
Front stairs design ideas for your home

[] An exterior staircase can have a significant impact on your home’s aesthetic appeal. Check these front stairs design ideas to transform your home entrance.

Elegant and aesthetically pleasing front stairs design elevates the look of your house and catches the admiring eyes of the visitors and onlookers. However, archaic stair designs might reduce the overall aesthetics of a contemporary home. That is why, architects and interior designers are stressing more and more on amplifying the look and functionality of front stairs design.  

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Front stairs design ideas: Significance of incorporating state-of-the-art staircase design

A welcoming entryway

Front stairs design may be an interesting topic for young Indian homeowners who wish to complement the facade of a dream house with the best-looking steps to it. Conceptualising a unique front stairs design is part of the house planning itself. Whatever be the design and material used, we often see them decorated with plants. Ever wondered why? As per Vastu, the front stairs of a house are an ‘imbalance’, which can be offset by keeping indoor plants along their sides.


There is a difference in elevation between the outside graded level and the plinth level of the house. Front stairs fill this gap and let you enter the house step by step. The elevated main entrance can prevent accidental flooding of the interior and keep ant-like small boring insects at bay.

Rich look 

Sometimes there is a porch or patio to reach before the main entrance. The style statement of the front steps may represent a similar elegant decor of the interior.

Why do front stairs design need special attention?

Unlike the interior of your house, front stairs remain exposed to the outside dirt, rain, hail or snow all seasons. Hence, they need special attention in selecting material and careful construction.

Majestic front stairs design ideas

The following is a curated list of enchanting front stairs designs that can be implemented to render an incredible feel to your abode.

Central beam double-sided stair

Villas and duplexes can have the front stairs completely outside or immediately after the main entrance from the foyer. This design, though splurgy, is glamorous and has an airy feel while you reach the first-floor level. Keeping the flight angle low will not make you feel dizzy for the open sides.

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Floating stone or concrete stair

Precast concrete slabs or stone slabs are placed one above the other in a staggered manner, with their base support hidden from the edges. It creates an optical illusion of the steps floating in the air. Sometimes edges of the steps may follow curves to emulate a river or curvy path. Slate finish concrete or decorative concrete find application in these designs. Maintaining a border of hedges along the edges adds an extra dimension to landscaping.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Mediterranean mosaic stair

A classy Mediterranean look can be created by adding colourful, chequered glass shards or mosaic tiles for lining the risers and leaving the treads plain using monochrome stone or marble. The mosaic tiles may be of a single or rainbow colour theme.

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Red brick stair

Red brick outdoor stairs give a rustic and bold look when used at the entrance or backyard of the house. They can be further enhanced by extended curb edges and having creepers flowing below them. Pointing at junctions and having flowering plants along sides add to the aesthetic appeal. It also creates a vintage feel that can be associated with colonial-style architecture.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Brown and white wood stairs

This front stairs design denotes a classic form where treads are silicone finish brown and risers are white. Matching hand railings with a similar colour theme complements the steps. The use of pressure-treated wood and clear water-repellent sealants can easily ensure a rot and mildew-free life of 25 to 30 years. Slippery outdoor wooden stairs are often responsible for a fall. Consider adding abrasive safety strips to every step.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Marble stairs

Using one or two contrasting shades of marble to make the simplistic staircase can also surprise you with its charm. Marble is a material that can weather seasons and resist tarnishing for years. No doubt they add grandeur too. Aren’t we all familiar with the marble stairs in temples that bear hundreds of footfalls?

