
Maharashtra Mahabhulekh 7/12 satbara utara: Everything you should know

[] Mentioned are 7/12 online steps to follow on Mahabhulekh website to get 7/12 utara details. Also mentioned are details of Form VII and Form XII that together become 7/12.

7/12 utara meaning

The 7/12 utara or satbara utara is an extract from a land register, maintained by each district in Maharashtra which gives complete details of a particular plot. 7/12 online is available on Mahabhulekh.

You are reading: Maharashtra Mahabhulekh 7/12 satbara utara: Everything you should know

7/12 extract is made of two village forms- Form VII and Form XII and thus the name.  Taken from Maharashtra land records register, it has extensive information about land in any part of Maharashtra. The 7/12 utara is maintained as ROR (record-of-right) by Maharashtra Land Revenue Record of Rights and Registers (Preparation and Maintenance), Rules 1971.

Mahabhulekh: 7/12 online portal

Mahabhulekh or Maharashtra Bhumi Abhilek is a land record website of Maharashtra that provides ‘7/12 utara’ and 8A extract to citizens as 7/12 online. Maha abhilekh can be accessed on Mahabhulekh 7/12 is a one-stop platform for searching, downloading and extracting land documents in the state. 7/12 and 8A documents on Maha abhilekh are important to verify the past ownership and disputes over the land.

While people are aware about rules related to buying a flat or an apartment, what are the rules to be followed if you want to buy a plot in Maharashtra?  ‘7/12 utara’ or ‘Satbara utara’ (7/12 extract) in Mahabhulekh is a crucial document. In fact, the Mahabhumi 7/12 online Maharashtra document is crucial for the establishment of ownership of a piece of land. The 7 12 utara is extensively used by farmers, for loan agreements, crop survey and for availing of other government facilities.

7/12 utara online as seen in Mahabhulekh is issued by the revenue department, through the tahsildar. Mahabhulekh 7/12 shows the village form number. Like all other record of rights, the 7/12 utara online in Mahabhulekh 7/12 contains crucial information about the land, including the survey number, the area, the owners, their share in the land, encumbrances on the land, etc.

Mahabhulekh 7/12 allows the land owners in Maharashtra to search and check land records and to get a copy of the 7/12 online, by paying a nominal fee. Property owners can download the digital 712 utara and 8A extracts and property cards from which could be used for legal verification, as well.

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7/12 utara change in format

The Maharashtra government also has changed the format of the 7/12 online document to avoid duplication and forgery. The 7/12 utara document will now have a land record department watermark and the state government’s logo. Satbara will also have the name and code of the village and the last entry of the landowner will be struck out. There are a total of 12 changes in the new format of 7/12 utara which are being implemented to weed out forgery in a land transaction.

The 7/12 online document will have the local government’s directory code, the total area of that survey number and will also showcase pending mutation and last mutation number. The 7/12 utara Maharashtra document will also mention the purpose of land.

While earlier changes in the revenue documents required the people to go to the government office, now, provisions to change the same online have been introduced to save time and be transparent. There are also plans to make available the revenue leaflets online very soon. Under the new 7/12 utara online format, farmers can also click and upload photos of their crops from their mobile phones, eliminating the need for a Talatha to go to the farm. Note that if a person has land at four places, he will be given only one satbara utara. Also, in the new 7/12 online Maharashtra format, people can access all changes made from 2008, digitally on 7 /12 utara.

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7/12 online: Information included

Form VII in 7/12 online of the Mahabhulekh has details such as the rights record, occupants’ details, ownership details, tenant information, revenue obligation of the holders and other details related to the land. Form XII in 7/12 online contains details related to crops, its type and area covered by the crops.

Note that the 712 utara extract on the Mahabhulekh is not a conclusive document to prove ownership, but it is only a record to ascertain revenue liability. The title of the property cannot be transferred, on the basis of a 7/12 extract.

