
How To Focus On Reading – Best Full Guide & Tips [ecis2023]


  • MatthewDusQues

There are many ways to read, but focusing on your focus may be the best way to read. Some people love reading on their own, while other people like to read aloud, and still, others like to use background noise to distract them. Poor focus results in slow, unsatisfying, shallow reading.

You are reading: How To Focus On Reading – Best Full Guide & Tips [ecis2023]

But focusing on your reading life can help you learn more efficiently and better retain what you read. All of us want to become more intelligent and better readers. This is one of the most important skills that someone can develop. It’s great time to take a break from all of those and read a good book.

Penn Book will tell you how to focus on reading via the article below. Reading on for more information.

Table of Contents

  • 1 How Do We Spend Our Time?
  • 2 Technology is Changing Our Brains
  • 3 Screen Time and Your Attention
  • 4 Great Tips to Stay Focused While Reading
    • 4.1 Practice Meditation
    • 4.2 Simple Techniques To Improve Focus On Reading: When reading, use your hand to guide your eyes.
    • 4.3 Use a Timer
    • 4.4 Create a quiet environment to keep you from background noise
    • 4.5 Take breaks
    • 4.6 Do a brain dump for five minutes before you sit down to read/write.
    • 4.7 Don’t get distracted by other tasks.
    • 4.8 Do some simple concentration exercises to retrain your brain to focus
    • 4.9 Continually review and summarize your work when you’re done.
    • 4.10 Make the material interesting
    • 4.11 Tune into audiobooks
    • 4.12 Listening to Music While You Read
    • 4.13 Learn What You Should Expect From The Reading
  • 5 Reading Strategies for Better Reading Comprehension
    • 5.1 Take note
  • 6 FAQs about How To Focus In Reading
    • 6.1 Why can’t I focus when I read?
    • 6.2 Why do I find reading so hard?
    • 6.3 Is reading good for anxiety and depression?
  • 7 Conclusion

How Do We Spend Our Time?

How much time do we spend on our smartphones and in front of screens? An average American spends 2.25 hours per day on social media, up from 1.5 hours in 2012. We spend an average of 4.25 hours per day on social media, up from 1.5 hours in 2012.

Let’s look at how our week is divided to put this in perspective. We have 58 hours each week to indulge in hobbies, relax, or socialize. This includes 40 hours of work and 8 hours of sleep each night. Many people spend up to 50 hours a week on their smartphones or laptops. This leaves us with just 8 hours each day, which is less time than one hour. It’s hard to find the reading time for a book, and even when we do have it, it can be challenging to stay focus on reading targets.

While scrolling through your Twitter feed or skimming the latest news is a great way to stay motivated, actual reading a book takes more effort. Our brains work changing due to our excessive use of technology and the long hours we spend staring at screens.

It’s becoming harder to put in the effort even when the phones are off. Smartphone use can impact our ability to concentrate on a task and recall important information.

Technology is Changing Our Brains

Technology is Changing Our Brains

The constant stream of notifications puts our brains in an almost constant state of stress with an area of the brain. This affects the prefrontal cortex, which controls highest order cognitive functioning. Your prefrontal cortex won’t function properly if you don’t do what you can to keep it functioning, and your brain will return to the default state of responding quickly to all distractions.

Screen Time and Your Attention

The mental health conditions like ADHD may be caused by excessive screen time and constant notifications. Early research on this topic links symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and heavy screen use.

Recent research found that smartphones could cause severe harm to young people, even if they have not had any symptoms of ADHD in two years. Results showed that teens who used multiple digital media types multiple times per day were twice as likely as those who used less digital media.

Although more research is required in this area, it’s possible teens with ADHD may be more inclined to use social media. However, teenagers could become more dependent on digital distractions and develop ADHD symptoms.

Great Tips to Stay Focused While Reading

Practice Meditation

Practice Meditation

There are many sources of anxiety and distraction. Clearing your mind will not only make you happier but also help you be more productive. You’ll be a better reader.

Meditation is a great way to achieve this.

Find a quiet space, a comfortable place to sit, and let your mind wander.

Allow thoughts to come to you and let them pass. Focus on your task.