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Multicolour stairs

How about painting each step of the outdoor stair in bright, glossy rainbow shades of colour? Light orange or yellow all along can also be snazzy and amplify the overall look of your front stairs design. Avoid red and black if you are Vaastu conscious.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Palatial stairs

Whatever small your house be, a wide-stepped front stairs design can give it a premium feel of a palace when matched with wrought iron railings. Further adorning the stair with statues and high flower vases alongside completes the scheme.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Contoured flat concrete stairs

A gradual rise with almost half a metre long treads can deliver a sleek, industrial look having lush green lawn on one side and gravels on the other. Precast concrete paving blocks make the construction modular and attain the desired contour easily. Risers and edges are bordered with grey blocks to create contrast.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Spiral stairs

Widely used to reach an attic roof or as a maintenance stair in the olden time. Spiral Stairs can add a vintage charm to your front stairs design. They fit the bill perfectly when your villa has a side entrance. It can double as a fire escape.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Stone stairs

If your house has a front garden, a natural stone stair studded with greenery nicely joins the house with it. The stair becomes part of the landscape decor and remains hardly detectable as a constructed structure. Since stone can withstand all weather naturally, it lasts a lifetime with little caring.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Cantilever stairs

Fabricated metal grating or wrought iron casting treads are affixed to a vertical sidewall on one side with the other ends cantilever. Cover the ground below the steps with pebbles and plant a small tree at one end. This crazy ‘stairway to heaven’ front stairs design is no less than an art installation. 

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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For the sake of safety, stainless steel or brushed aluminium posts can be erected on every third or fourth tread cantilever end and laying an appropriate handrail over along with a glass balustrade.

Camouflaged stairs

A white spiral stair with wedge-shaped steps against a white sidewall can smoothly gel with the exterior. The white colour camouflages it from the facade preventing it from looking hefty at the same time. Spiralling makes the design fluid and dynamic.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Wooden delta stairs

The wooden steps mimic inverted isosceles triangles cascaded over each other. The apexes of the triangles falling at the centre of the stair in a line emote a sharp, stunning effect. This front stairs design gets perfectly augmented by clear-lined wooden handrails and enveloping landscaping greenery on the sides.

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Hidden stairs

Again a stair with white steps that get a touch of secrecy hidden behind huge frosted glass handrail panels. A bit of landscaping near the bottom landing adds a punch. The right-angled bottom end of the glass panel balances the sliding motion effect adding sculptural quality to this front stairs design.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Illuminated stairs

To give the front stairs a romantic night look, you can opt for a minimalistic narrow stair with LED motion-controlled side lighting. Stepping on each tread triggers the light and illuminates it. Give the stair a neutral colour theme for maximising the impact using stone or bricks.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Pebble-filled stairs

Make the risers with stone tiles and the treads by filling stone chips or pebbles behind them. Adding a bushy creeper on the sidewall accentuates the beauty. We can create such steps by a four-inch-wide peripheral steel flat filled with medium stone ballasts.

Front stairs design ideas for your home 17

Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Diverging stairs

Diverging stairs usually have five to six steps to reach a porch or deck. The steps are of treated timber encased in metal frames. The two handrails diverge from each other when seen from the upper end. If the steps are brown, the handrails can be white to create the desired contrast.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Alternating steps stairs

This front stairs design employs white or grey marble steps, and every alternate step is almost one-third of the entire width of the stair. The full-width steps have a colour-striped portion on the side opposite to the smaller steps. Potted plants on the full-width steps along one side add to the decor.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Submerged steps stairs

This wide stair follows a concrete boundary wall. This wall follows the ground topography. The landing will have a few stone planks submerged in the grass with only the top surface showing. It gives the effect of sunk steps. Planting one or two flowering trees alongside will embellish the decor.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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Intermittent steps stairs

This front stairs design has steps that spring up intermittently on a sloping lawn leading towards the main entrance. Two or three steps will spring up after you walk a bit on the grassy slope. For the first step, only the top surface is visible. The succeeding two are unequal in width. Step material could be grey marble which does not create much contrast with green grass.

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Read also : 10 glass door designs trends in 2022

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What are the minimum recommended dimensions for exterior stairs?

The stair should be 34 to 36 inches wide, treads should be a minimum of 9 inches wide, while risers minimum of four inches and a maximum of eight inches.

Is it mandatory to have handrails on front stairs?

Handrails, often eliminated in front stairs design for the sake of aesthetics, are essential safety features that always aid the ailing or elderly and prevent a fall when grabbed.

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Category: Rent

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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