Mentioned below are the information included in 712 utara

  • Survey number of land
  • Ownership details (Changes included)
  • Mutation details
  • Credit details (pending loans) for buying fertilisers, pesticides and seeds
  • Area of land that is suitable for cultivation
  • Type of land- agricultural or non-agricultural
  • Type of irrigation on land- rain-fed or irrigated
  • Crop type cultivated in the last season
  • Details of litigations and status (if any)
  • Details of tax (paid and pending to be paid)

7/12 utara: Benefits 

The 7/12 utara document is very useful in Maharashtra. Some of the benefits are:

  • Using online 7/12, you can know about the land type – agricultural or non-agricultural  and various activities that have been carried on that land.
  • Satbara utara is an important document that can be used as proof of ownership of the land
  • 7/12 document is needed by the SRO when you are involved in selling your land.
  • To get a loan from the bank or increase your farm credit, you need to submit 7/12 utara document to the bank.
  • In case of a legal dispute, you can use the 7/12 utara document in the court of law.

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7/12 online: How to apply?

You can apply for 7/12 online by logging on Aaple Sarkar website of Maharashtra on

Aaple Sarkar website

Create your 7/12 utara online profile with this portal to apply online for notified services by clicking on New User? Register here. You will reach where you can choose either of the options and register yourself for online 7/12 by entering all required details.

Aaple sarkar registration

Once registered for 7/12 Maharashtra, login to the online 7/12 portal by entering user id and password. Then you will be led to the next page on online 7/12 portal where you have to select Revenue department and land record department from the drop down menu. Then, select Issuing 7/12 extract option from the list and click on proceed. Then, enter the details of 7/12 utara like applicant name, address, Aadhaar card number, email id and registered mobile number. Then go ahead and apply for 712 by entering details like district, taluk, city survey utara online number, GAT etc. Once done, you will see a preview of all details and if fine, click on submit. You will get your Maha Transcation ID in a pop-up window on the 7/12 utara online website which you have to note.

Once done, you will see the fee details to be paid for the 7/12 online application that has to be paid. Once 7/12 Maharashtra fees are paid, you can find your name in the revenue department 7/12 extract list.

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7/12 online: Track your application

Once you have applied for 7/12 utara, you satbara online can check its status on the Aaple Sarkar website.

Track your application

Click on Track your application and select revenue department from the drop down box. Then, select Land record department, select the service – property card and enter application id and press on go.  You can see the status of the 7/12 utara on the website.

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7/12 online: How to get digital document on Mahabhulekh?

You can obtain the satbara online or 7/12 online from Mahabhulekh, the 7/12 utara online website. You can get the 7/12 utara Maharashtra by applying to the local tahsildar, mentioning the available description of the land and the purpose of seeking the 7 12 extract. You can also get the 7/12 utara details by applying through the government of Maharashtra’s website Mahabhulekh. You can get the 7/12 extract document easily, if you can provide the correct requisite details. If you are unable to find the 7/12  online details on Mahabhulekh, then, you may have to opt for a physical mode of application of 712.

How to get online satbara?  For obtaining the 7/12 online from Mahabhulekh, follow this process:

Step 1: Visit Mahabhulekh Portal

Step 2: Select region for 7/12 (for eg. 7/12 online Pune or 7/12 online Nashik) from the drop-down menu.

how to obtain 7/12 document

Step 3: Select 7/12 from the menu and choose the district from the drop-down list.

7/12 utara
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Mentioned are the details asked and filled in the 7/12 Form VII also known as Adhikar Abhilekh Patrak or Record of Rights form. This is the upper part of the Mahabhulekh 7/12 form.

  • Gaav is village and refers to the name of the village where the land is located.
  • Taluka refers to a district’s sub-division where the land is located.
  • Bhumapan Kramank/Gut number is survey number or Gat no.. and refers to the land parcel’s survey number or Gat number.
  • Bhumapan kramankacha upbhivaag is the sub-division of survey number of land.
  • Bhudharana paddhiti or tenure refers to the tenure of the land.
  • Bhogvatadharanche nav stands for name of the occupant.
  • Khate Kramank is the account number of the land holder that one gets from the Khate Pustika.
  • Shetache sthanik naav refers to the local name of the field and can be anything that depicts the field like the shape of the field or anything that is unique about it.
  • Kudanche naav refers to name of the tenant.
  • Lagvadi yogya kshetr refers to the cultivable land area.
  • Khand stands for rent
  • Lagvadi yogya naslele refers to uncultivable land
  • Aakarni refers to assessment and here mentioned is the assessment tax that is charged on land.
  • Judi kivva vishesh akarni refers to tax paid by the person who has been given the land by the government.
  • Itar adhikar sections mentions the other rights.

7/12 utara: Contents of Form XII

This is the lower part of the Mahabhulekh 7/12 form and includes the Form XII which is also known as Pikanchi Nondvahi or Register of crops.

