
Why Is My Laptop Fan So Loud? Top Full Guide 2021

Laptops are not known for being quiet, but most of them have a fan designed to keep the laptop from getting too hot. There may be reasons why your laptop fan is louder than usual, or you might need to clean out your vents. If you wonder that Why Is My Laptop Fan So Loud? In this article, Medcpu will talk about what causes laptops fans to get loud and how to fix them!

What You Need to Know About Laptop Fan Noise

Are you wondering why your laptop fan is so loud?

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Fans are included in laptops, touchscreen hybrids, and all other devices for one purpose: To dissipate heat through the circulation of air and expel hot air.

Your fans will fire up most of the time because they are supposed to. It can be distracting, and sometimes, quite loud. Even a high-end machine, such as the MacBook Pro, can sound like a drone flying under extreme load.

Your laptop will work harder to dissipate heat if the environment is hot. This can lead to more excessive fan noise. The laptop can also get hot if its vents are covered, which is common when using a laptop with soft furnishings.

You’ll also feel heat buildup if you are playing 3D games using WebGL or rendering video.

What You Need to Know About Loud Laptop Fan

There are a few reasons your laptop fan noise may be over-driven:

  • Fans are dirty. If you have a large desktop computer, dust can build up in your computer. Dust can be a common cause for your computer fans to work harder. Computer fans that are noisy from dust and other debris components are common causes.
  • The computer cannot ventilate heat. The term “laptop” is misleading. When you place your laptop on your lap, your legs transmit heat to the laptop and prevent cool air from cooling it down. Cool air is also essential for desktop PCs.
  • Laptop fans aren’t functioning properly. The moving parts of your fans wear down and eventually fail. Laptop and desktop fans that run loudly might have a problem. The firmware that controls the fan might be malfunctioning.
  • Your CPU is working too hard. Sometimes it is not a fan problem. Your computer can heat up quickly if a program consumes more CPU resources than it should. High CPU usage can be indicated by a computer fan that makes a loud noise.

The problem is most likely with the fans unit. However, if your fans are not making any noises but still sounding continuous, it’s unlikely that the fan itself is the problem. Our guide will help you fix an overheating laptop if it is frequently overheating.

1. Kill Your Processes to Stop a Noisy Laptop Fan

Kill Your Processes to Stop Noisy Laptop Fans

The GPU is often the target of fans who suddenly jump into action without warning. This can be solved by removing the demand and killing the process.

Mac users can use Activity Monitor to kill undesirable processes, while Windows users can use Task Manager. Bring up your Task Manager to check if any programs are putting an unusually high demand on your CPU, press Ctrl + Shift+ Esc. Linux users have several options to stop rogue processes.

It is best to avoid over-processing your computer when your computer boots up if heat is an issue. Windows 10 users can edit the startup folder, while Mac users can go to System Preferences > User > Startup to remove unnecessary files.

You can tweak Linux startup processes to make your laptop quieter.

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2. Using a Mac? Reset SMC & PRAM to Make Your Laptop Fan Quieter

For Mac users experiencing constant fans noise, a quick tip is to reset your SMC (system management control). The SMC (system management controller) is responsible for managing all aspects of your Mac’s daily operations. Out-of-control fans to spin can be a sign of a problem.

Also, you can reset the PRAM or learn how to control the fan’s speed on your Mac.

3. Laptop Fan Running Loud? Cool It Down

Laptop’s coolers were once made of innocuous-looking plates of metal with fans at the base. This was to maximize airflow. They are now covered with LEDs that have temperature and wind sensors as well as in-built USB hubs.

The Havit Laptop Cooling Pad and other peripherals still do their jobs of keeping your laptop cool.

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Laptop Fan Running Loud? Cool It Down to use your laptop

If you have your laptop at a desk or another static location, coolers are a great option. These coolers are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to render video or play 3D games.

You can now purchase clip-on vacuum fan coolers that will suck the heat out of your laptop.

Polar LC05 is one such example that has rapid cooling. The majority of reviews are positive. However, your computer’s model will determine if this device is suitable for you.

Remember that external coolers are a temporary solution to heat problems but not a long-term solution for noisy fans, overheating computers. You might consider…

4. Make sure cool air can reach your computer

Your desktop or laptop computer should be placed on a smooth, flat surface such as a table, the floor, or a desk. It shouldn’t be placed on a carpeted floor or in a cabinet. You could block fan vents by placing your laptop on pillows, blankets, or couches. This can cause your laptop to lose its airflow. The ideal is to raise it slightly for better air circulation and consider purchasing a cooling pad for your laptop.

You want cool air to circulate the computer. Your fans will need to move the hot air from your computer to another place.

Make sure fresh air can reach your computer

This principle also applies to your laptop. You can place your laptop on a table or a desk. If you have to put it on your lap, limit how long it stays there.