This skill will not only help you concentrate on your reading but also improve your memory. This skill will help you to block out distracting thoughts as you read.

You can learn to meditate with guided meditation using an app such as Headspace.

Okay, enough of sitting down. Also, you need to move.

Simple Techniques To Improve Focus On Reading: When reading, use your hand to guide your eyes.

Motion is just what your eyes naturally love. Your eyes will naturally follow the motion created by your hands. Use a pen or chopstick to trace the words you are reading with a pen, finger, or chopstick. This helps you keep your eyes on the text. This will ensure that your eyes don’t wander off to the screen, page, or other places

Use your pen or hand to move smoothly from one side to the other. You can adjust your speed to ensure you’re not going too slow or fast.

It’s normal to feel uncomfortable when you first start reading with your hands. It will become more natural the more you practice it.

Use a Timer

The Pomodoro method is a time management strategy that includes breaks in your daily tasks. You can choose to focus for 25 minutes with five minute breaks. You can take a 10-minute longer break after you’ve completed four focus sessions. This works well for me when it’s challenging to focus on reading. It allows me to indulge in distractions that I can’t avoid for a brief time during my breaks.

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It doesn’t matter if you use the Pomodoro technique or not; setting a timer can help you read without distraction. When I know the timer will eventually go off, I can forget about my thoughts.

Create a quiet environment to keep you from background noise

It would help if you eliminated distractions that distract you from reading focus. Distraction will always happen, but distractions you can control are more important.

If your phone rings while you are reading, it is an interruption that you can control. Turn your phone off while you are reading or putting it into airplane mode, put it away eye and arm’s reach.

You might want to stop checking your email and Facebook while you are reading.

You might want to read in a different place if you are constantly interrupted by others.

All of these distractions can be controlled. If they are controllable, it is best to eliminate them so that you can read more clearly.

The television and computer are the same. The basement has a TV, which is a blessing as it’s not in our main living areas. The TV shouldn’t be distracting from our creative pursuits or a distraction in our family’s life. This idea was inspired by The Tech Wise Family, Andy Crouch’s book. It is an excellent book for anyone trying to balance a tech dependent culture and raising a family.

You can use Freedom to create a recurring block program.

Your smartphone can sometimes help you focus! You can use the Freedom app to set up a block schedule for your smartphone that will automatically block notifications and distracting apps during specific times each day. You can program a recurring block that starts at the same time every night to block notifications. This will allow you to read a book and not be distracted by social media.

Take breaks

You should make sure to include breaks if you are reading for more than an hour straight. You don’t need to take a long break. If you prefer, it can be as short as 30 seconds.

You can take a short break from reading life to allow you to gather your thoughts. The break can be used to make notes or to look away from the page.

You’ll feel refreshed when you read again. It will be like you have just started reading life. You’ll find a greater level of focus if you read for 10-15 minutes in short bursts with frequent breaks.

Okay, so those are our top tips for getting through boring reading material.

Do a brain dump for five minutes before you sit down to read/write.

Keep a pen and paper handy if you are constantly distracted by your worries or to do list while reading. You can stop reading and write down everything you are worried about. This is not something you should do on your phone.

You’ll be distracted by words and tweets, as we’ve already mentioned. Write down your worries in longhand. This creates a physical connection to your thoughts. Writing down your worries in longhand will help you to avoid forgetting them.

You can keep a separate piece of paper close by and use it as a pen to note down any other distractions while you read. You’ll be able to make a list of all the things you want to remember after you’ve finished reading.

Don’t get distracted by other tasks.

Wash the dishes and pack the lunch for your child before you start reading. You will be more motivated to complete these unpleasant tasks than you are to read a book. As a reward, read a book. If you are occupied by the task of “I have to clean the bathroom,” a Stephen King horror novel won’t keep you engaged and on edge. Once that is done, you can relax and enjoy the book.

Do some simple concentration exercises to retrain your brain to focus

It’s essential to start with the basics when trying to resolve concentration problems preventing you from focusing for many months or even years. To help you regain your focus, there are a few simple exercises that you can do to improve your focus ability.