Satbara form XII


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In this Form XII which is a part of 7/12 extract,

  • Varsh refers to year when the crop was grown.
  • Hangaam refers to the crop season – if it is Rabi or Kharif season.
  • Pikanche naav means name of the crop that is grown.
  • Pika khalil Kshetra –The area under the crops is refered as this in Marathi.
  • It shows the area of land on which crops are grown. It is sub-divided into following categories:
  • Land not suitable for cultivation
  • Paani puravtyanche saadhan refers to source of irrigation.
  • Jal sinchan refers to if irrigation is using water or through rains.
  • Ajal sinchan refers to irrigation using something in the absence of water
  • Jamin kasnartache naav stands of the name of the cultivator
  • Shera refers to observations or comments that can be marked.

Mahabhulekh: Form VI

Known as Register of Mutation, Form VI includes historical land data. The Form VI is also known as FerFar Patra, the form includes all changes in the land including all the past owners, type of mutation, effect of mutation on  the land – gift, mortgage, exchange etc.

One has to visit the Talathi office where the land is located to make any change in the Maha bhulekh land records, fill the FerFar patra and pay the fees associated. The Talathi at the Bhumi Abhilekh Maharashtra office checks the form and also announces for any objection regarding the change and sets a date. If there is no objection raised the changes are incorporated. One can check the changes and the status on the e chavadi 7 12 portal at

Satbara Form VI

Enter the district, taluka, village, captcha and click on ‘Aapli Chavadi Paha’ on the e chavadi 7 12 portal.

Upon receipt of your application, Talathi examines the application form and documents and announces the last date for notice of change and registration of objections. If no objection is raised within this date, then Talathi will proceed with the next process of change.

Mahabhulekh: Form VIII A

Known as Holding of Khatedar, (land holder), Form VIII A covers various details such as name of village, taluka, district, survey number of the land, sub-division of the survey number, area of land, account number of the land holder, amount of assessment tax payable by the land holder, etc. Form VIII A is useful towards land revenue tax payment.

Mahabhulekh: Malmatta Patrak or Property card

Obtained from Mahabhulekh, property card also known as Malmatta Patrak in Marathi is a record-of-right document that is certified by Maharashtra government. It is very important proof of ownership of property. While both satbara utara and property card are known as record of rights, 712 utara denotes ownership and agricultural details of land in rural area, property card denotes ownership in urban areas. You can download property card from Mahabhulekh 7/12 or get it from city survey offices.

Mahabhulekh: Why is property card important?

Discussed are the importance of property card.

  • Property card is important for any buyer who is investing in a property as it shows the details of owner of property that is located in an urban area in Maharashtra and can be used for verification purposes.
  • Property card tells about the ancestral lineage associated with the property which will help buyer note if there is any dispute before proceeding with the transaction.
  • Property card acts an important proof and is asked by most financial institutions and banks before closing a property deal.

Mahabhulekh: Details on property card

Details on property card include

  • Name of district
  • Name of taulka
  • CTS number or the City Title Survey Number
  • Plot number
  • Land area
  • Land owner name
  • Ownership title changes
  • Record of mutation
  • Record of encumbrance
  • Loan from government organisation
  • Details of unpaid tax on the land owned
  • Other comments

How to get digitally signed property card in Maharashtra?

Step 1: Visit the Aaple Abhilekh Portal.

Step 2: Click on ‘New User Registration’ to register yourself to get digitally signed 712 utara property card. Submit all the requisite details and information asked for online satbara property card. Once you have registered yourself, login to the portal supporting online 7/12.

Step 3: Select the region, district, office and village to proceed with getting 7/12 utara Maharashtra property card.

Step 4:If you know exact city survey utara online number or gat number in 712 utara  or the CTS number, click ‘Yes’ and enter the number. If you do not know the city survey utara online number or gat number in 7/12 (CTS number), click ‘No’ and select city survey utara online number or gat number in 7/12 or CTS number from the drop-down menu to get your online 7-12 property card.

Step 5: Your Mahabhulekh property card will be displayed on the screen. Click on ‘Download’ to get a copy of your Mahabhulekh property card.

Note: Property card download is currently free and no charges are applicable.

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7/12 online: How to make online payment for downloading digitally signed document?

