Like buying secondhand books, purchasing used books can be a great way to save money. Because they are brand-new, new books can be expensive. What’s the best part? You can trust the words no matter if the book has just been published or if it’s been read many times before.
You are reading: Where To Buy Used Books? Best Place to Buy Used Books Online [ecis2023]
Where to buy used books online and directly? These are the top online places to buy used books. They’ll fill your bookshelves and not drain your bank account.
Table of Contents
- 1 Where to Buy Used Books?
- 1.1 ThriftBooks
- 1.2 Goodwill Books
- 1.3 AbeBooks
- 1.4 Powell’s Books
- 1.5 Alibris
- 1.6 Amazon
- 1.7 Book Finder
- 1.8 Better World Books
- 1.9 Book Outlet
- 1.10 Second Sale
- 1.11 Half-price Books
- 1.12 BookMooch
- 1.13 Barnes and Noble
- 1.14 Biblio
- 1.15 eBay
- 1.16 Book Depository
- 1.17 Chegg
- 1.18 Sellbackyourbook
- 1.19 CampusBooks
- 1.20 Bookfinder
- 1.21 eCampus
- 1.22 ValoreBooks
- 1.23 Thrift Books
- 2 FAQs
Where to Buy Used Books?
ThriftBooks is a great place to buy used books online. ThriftBooks offers more than 13,000,000 titles. Genres include biography and memoirs, history, young adult, and other books. This website has both the classics and newer titles.
Did we mention that the books are extremely affordable? A copy of Goodnight Moon, the classic children’s book, was found in very good condition at $4.69.
We also found a copy of The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman for only $14.59. Stock up on your library and save some money.
Goodwill Books
Many people have seen it used in Goodwill stores. But, you might not be aware that Goodwill also has a website for selling used books. You can find a wide range of books, from fiction to technology books.
You could buy a book about microprocessors and minicomputers for $18.75 and add a used copy of Pride and Prejudice for $7.00. You can talk about many topics.
You can find movies, music, and books at Goodwill Books. See for yourself what you can find.
You may explore millions of books offered by independent vendors on AbeBooks, an eBay for book enthusiasts. You’ll always know where your books are shipping from since each seller provides a complete description of the book.
Abebooks also allows you to find new books by browsing through its extensive library. One vendor may offer a Legendary Authors collection, while another would create a collection of comics and graphic novels.
Powell’s Books
Powell’s Books began its bookselling career offline in 1971 as Portland’s most extensive independent shop. Their physical locations are still thriving today. They’ve expanded their online presence to become one of America’s most prominent book merchants in recent years.
“The world’s finest destination for readers,” they say, “a location that nurtures a reading culture and links them with the books they’ll love.”
You may discover new publications in excellent shape that have only been read by one prior owner and older titles that are more worn and therefore much cheaper. They provide a good selection of popular tags and works by lesser known writers and even some rare and out of print titles.
Powell’s isn’t usually the cheapest place to purchase secondhand books. Still, their selection is extensive, and you can locate some hard to find titles there.
Alibris featured an extensive collection of new and used books and secondhand movies and music. They were founded in 1998 in the early days of the internet.
Alibris’ inventory has over 175 million books, so you have a decent chance of finding what you’re searching for among their vast network of small retailers.
They offer everything from new releases to oldies and everything in between. Rare trinkets, ancient books, and out of print publications may all be found there.
Alibris’ pricing is comparable to those of most of the sites on our list. They also offer a large variety of clearance and 99 cent books.
On Amazon, you may find any book, and even the most obscure titles frequently have numerous copies in stock.
This vast marketplace is an excellent way to purchase old books for college coursework or fun.
Some merchants charge just one penny for their books (but you have to pay for shipping).
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See more: How To Sell Used Books On Amazon?
Book Finder
If you’re looking for a specific book and don’t want to go through the inventory of every secondhand bookstore on the internet, go to Book Finder.
This website allows you to search over 100,000 new and secondhand book listings from across the globe. And, if you want to save money, you may compare rates from different retailers and quickly locate the best deal on the internet.
On BookFinder, you may locate almost any title, from lightly used to new books to all of the classics. It’s also a terrific method to find rare books, antique books, out of print books, and first edition copies without scouring individual vendors for hours.
Although the website is simple, the search tool is logical and straightforward, allowing you to search by author, title, or ISBN. You may also filter your results by year of release, choosing from hardcovers, paperbacks, first editions, and even author signed copies.
Better World Books
Better World Books stands out as a bookseller that lives by its beliefs, aiming to create good chances in the world via and beyond its business when everyone appears to be pursuing profits.
Book donations, volunteer programs, literacy grants, sustainability, and other activities are all part of the company’s mission. Every book you buy from Better World Books, whether new or old, contributes to their goal. And the pricing is reasonable.
Book Outlet
Book lovers beware: You could spend hours on this website. Book Outlet offers a wide range of great books at an affordable price. You can shop for books below $20, $15, $10, $10, or even $5 if you are on a budget. Book Outlet offers more than just books. You can also browse puzzles and toys as well as other fun gifts.
Second Sale
Glen Nothnagel, an entrepreneur and bookworm, launched a tiny used book, CD, and DVD firm in the early 2000s to help pay for his college education. It rapidly became a lifetime hobby. His website now boasts one of the most extensive secondhand book inventories.