Meditation can help you in an energized and calm state. However, it is a good idea to meditate for a few minutes each morning. You can improve your concentration by taking a walk, setting aside your phone, and paying attention to your breath to provide low impact physical exercise and help improve your concentration skills.

Continually review and summarize your work when you’re done.

Look over your notes before you celebrate reaching your goal at the end. This is a great way to check if you focused well.

Write a summary of the key points. Practice speaking out loudly to explain the content.

Make sure that you have the answers to all your questions. Consider whether the purpose of your reading was accomplished.

It is essential to be able to recall and explain key points in the story or information.

This should be easy and painless we have succeeded.

Make the material interesting

Do some research before you start reading a book. Find something that interests you about the book and makes it worthwhile to read. You could find an article about the author, a Youtube lecture on the book’s impact on society, or even a documentary.

You might find something that connects your interests and a good book. You may also find reference material that can help you understand the text better. This is essential for staying focused.

Tune into audiobooks

Tune Into Audiobooks

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Audiobooks are a great way to get started if you have never tried them before. Turn on an audiobook to get rid of the stress caused by social isolation. Listen while you clean or take a walk by yourself.

You can move your body, engage in mindless tasks and still read audiobooks. These audiobooks can be an excellent choice for times when it is hard to focus on a book.

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Listening to Music While You Read

Could you have tried listening to music with your headphones? It can help you focus on a task, especially reading.

It all depends on what type of music you are listening to. Classical music, ambient music like the coffee shop sound, instrumental music, or nature sounds can help you concentrate while reading. Make sure that the music does not contain lyrics.

Learn What You Should Expect From The Reading

Now you understand the reason for reading.

  • What’s the point of reading articles or books?
  • Are you able to grasp the whole thing? Do you need one fact or reference?
  • Does the general idea of content suffice?

It’s easier to understand what level you require to be able to read effectively.

Do not waste time reading through every word of an article. You only need one section.

If you are confident that the entire thing is essential, ask some questions. Your brain will always be searching for the answer. You’ll be more engaged.

Highlight sections relevant to your question and take notes if you need them.

Break down significant texts, such as books, into smaller sections and address them individually.

This will make reading more enjoyable and also save you time. This will allow you to extract the information that you are looking for from the material. That is the whole point.

Reading Strategies for Better Reading Comprehension

Take Note

Take note

Do some homework, and you will be able to turn your passive reading into active reading. This will help you to focus better. This is particularly helpful for the overwhelming majority of students who have long reading assignments. However, even if you are not in class, note taking can still be a valuable tool. Use a highlighter, pen, or pencil to highlight any quotes you wish.

You can mark important passages by making your observations. Sticky notes can be used to highlight sections that might have helpful information that you want to return to. This will help you improve your concentration and increase your ability to think critically. This will improve your concentration ability and encourage you to stop and reflect on what you are reading.

This will not only improve your concentration but also allow you to develop your analytical thinking skills. This will require you to think beyond just skimming each page.

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FAQs about How To Focus In Reading

Why can’t I focus when I read?

Different people get distracted in different ways. Stress and sleep deprivation are two of the most common causes. Every cell in the brain receives signals from both inside and outside. It would help if you first eliminated all physical causes of your inability to focus.

Why do I find reading so hard?

Sometimes, this is because scholarly literature is dense, obtuse, and not very good. However, this is not always true. Sometimes, the text we are reading is difficult to understand. It’s not because the text is poorly written, but because it contains challenging ideas.

Is reading good for anxiety and depression?

According to a study by the Reading Agency, which The Independent summarized, reading for pleasure can improve self-esteem, decrease symptoms of depression, build better relationships, and reduce anxiety.


Focusing on your reading with your hands, removing distractions, listening to music, and taking breaks are helpful ways to increase your focus. These four simple tips can help you get better focus while reading.

As a reader, you can focus on what you’re reading. It is not necessary to keep peeking at the clock every five minutes. The purpose of this blog post is to help you read faster and better.

Thanks for reading. If this article is helpful for you, please share it with your friends. Happy reading!

Listen more: Music to focus on reading

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Category: Blog

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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