secure it.

4. Tape and staple the cardboard roll

To secure the book inside, staple the ends of the cardboard roll. Tape the seams of the cardboard roll to secure it further.

5. Place the books in a shipping box and add more protection

Place the books securely in cardboard rolls and place them in a shipping container. For extra protection, wrap the books in bubble wrap, packing peanuts, or craft paper. The printed shipping label should be placed on the top or side of the box.

6. Ship the Box of Books

Then, send the book box to the customer. Use Easyship’s shipping rate calculator to find the best way to ship books.

Which size box is best for packing books?

This will depend on how large the books are and how many books are being sent to the customer. A standard cardboard box measuring 17″x12’x12″ is usually sufficient to ship many books to a customer.

For smaller books shipments, USPS flat rate boxes and padded envelopes can be an economical and reliable option. Shipping books in bulk is the best way to save money.

Additional Considerations When Shipping Books

shipping books

The cost of shipping books is often a consideration when deciding the best method to mail them. Shippers who want to ship books cheaply can use UPS Ground.


  • If you plan to send books internationally, ensure that your customs documentation includes the commercial invoice, is complete and accurate to avoid any delays or complications at the port. To ensure that the product you are shipping isn’t restricted, check the country regulations.
  • If you are an e-commerce merchant, you might consider wrapping your book in company branded paper. You can also slip in a personalized bookmark that your recipient will appreciate. A small gesture can make a big difference.
  • For the best presentation, pack a collection of rare and collectible books in a well organized box. It is better to arrange the books flat than to stack them spine-up.

To ensure your safety and security, you can visit any UPS Store(r). They will be happy to help you pack and ship your books. UPS Stores offer a variety of packing materials and services that will suit your shipment.

These include sturdy boxes that can withstand heavier goods and lighter items. UPS Store Certified Packing Experts (r) will help you choose the best materials to ship your books. This will include packing each book in a polybag before boxing and using Kraft paper to fill the empty spaces.

UPS Stores can provide custom packaging solutions for books with higher value and antique items. These include foam planks measuring one inch on each side of the box and bubble wrap and foam wrap layers to protect the contents.

The UPS Store’s Pack & Ship Guarantee makes it easy for book shoppers to ship books worldwide with UPS.

Get your books on their way today

You can ship a spiral bound textbook to the new academic year or an antiquarian volume encyclopedias for a collector in another country with UPS. With UPS, you can be sure that your books will arrive intact and on time.

What’s the Cheapest Way to Send Books in the Mail?

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USPS Priority Mail

You can compare shipping options to find the best price for books. Let’s take a closer look at that!

USPS Priority Mail

USPS Priority Mail is a cost effective shipping option for the U.S. market. This shipping option is fast and offers insurance up to $50. It also comes with free pickup.

USPS Flat Rate

If you are looking for the best way to ship books, USPS Flat Rate Boxes are another option. Flat Rate envelopes work well for single books; medium and large Flat rate boxes are great for larger shipments.

USPS Media Mail

USPS Media Mail is an excellent shipping option to ship books quickly and affordably. This service is specifically designed for shipping books, audiotapes, CDs, and other media. Media Mail costs depend on the weight of your package.

USPS Parcel Post

USPS Parcel Post offers another option for shipping books. Parcel Post delivery costs are determined by the weight and distance of the parcel.


Amazon is another option for shipping books. Amazon is another great option for shipping books. The eCommerce platform is currently building its courier fleet.

UPS Ground

UPS Ground is another reliable option that’s quite economical for shipping books within the United States. The prices are much lower than other ground shipping options, and the three to five day delivery window allows for a more reasonable delivery time.

Shipping Books: Turn the Page to Better Packing and Shipping Options

Shipping books can be lucrative for online merchants. You don’t even have to be a bibliophile to understand this. Selling books online is a great idea because of the popularity of printed books worldwide and the ease of selling them online.

Sign up for Easyship today to get the best shipping method for books. Easyship makes it easy to find the best way to ship books. We offer access to 250+ shipping options from over a dozen couriers worldwide with discounts of up to 70%. Easyship allows you to turn the page and get better shipping rates for your online business.


Shipping Books: Turn the Page to Better Packing and Shipping Options

The United States Postal Service’s Media Mail Service, formerly called Book Rate, is an efficient method to ship educational materials. It is calculated solely on weight and size. Media Mail is a great choice for eCommerce sellers that deal in books or other heavy media items.

Can you mail a book in an envelope?

Bubbles wrap each book tightly. Place the book in a plastic envelope measuring 10×13 inches, seal it, and mail. One sheet of bubble wrap is sufficient for mass market paperbacks. Two sheets are needed for trade paperbacks or hardcovers. For mass market paperbacks, I fold the envelope in half and then tape it so that it fits snugly into the package.

How do I ship a book media mail?

Although boxes are not necessary for all books, they are recommended for fragile or large books. Wrap the book in the box. Use filler to prevent the book from shifting around in the box. Don’t do what Amazon does.

When to Use USPS Flat Rate Envelopes

The USPS Flat Rate Envelopes almost ALWAYS are the most affordable option. For packages less than 1 lb, you can use your envelope. Locally. If your package is less than 1 lb. you can use your envelope to ship via USPS First Class Package Service.

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  • How Much Does It Cost To Sell Books On Amazon? Best Guide [2022]
  • How To Sell Used Books On Amazon? Best Full Guide 2022

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Category: Blog

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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