While you can download the digitally signed Mahabhulekh 7/12, 8A document online, you need to make a marginal payment, to avail of this service on digital 7/12. Here is how to do it:

Step 1: Visit the Aaple Abhilekh Portal.

Know all about the Mahabhulekh satbara utara or 7/12 extract

Step 2: Once you have registered yourself, login to the portal.

Step 3: First click on the ‘make online payment’ option.

Step 4: Enter the amount between Rs 15 and Rs 1,000. It is advised to make payment in multiples of 15.

Step 5: Click on the ‘Pay Now’ button.

Step 6: Click on ‘Print Receipt’ and note down the PRN Number.

Step 7: Click on the ‘Continue’ button and select the document you want to download.

Once you receive a successful payment acknowledgement from the bank, you can check the balance on the website by clicking on the ‘Check Payment Status’. You will have to enter the PNR number and press submit.

Know all about the Mahabhulekh satbara utara or 7/12 extract

7/12 online: How to verify digitally signed satbara utara, 8A extract and property card? 

Property owners can also verify the digital 7/12 signed documents including 7/12 utara and 8A extract and property card. Since all these 7 12 online documents can be used for legal purposes, it is important that you verify the 7/12 extract before presenting it in a court of law.

Step 1: Visit the Aaple Abhilekh Portal.

Step 2: To verify the 7/12 utara, click on Verify 7/12.

Step 3: Next step to check in the 712 Maharashtra is to enter the verification number and click ‘submit’ as seen in the picture below. The results will be displayed on the screen.

Know all about the Mahabhulekh satbara utara or 7/12 extract

Additionally, to verify 8A extract, click on Verify 8A. 

Know all about the Mahabhulekh satbara utara or 7/12 extract

To verify the Ferfar, click on Verify Ferfar and enter the verification number.

To verify the Ferfar, click on Verify Ferfar and enter the verification number. To verify the property card, click on verify property card and enter the verification number

To verify the property card, click on Verify Property Card and enter the verification number.

Know all about the Mahabhulekh satbara utara or 7/12 extract

7/12 utara: How to apply for mutation (updation)?

 7/12 online mutation: Steps to follow

If the land owner finds any discrepancy or errors in the information in the online Mahabhulekh 7/12 and in the handwritten information in the 7/12 utara Maharashtra, he/she can apply for correction online. The errors may include:

  • Total area of ​​7/12 utara Maharashtra
  • Unit of area
  • Name of the account holder
  • Area of ​​the account holder

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Here is how to apply for correction and updating of land records in 7/12 utara Maharashtra:

Step 1: Visit the E-Rights portal at and create an account by clicking on ‘Proceed to Login’ at the bottom of the page for 7/12 mutation.

Know all about the satbara utara 7/12 extract

Know all about the satbara utara 7/12 extract

Know all about the satbara utara 7/12 extract

Step 2: Login to the portal and select the ‘७/१२ Mutations’ option, to start land record 7/12 mutation entry.

Know all about the satbara utara 7/12 extract

Step 3: You will get a pop-up message requesting to select the proper ‘Role’ of the user in 7/12 utara Maharashtra. There are three roles in which data entry can be done: Citizen, Bank/society and Others. The applicant should be very sure before selecting the role in the 7/12 utara Maharashtra, because certain mutation types are restricted to specific roles only. For example, under the ‘Citizen’ role, one can do the following:

  • Add heirs
  • Remove the name of a guardian
  • Remove HUF name
  • Add/remove a will
  • Remove the name of a deceased person
  • Change the trustee name.

Step 4: Submit the details to register the changes made in the 7/12 utara Maharashtra land records.

Note that when you log on to the Public Data Entry (PDE) portal on, complete the PDE and use the eStepin facility for registration. Doing this will prevent crowding at the SRO during this Coronavirus pandemic, thus, ensuring your safety. One can rebook the slot two times through eStepin at Any slot that has been booked for a particular day is valid for the entire day. Citizens are allowed to book slots on the same day, if there is an availability. 

Know all about the satbara utara 7/12 extract

Also, note that Mumbai suburban citizens can view the property card and get the name from the EPICS server during data entry.

7/12 offline mutation: Steps to follow

If you are unable to add or delete the name of heirs or new buyers in the Mahabhulekh 7/12 utara document online, it is important that you submit the request in person, at the tehsildar’s office. For this, attach a copy of the sale deed and 7/12 utara document downloaded from ‘Aaple Abhilekh’. Once approved, the mutation entry with regard to the 7/12 utara, will be taken in your name. For further guidance on 712 utara, you can also consult a property lawyer.