A laptop cooling platform can be used to fresh your laptop. It should include a fan that blows fresh air towards it. You can also use your laptop on a fresh pad without worrying about laptop overheating. Please don’t leave your laptop in direct sunlight for too long as it will heat up quickly.

The bottom of your laptop or PC case should have a few rubber feet. This allows for some space between the casing’s surface and the PC. This gap is crucial for your computer’s heat dissipation. If the feet become worn or fall off, replace them.

5. Laptop Fan Noisy? Clean Your Laptop!

Loud laptop fans can indicate heat. If your fans are constantly loud, then your laptop is always overheating. Dust and hair buildup is unavoidable and will only reduce airflow. To make the machine more efficient, you will need to clean it.

Warning: Opening your warranty-covered machine will void any warranty. This includes extended warranties such as AppleCare. You could also damage internal components if you aren’t sure what you’re doing. You can take care of your equipment or ask a friend who has more experience. You should not open the power supply to clean fans. Turn off the computer, disconnect the power cables, and then use compressed air to remove any dust or dirt.

Laptop Fan Noisy? Clean Your Laptop!

You will need compressed air, a screwdriver, patience, and a screwdriver for opening your laptop. To avoid static electricity damaging your internals and yourself, you can also use an antistatic wristband.

To remove dust and hair from internal components, especially around heatsinks and fans, use the air in short bursts. Our comprehensive laptop cleaning guide covers all aspects of the internals and vents.

Read also: How To Clean Laptop Fan? A Complete Guide 2021

6. Laptop Fan Running Loud? Try a Software Fix

Many laptops allow you to adjust the fan speed with third-party software. Some computers even have built-in controls.

These apps allow you to adjust the speed of your computer’s fan or set up a cleaning schedule to remove dirt and dust. In theory, this could reduce fan noise by slowing down the speed.

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However, this can make your laptop a heater, which will reduce its longevity long-term. So use caution.

There are third-party fan management apps available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Download: Macs Fan Controller (Windows and Mac).

You will need to install the fan control and lm-sensors packages for Linux. For more information, see this StackExchange thread about managing a noisy fan in a Linux laptop.

7. Fan Making a Weird Rattling or Buzzing Noise?

You may have a problem if your laptop fans suddenly start to make a strange or loud buzzing sound.

Most likely, the problem is with the fan’s bearings. This can almost always be resolved by replacing the fan. Although jammed bearings can sometimes be repaired, this will likely take longer than installing a new fan.

It is not difficult to exchange the fan with a brand new one, but it isn’t difficult for someone unfamiliar with laptop repair. Although the basic principle is the same for all laptops, changing the fan can be different for different models and manufacturers.

This video shows you how to replace the fan on an HP Pavilion 15 Notebook:

8. Get an Expert to Check the Loud Laptop Fan

Talk to an expert if your laptop fan is still loud or you are unable to open it.

A warranty should cover your computer. Apple laptops can be taken to an Apple Store; other manufacturers have their policies.

You can also shop for repairs at PC repair shops if you purchased online or if your retailer is not close enough.

They’ll likely be able to clean the laptop and replace the fan. This is the best-case scenario. Be prepared for some bad news. Sometimes, it might be necessary to replace essential hardware such as the motherboard.

A repair price will usually be given to you. If it is expensive, it may be cheaper to purchase a new laptop.

Success, You Fixed That Noisy Laptop Fan!

Success, You Fixed That loud laptop!

These six steps can be used to fix a loud fan noise on your laptop:

  • Kill processes to keep the laptop fan quiet
  • Mac users: reset SMC and PRAM
  • Keep your laptop fresh
  • Clean your laptop
  • Use software to control your laptop fan speed
  • Replace your laptop fan
  • Get an expert to check the noisy laptop fan


Is It Bad if My Laptop Fan Is Loud?

While some noise is normal, excessive noise can be dangerous. This could indicate a system overload, blocked vents or dirty fan, hard drive failure, malware, or system overload.

How Do I Stop My Laptop From Making Noises?

Many things can cause noises, so you should consider this:

  • Eliminate all rogue background processes.
  • Regularly clean your fan.
  • Cool your laptop.
  • Make sure nothing is blocking the vents of your laptop.

How Can I Make My Fan Quieter?

To make your laptop’s fan quiet, do the following:

  • Give your laptop space to breathe to ensure continuous airflow. Take out anything that blocks airflow or blocks the sides of your computer.
  • Your laptop should be kept fresh and dusty.
  • To improve air’s circulation, you can use a fan or cooling pad.
  • It’s time to exchange your CPU fan if it hasn’t been replaced in years.

How Can I Clean My Laptop Without Opening It?

You will need a can of compressed air. Point it at the fresh vents on your computer and give them a few blows.


Thanks for reading this article on why your laptop fan is so loud! If you found it useful, please share it with a friend who needs to know. If your computer is still running noisy after following these steps, please don’t hesitate to comment for further assistance. We hope that the tips we provided will help you get some relief from the noise and annoyance of an overactive computer fan.

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Category: Blog

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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