Must Knows

All about Andaman and Nicobar RERA

[] The Central government implemented the RERA Act on May 1, 2017, in Andaman and Nicobar Islands

With the introduction of the Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016, the central government established the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) to ensure transparency and legality in contracts and protect the home buyers’ and sellers’ interests. According to the RERA Act, all real estate agents and projects must register with the regulatory authority. 

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The Central government implemented the RERA Act on May 1, 2017, in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. However, note that the Tamil Nadu RERA (TNRERA) monitors real estate projects in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.  According to the official website for filing RERA, one project was registered in 2018, and two projects were registered in 2021.

Benefits of Registering under RERA

While RERA registration is mandatory for all real estate agents, it also looks out for their interests. Some of the benefits are:

  • Access to all crucial data
  • Accountability
  • Standardization
  • Reduction in Litigation
  • Boost Investments
  • Transparency
  • Timely delivery of projects and Compensation in Project Delays
  • Increased Professionalism
  • Grievance redressal within 60 days

How to register yourself as a real estate agent on Andaman and Nicobar RERA?

You can register yourself as an agent directly on the TNRERA website or via The entire process for registering as a real estate agent is online.

To register yourself as an agent in Andaman via rera-filing, just head to the official website and click on “Register as an agent.” Then register yourself as a user by providing basic details like name, number and email ID. You will get a user ID on successful registration.

Use this to log in to the main portal and apply for “Register as an agent” for the RERA. The service fee starts at just Rs 4,000. Officially, it takes 30 days to get the certificate, but the application process takes 5-7 days. The fee for individual registration is Rs 10,000 whereas it is Rs 50,000 for a firm.

How to register yourself as a promoter on Andaman and Nicobar RERA?

To register yourself as a promoter via, visit the site and follow the same set of actions, i.e., do an essential user registration and login to the main portal to pay the service fee. The service fee to register your project as a promoter starts at Rs 30,000. The time required to complete the application is 15-20 days, whereas the project approval and verification time are the same, i.e., 30 days. The fee for project registration varies depending on the type of project.

You can also register your project directly on the TNRERA website by following the same set of actions. Do a basic registration, log in to the main portal, fill in the details following form A and form B, pay the registration fee according to the size of your project, and submit your application.

How to View Registered Projects on Andaman RERA?

Step 1 – Visit the official TNRERA website.

Step 2 – Hover over to the “Registration” section on the navigation bar and then to “Projects,” and then click on “Registered Projects.”

All about Andaman and Nicobar RERA

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Step 3 – A new page appears with the list of years. Click on each year to view the registered projects in that year. 

All about Andaman and Nicobar RERA

How to view the registered Real Estate Agents on the Andaman RERA portal?

Step 1 – Visit the official Tamil Nadu RERA website.

All about Andaman and Nicobar RERA

Step 2 – Click on “Registration” on the navigation bar and hover over “agents.” Now, you can view the registered agents depending on the registration type, i.e., online or offline.

All about Andaman and Nicobar RERA

Step 3 – A new page appears with year-wise registration. Click on a year to view the registered real agents in the respective year. 

All about Andaman and Nicobar RERA

Step 4 – A list of registered real estate agents appears on the screen after clicking on a year.

All about Andaman and Nicobar RERA

Documents needed to register projects as an Individual under Andaman RERA

The documents slightly differ for other entities. The list includes:

  • PAN Card
  • Aadhaar Card.
  • Bank certificate in proforma according to the TNRERA website
  • Proforma allotment letter
  • Encumbrance certificate received within 30 days before the application for registration
  • Structural stability certificate
  • Plan of development works
  • Passport size photographs of the chairman, governing body, partner or director
  • Audited balance sheet.
  • Photographs of the applicant.
  • Form B
  • Planning permission approval letter
  • Planning permit
  • Building licence letter
  • Approved plan with local body seal
  • Patta/PLR (or) document.

RERA registration fee and charges

Here’s a list of charges for registration of different types of projects:

Group-Housing projects Fee in Rs per square metre
For land area less than 1,000 sqm 5
For land area greater than 1000 sqm 10
Mixed-development projects
For land area less than 1,000 sqm 10
For land area greater than 1000 sqm 15
Commercial Projects
For land area less than 1,000 sqm 20
For land area greater than 1,000 sqm 25
Plotted-Development Project 5

For Real Estate Agents registration:

Individual 10,000
Other Entities 50,000

How to register your complaint under the Andaman RERA?

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If you want to register your complaint to the authority, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download Form M. from the “Downloads” section.

Step 2: Fill out the form, and submit an online fee of Rs 1,000.

Step 3: Attach all supporting documents and make at least three copies of the entire document.

Step 4: Post the document to the registered authority or submit it yourself by visiting your nearby office. (The post must reach the office within ten days of filing the complaint.)

Step 5: The complainant must pay an additional sum of Rs 600 to the authority as postal charges. 

The bank details are:

Indian Bank, CMDA Branch

Current Account No: 65430 57988

Name: Tamil Nadu Real Estate Regulatory Authority (TNRERA)

IFSC Code: IDIB000I010


Is the RERA applicable in Andaman?

Yes, the RERA regulation has been applicable in Andaman and Nicobar Islands since May 2017.

Does Andaman RERA fall under Tamil Nadu RERA?

Yes, the TNRERA holds jurisdiction and oversees all the real estate projects in Andaman and Nicobar.

Who should register themselves under the RERA Andaman?

The Andaman RERA states that every ongoing project, promoter, and real estate agent must register themselves under the RERA authority to take up a construction project with a proposed land area of over 500 sq meters or a building with more than eight apartments.

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Category: Must Knows

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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