Note that no fees are to be paid for any mutation to be taken on RoR. For any official purposes, digitally signed RoRs are legally valid and there is no need for a physical paper copy.

The mutation application status of property card can be accessed by clicking on ‘PR Card Application Status’ on the Bhumi Abhilekh Maharashtra portal.

Know all about the satbara utara 7/12 extract

You will be led to the next page on Bhumi Abhilekh Maharashtra where you have to enter the application incoming number. This satbara utara page can be accessed in Marathi and English.

Know all about the satbara utara 7/12 extract

7/12 utara: Information on E-Peek Pahani mobile app

To register the crops, farmers can make use of the ‘E-Peek Pahani’ app that can be downloaded from the Google Play store.

Know all about the satbara utara 7/12 extract

Once downloaded, if you scroll to the left twice, you will get information on Satbara utara and 8-A. Firstly, register in the app by providing the required information and a login ID and password. Then, enter all the details about the area of land in hectares, the season, area for showing the crops, etc. and finally add the photo of the crop and submit the information. All the information provided will be scrutinised by the talathi officials and then, recorded on Satbara online.

7/12 utara: How can I remove a name from Mahabhulekh?

To remove a name from Satbara utara Maharashtra, you have to contact the local tahsildar and provide him with supporting documents. For instance, if the purpose is dead, among other documents for name removal in 712 utara, you have to support is the death certificate of the person. Also, if the person whose name you are getting removed from the satbara utara Maharashtra, has legal heirs, then you have to get a no objection certificate from them before proceeding with removing the name from bhumiabhilekh 7 12.

What to do if name is removed from 7/12 utara or satbara utara Maharashtra fraudulently?

Firstly, you have to lodge a complaint with the Mahabhumi abhilek authorities because the name cannot be removed from the 7/12 utara Maharashtra or satbara utara Maharashtra without submission of valid documents to Mahabhumi 7 12. Also, experts suggest that even after the removal of a person’s name from mahabhumi abhilekh 7 12, the mutation entry in the 7/12 utara Maharashtra exists. By applying for access to the 712 mutation record, one can get to know of the documents that have been used for removing the name. If you are still not satisfied, you can apply for a certified copy of bhumiabhilekh 7 12 or 7/12 utara in the Tehsildar’s office and legally scan through the Mahabhulekh 7/12 copy and finally challenge it with legal help on the basis of your findings.

7/12 utara: Access to archived e-records

To access archived e-records on Emahabhumi, visit

Satbara e-records archived document

Enter login id, password, captcha and click on login. If you don’t have a login id, create one by clicking on new user registration.

Before proceeding with downloading the archived documents from the e mahabhumi website, click on document availability list and the office wise documents type.

satbara document availability list

satbara office wise document

Once done, select the archived records from the e mahabhumi that you are looking for. Add the selected documents to the cart on e maha bhumi and finally download the document. Note that since these are scanned documents, there are no human errors and they are authentic.

MahaBhulekh 7 12 mobile app: Beware

Land owners should remain alert against various scam apps listed as MahaBhulekh 7 12 on the Google Play Store. There is NO OFFICIAL 7 12 Mahabhulekh MOBILE APP of MahaBhulekh portal except E-Peek Pahani mobile app and all the information required for the 7/12 online document, mutation, etc., should be searched on only. These 7 12 Mahabhulekh mobile apps have been created by private entities and individuals, which could corrupt your mobile phone data or damage the device through malware.

MahaBhulekh: Contact information

Mahabhulekh 7/12 can be contacted at:

Office of the Commissioner and Director Land Records,

3rd Floor, New Administrative Building, Opposite Council Hall, Pune

Tel: 020-26050006,


Any feedback for Mahabhulekh 7/12 can be mailed at



What is 7/12 utara?

The 7/12 utara is an extract from a land register, which gives complete details of a particular plot.

Where is 7/12 utara Maharashtra used?

7/12 utara Maharashtra works as a legal document. It is one of the important documents that banks ask for if you plan to raise a loan against such property.

How to obtain online 7/12 download ?

You can get 7/12 online from the Mahabhulekh 7/12 portal.

(With additional inputs from Amit Sethi)

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Category: Lifestyle

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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