
Best What We Do In The Shadows Quotes 2022


One of my favorite things about the show is that you never know what to expect. In one episode, Nadja is trying to find the reincarnation of her lover Gregor, and in another, the whole group is tripping on drug blood. The combination certainly keeps you on your toes. All the interesting things in the “what we do in the shadows“. There are various best quotes from this comedy horror show.

You are reading: Best What We Do In The Shadows Quotes 2022

If you are a big fan of this, reading on Penn Book will show you the best What We Do In The Shadows Quotes via the article below.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What We Do In The Shadows
  • 2 What We Do In The Shadows Quotes
    • 2.1 The 10 Funniest Quotes
    • 2.2 Tonight Is A Good Night For The Other Guy, Not Me, To Die
    • 2.3 I Talked To Rob, He Didn’t Wanna Come. He Wants To Leave It Behind
    • 2.4 This Is Not A Joke!
    • 2.5 One Human Alcohol Beer, Please
    • 2.6 One Of The Best Ways To Drain People’s Energy Nowadays Is Via The Internet
    • 2.7 All I Know Is I Haven’t Had A Whiff Of Wu Or Tang
    • 2.8 I Have Recently Re-Discovered My Love For Topiary Sculpture. The Art Of Bush Manipulation.
    • 2.9 Vampire Sex Is Like Pizza In That Even When It’s Bad It’s Good. It’s Designed To Be Enjoyed By 8 Or More People.
    • 2.10 There Is Nothing More Devastating Than Finding Out Your Husband Has Made [Adult Movies]… And It’s So Bloody Boring
    • 2.11 I Will Always Be Just A Familiar To Them. Just A Schlub, Driving Around Brooklyn, With A Bunch Of Jars Full Of Semen.
    • 2.12 Vampirically Cool What We Do In The Shadows Series Quotes
    • 2.13 Purely Vampiric ‘What We Do In The Shadows’ Movie Quotes
  • 3 FAQs

What We Do In The Shadows

‘What We Do In The Shadows, was a Vampires’ based mockumentary, released in 2014, New Zealand.

It is a film based on the horror-comedy genre directed and written by the very famous Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement. This particular movie was a hit and was further adapted into a TV series in 2019.

What We Do In The Shadow has been nominated for the ‘Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards, TCA Awards, Saturn Awards, and Writers Guild of America Awards. Along with ‘What We Do In The Shadows, Taika Waititi is famous for his other films Thor Ragnarok and Jojo Rabbit. Everything is so different and exciting about What We Do In The Shadows!

It is fiction portrayed in a documentary format, hence the term mockumentary and a fantasy storyline of vampires. We get to see vampires’ daily life and struggles along with vampires’ trials at the Vampiric Council. They are also known as vampicides.

The major characters from the movie are Viago, Deacon, and Vladislav while. In the series, they go by Laszlo Cravensworth, Nandor the Relentless, and Nadja, who turned Laszlo into a vampire and married him later, and Guillermo De la Cruz, as well as others from the human world. There are a few fun quotes from the series and the film that can crack you up immediately.

The funniest and best Nadja What We Do In The Shadows quote is, “We were so poor we used to used donkey dong for fuel…” Here are the best quotes from What We Do In The Shadows.

For more such What We Do In The Shadows Viago quotes or Laszlo What We Do In The Shadows quotes, check the list below. For something more, read [Twin Peaks’ quotes] and [True Detective quotes].

What We Do In The Shadows Quotes

What We Do In The Shadows Funniest Quotes

The 10 Funniest Quotes

Tonight Is A Good Night For The Other Guy, Not Me, To Die

Speaking of the feud, a vampire has to be nominated to fight another werewolf to maintain The Truce, which has been around for decades and decades. Nandor, who’s also referred to as The Relentless, is chosen among the group.

As the fight nearly approaches, Nandor tries to set the mood for the fight with some eerie phrases. Unfortunately, “Tonight is a good night to die” doesn’t sit right with Guillermo, not wanting his master to die. To make things much clearer, Nandor gives this awkward quote instead.

I Talked To Rob, He Didn’t Wanna Come. He Wants To Leave It Behind

The Trial remains the show’s most legendary moment, thanks to the slew of cameos by actors who’ve previously played vampires. Sadly, Rob wasn’t among the council, as he just wanted to “leave it behind.”

This was a clever nod because Robert Pattinson has been extremely vocal about his distaste for the Twilight films. However, now that Pattinson is playing Batman, he has no choice but to appear. You can’t be a sparkling vampire and then a man who dresses up as a bat and not make a cameo on the show. It practically writes itself.