Every year, their sibling company sellbackyourbook.com buys millions of used books and sells them on their Second Sale site at steep discounts.
Their pricing is reasonable, and they have a large selection of secondhand fiction and nonfiction books to choose from. All purchases over $10 get free delivery inside the United States.
Half-price Books
Half Price Volumes has some fantastic bargains, with some books as cheap as 99 cents.
You’ll see a category called Super buys in the Books dropdown menu, which allows you to sort books that are $5 or less. There are also several rare first editions and autographed copies available.
Students might also benefit from Half Price Books. It features a wide selection of secondhand textbooks for middle school, high school, and college students. At the start of the school year, students will not have to spend hundreds of dollars on textbooks.
BookMooch is great if you don’t want to search for specific titles. You can trade books with other book lovers worldwide and get a copy of something you haven’t read before. Plus, you earn points. BookMooch boasts around 74,000 members from 90 countries. This means you are bound to find a novel or two here.
Barnes and Noble
This website is for college students. You know Barnes and Noble for their huge selection of books. But did you also know that they also sell used textbooks? To find a used textbook, you only need to search by author, title, ISBN, and ISBN. This option will allow you to save money instead of buying brand new textbooks from your college bookstore.
Biblio is the right website if you are looking for rare books or first editions. You can search books by author, title, keyword, ISBN, and more. You can also choose whether you would like the books signed by the author or if they are the first edition. You’re sure to find the perfect book on Biblio. Explore now to see what you can discover!
eBay is a treasure trove of secondhand books, with millions of novels, biographies, nonfiction books, manga, comic books, and other titles.
Sellers usually specify the book’s condition, so you won’t be surprised (like missing pages or a torn cover).
Because anybody may become an eBay seller, the listings can be random. You could find a rare book or manga at the lowest price you’ve ever seen.
Plus, the ability to bid makes eBay book purchasing much more fun.
Book Depository
Book Depository was created in 2004 by a former Amazon employee, and the firm was eventually bought by Amazon in 2011.
Although this UK based firm does not sell secondhand books, it does offer new books at competitive rates.
Almost every book, new and old, is discounted by a modest amount at Book Depository. That means you may get a new release for even less than elsewhere.
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Chegg, a well known online retailer, specializing exclusively in college products, is an educational hub for today’s students. For ebooks and textbooks, students can search by author or title. Chegg offers a free online copy for textbooks while you wait for your book to ship. You can also get 24/7 tutoring online, internship programs, and deals from local vendors close to your college campus.
SellBackYourBook.com, a Better Business Bureau registered company, is a trusted online resource that allows students to resell books they have purchased and rent/buy used textbooks.
Just type your ISBN in the search bar to instantly see results for books in stock. SellBackYourBook.com is a great place to buy back textbooks you have already bought. The turnaround time from the moment you mail your book to receiving funds depends on where you live. It can take anywhere from five to 21 business days.
This site is designed to assist students in deciding on whether to rent or buy a used book. You can also find out if the textbook is available at your local library.
CampusBooks.com was founded in 1999 and offered fair pricing for your books to help you recoup some expenses. Although the site doesn’t allow you to search by ISBN, the customer support team can help you find the right book for you. The books are in excellent condition.
Bookfinder.com is best known for finding rare and out of print books. However, they also offer students the ability to search for text using ISBN, author, or title names. Although they don’t store books, Bookfinder.com has a powerful search engine that will direct students to the best quality books online.
Text BOOK to 87955 to receive $5 off your first order. Plus, get free shipping when you spend $35 or more with this long standing retailer of used textbooks.
Unlike many other sites, ecampus.com offers a loyalty program where students can accumulate points to use towards future purchases. This will help you save even more money over the long term.
You can also purchase books directly from the seller on the site. There are also ebook options if you have waited too long and still need your book.
This last entry is a great source for older textbooks. Although they don’t have many older textbooks, the prices for the ones they do have are low enough to be included. You can also expect to pay only $3.95 shipping for most of their items.
ValoreBooks.com offers a good rental program and a return policy so that you can be confident doing business on this small retail site.
Thrift Books
Thrift Books offers almost 13 million secondhand books in its library. You may find practically any book on this site, including comics and manga.
If you’re interested in a book, you may choose its condition the best looking books are the most costly, while the most affordable are those in the acceptable category.
You’ll receive a substantial discount off the original price regardless of the condition you pick.
Is it safe to buy second hand books?
It is perfectly acceptable to buy a used book in good condition from a charity shop, especially when it is something you have wanted for a long time. If you’re a serious collector or want to ensure your books are preserved in value, you should always purchase the best copy possible.
Are second hand books from Amazon good?
You can sell used books on Amazon. Zen Arbitrage is my favorite tool for used book research. I recommend that you only sell books with a Best Seller Rank below 1M to ensure good book sales.
Do Barnes and Nobles sell used books?
Only the best quality books are sold. We won’t sell books with mildew stains or missing pages. Even lab manuals and study guides are in good condition and almost scribble free.
What store sells the most books?
Amazon’s print sales are very close to the US market. Our Book start derived total, 312,000,000 print units, was 45.5% of Books can’s total 2017 print sales of 687million. This means that Amazon’s print sales now account for the majority of Books can’s Club & Retail share.
Read more:
- Where To Sell Used Books?
- What To Do With Old Books?
Source: ecis2016.org
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Source: https://ecis2016.org
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