This Is Not A Joke!

This quote is funny due to Nandor’s panicky delivery. After going through his email, which he has not checked in years, he finds a chain email claiming he has now been cursed. Since Nandor isn’t tech-savvy, he takes this very seriously and doesn’t know that this was an internet trend back in the day.

He says multiple times throughout the episode that this is not a joke. After all, the email states it. Nandor and his housemates then spend the rest of the episode frantically trying to find email addresses to forward the curse.

One Human Alcohol Beer, Please

As Jackie Daytona (Laszlo) states, he’s just a regular human bartender. Vampires need to let this be known multiple times to maintain their cover. It doesn’t make them sound suspicious whatsoever.

The best of these comes from Jim, The Vampire. He enters Daytona’s bar, completely dressed from head to toe as a vampire. Still, as long as he orders one “human alcohol beer,” then his true vampire nature should remain a secret. Of all the guest appearances on the show, Mark Hamill as Jim is the most memorable.

One Of The Best Ways To Drain People’s Energy Nowadays Is Via The Internet

As an energy vampire, constantly irritating people online is a surefire way to stay fed. What better way to achieve that than pissing people off on social media. Turns out, Colin Robinson is a certified online troll who lives in a basement.

What’s funny is just how true this quote is. If you’ve ever dealt with an online troll, you know exactly what it feels like. So, next time you get a potential troll comment, try not to engage with it. It could very well just be an energy vampire on the other end.

All I Know Is I Haven’t Had A Whiff Of Wu Or Tang

There were so many perfect one-liners during the Theatre des Vampires, but the best has to be from Laszlo’s consistent disappointment with the performance, especially the lack of nudity. Narrating the entire re-enactment, legendary vampire Vladislav throws in some clever rhymes to keep things fresh.

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Laszlo is none too impressed by the bring da ruckus line in the show, but Colin can conclude that it’s a Wu-Tang Clan reference. Well, Laszlo has never heard of the 90s rap group as he claims he doesn’t smell any “Wu” or “Tang.”

I Have Recently Re-Discovered My Love For Topiary Sculpture. The Art Of Bush Manipulation.

If there’s one thing you can rely on Laszlo for, he can turn any sentence into an innuendo. Before a werewolf eventually urinates on it, Laszlo gives a hilarious walkthrough of his topiary sculptures or “bush manipulation,” as he calls it.

As expected from the lust-filled Laszlo, he has an entire section of hedges that are shaped like the female anatomy, resembling some of his most beloved women, including his lady wife Nadja and (for some reason) his mother. The latter gets ruined by a werewolf, which ends up starting a feud between the two species.

Vampire Sex Is Like Pizza In That Even When It’s Bad It’s Good. It’s Designed To Be Enjoyed By 8 Or More People.

Along with the rest of the gang, Nandor is so excited to have the privilege of hosting the BVO. There’s a lot of pressure to host this night. According to Nadja, all bats are just depressed vampires who have hosted poor orgies.

Nandor takes it upon himself to let the audience of how great vampire sex is. He almost had it with the pizza comparison, but that last line is a bit confusing. In his defense, he’s a vampire, so he’s not allowed to eat pizza. He gets points for trying!

There Is Nothing More Devastating Than Finding Out Your Husband Has Made [Adult Movies]… And It’s So Bloody Boring

Laszlo reveals that he’s been an adult movie star since the film medium was invented among one of the show’s most gut-busting moments. It’s even more hilarious seeing Nadja’s reaction to her husband’s acting chops.

At first, this quote sounds as if she’s upset that her husband was a former adult actor, as many spouses would be. Except Laszlo and Nadja aren’t your average married couple. She’s more upset that Laszlo’s films aren’t exciting whatsoever. You have to feel bad for Laszlo. He was so confident that his lady wife would find these incredibly seductive.

I Will Always Be Just A Familiar To Them. Just A Schlub, Driving Around Brooklyn, With A Bunch Of Jars Full Of Semen.

Poor Guillermo. His only goal in life has been to become a vampire. After about ten years as Nandor’s familiar, it doesn’t seem likely that he’ll ever get that chance. It may also be due to Nandor’s abandonment issues. Guillermo’s new task after their witch’s encounter may have been the last straw.

After the witches attempt to extract Nandor and Laszlo’s semen painfully, Guillermo pitches the idea to bring it to them in jars every so often. This is now what Guillermo’s life has become. He’s just a Familiar who delivers jars of semen to witches, all in the hopes of one day becoming a vampire.

Vampirically Cool What We Do In The Shadows Series Quotes

Vampirically Cool 'What We Do In The Shadows' Series Quotes

Would you wonder if vampires had a code of conduct? Well, they do, along with punishments for overthrowing rules and carrying out heinous crimes for Vampires. These quotes from the series would crack you up with their vampire-like stories.

Vampires love virgins. It’s their favorite food. – Guillermo, ‘City Council’, Season 1. 3 April 2019.

Nadja: Yes, they are near. The smell of beef and sulfur is overwhelming.

Colin Robinson: That’s just Brooklyn. – ‘Witches’, Season 2. 3 June 2020.

After all that nonsense on Staten Island, I cut loose to Pennsylvania. Because it sounds like ‘Transylvania’, and we all know that sounds cool. – Laszlo Cravensworth, ‘On The Run’, Season 2. 13 May 2020.

We take our LARPing very seriously. – Guillermo, ‘Pilot’, Season 1. 27 March 2019.

One of the best ways to drain people’s energy nowadays is via the internet. – Colin Robinson, ‘Colin’s Promotion’, Season 2. 6 May 2020.

I have recently re-discovered my love for topiary sculpture. The art of bush manipulation. – Laszlo Cravensworth, ‘Werewolf Feud’, Season 1. 10 April 2019.

Being a vampire’s familiar is like being a best friend, who, who’s also a slave. – Guillermo, ‘Pilot’, Season 1. 27 March 2019.

One human alcohol beer, please. – Jim the Vampire, ‘On The Run’, Season 2. 13 May 2020.

Nandor: I would like us to get colorful dust that sparkles.

Guillermo: Glitter?

Nandor: Yes, get me some glitter.

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Guillermo: Whatever for, Master?

Nandor: Well, I want to do something special for the immortal one’s arrival. I am going to sprinkle it on my face and on my body. Like Twilight. – ‘Pilot’, Season 1. 27 March 2019.

If you happen to be interested in other show quotes, go check out What About Bob Quotes or When Harry Met Sally Quotes before reading on.

Purely Vampiric ‘What We Do In The Shadows’ Movie Quotes

Purely Vampiric 'What We Do In The Shadows' Movie Quotes

Some vampires are hilarious with their animal transformations and daily chores that they share over many centuries. These are some of the most interesting quotes about vampires.

I really hope that those guys don’t kill those police, because it will mean more police will come. Possibly even Christians, which is totally the last thing we need in this house. – Viago, ‘What We Do In The Shadows’, 2014.

I think we drink virgin blood because it sounds cool. – Deacon, ‘What We Do In The Shadows’, 2014.

We are trying to attract victims to us. I go for a look which I call ‘Dead but Delicious’. We are the bait, but we’re also the trap. – Vladislav, ‘What We Do In The Shadows’, 2014.

Viago: I went into the lounge the other day and there was blood all over my nice antique couch.

Vladislav: Which one? The red one?

Viago: Well it’s red now, yeah. – Viago and Vladislav, ‘What We Do In The Shadows’, 2014.

People freak out a bit about the age difference. They think, ‘What is this 96-year-old lady doing with a guy four times her age?’ I don’t care, they could call me cradle snatcher. Who cares? – Viago, ‘What We Do In The Shadows’, 2014.

Viago: If you’re going to eat a victim on my nice clean couch put down some newspapers on the floor! And some towels. It’s not hard to do.

Vladislav: We’re vampires, we don’t put down towels. – Viago and Vladislav, ‘What We Do In The Shadows’, 2014.

Yeah, some of our clothes are from victims. You might bite someone and then, you think, ‘Oooh, those are some nice pants!’. – Viago, ‘What We Do In The Shadows’, 2014.


What are we doing in the shadows explained?

What We Do in the Shadows is set on Staten Island and follows the lives of three traditional vampires, Nadja, Laszlo, and Nandor; Colin Robinson, an energetic vampire; and Guillermo, who is Nandor’s friend. The series centers on centuries-old vampires interfacing with the modern world and other supernatural beings.

Is Colin a vampire?

Mark Proksch portrays “Colin Robinson”, a day-walking energy vamp who thrives in an office environment that encourages small talk and replies to all email chains.

What kind of documentary is what we do in the shadows?

A comedy film about mockumentary horror

We Do In the Shadows is a 2014 New Zealand mockumentary horror comedy film directed and written by Taika Waititi. It is the first installment of the What We Do In the Shadows series.

Source: ecis2016.org
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Source: https://ecis2016.org
Category: Quotes

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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