- MatthewDusQues
The name “Joker” has become synonymous with terrorist activity around the world. It’s not just Batman who is haunted by the murder of his parents. Joker’s father was killed while working on a joker card during a routine poker game. His mother suffered the same fate as Batman’s parents. She was shot in her pregnant stomach and died along with her unborn child. There have been many different case studies done to try and understand this mysterious man behind the mask. Here are some of the most noteworthy Quotes About Joker regarding Joker’s crimes.
You are reading: Top 100+ Best Quotes About Joker Of All Time [ecis2023]
The Joker is a fascinating character. He is Batman’s enigmatic, terrifying nemesis and one of the greatest comic book villains. Batman is no match for the Joker, one of Gotham City’s most notorious criminals. He takes advantage of Batman’s weaknesses, pushing him to his limits. The Joker is a force that makes Batman want to kill more than once, even though he has always sworn not to kill.
The superhero movie The Joker takes on Batman and attempts to make the world worse. Heath Ledger does not play the clown prince-of-crime. Joaquin Phoenix (Arthur Fleck) also plays the role of the caliph. Below are some of our favorite Joker quotes. They were gathered from many sources over the years.
Table of Contents
- 1 Joker Quotes About The Dark Side Of Humanity From The Dark Knight
- 2 Best Joker Quotes
Joker Quotes About The Dark Side Of Humanity From The Dark Knight
“The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.” ― The Joker
“Smile, because it confuses people. Smile, because it’s easier than explaining what is killing you inside.” ― The Joker – Heath Ledger
“What doesn’t kill you, simply makes you stranger!” ― The Joker
“You didn’t think I’d risk losing the battle for Gotham’s soul in a fist fight with you? No. You need an ace in the hole. Mine’s Harvey.” – The Joker
“April sweet is coming in, let the feast of fools begin!” – The Joker
“Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power.” – The Joker
“You can’t kill me without becoming like me! I can’t kill you without losing the only human being who can keep up with me! Isn’t it ironic?” – The Joker
“If you make decisions based upon people’s reactions or judgments then you make really boring choices.” – The Joker
“It’s like anything in life, visualizing the old man you’re going to become: as long as you have a clear picture of that – the life you want to lead – eventually you’ll probably get there.” – The Joker
“You know, it only hurts when I laugh. But hey… I gotta know. Who are you? You said we knew one another. You do seem really familiar. Do we double at the prom? Or maybe blow up a school bus together?” – The Joker
“Don’t let anyone ever make you feel you don’t deserve what you want.” – The Joker
#Meaningful Joker Quotes About Pain
“I suppose I’m going to have to teach you a lesson so you can better follow in his footsteps. Nah, I’m just gonna keep beating you.” – The Joker
“There is no Yoda-there’s no one who points you in the right direction. You’ve got to figure that out by yourself.” – The Joker
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“I’m not good at future planning. I do not plan at all. Don’t know what I’m doing tomorrow. Do not have a day planner and don’t have a dairy. I completely live in the now, not in the past, not in the future.” – The Joker
“Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick.” – The Joker
“I know the voices in my head aren’t real, but sometimes their ideas are absolutely awesome.” – The Joker
“If you are just safe about the choices you make, you don’t grow.” – The Joker
“They need you right now, but when they don’t, they’ll cast you out like a leper!” – The Joker
“As you know, madness is like gravity…all it takes is a little push.” ― The Joker – Heath Ledger
“Let’s put a smile on that face!” – The Joker
“Live…and in person! The Caliph of Clowns, the Grand Mogul of Mountebanks, the one and only Joker! Prerecorded for this time zone.” — The Sign of the Joker
#Joker Quotes About Life
“We stopped checking for monsters under our bed when we realized they were inside us.” – The Joker
“If you’re good at something, never do it for free.” ― The Joker – Heath Ledger
“When the chips are down, these civilized people, they’ll eat each other.” – The Joker
“Nobody panics when things go “according to plan”. Even if the plan is horrifying!” ― The Joker – Heath Ledger
“Haven’t you ever heard of the healing power of laughter?” – The Joker
”Do I look like the kind of clown that can start a movement?” – The Joker
“They Laugh At Me Because I’m Different. I laugh At Then Because They’re all the same” ― The Joker
“Madness is the emergency exit. You can just step outside, and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. You can lock them away… forever.” – The Joker
“Very poor choice of words.” ― The Joker
“Why don’t we cut you up into little pieces and feed you to your pooches? Hm? And then we’ll see how loyal a hungry dog really is.” – The Joker
“You have nothing, nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to do with all your strength.” – The Joker
“Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I’m an agent of chaos…” ― The Joker – Heath Ledger
“I like you, but I want to kill you.” – The Joker
“Gotta hand it to you, nice scheme. Costumes a bit theatrical, but hey, who am I to talk?” – The Joker
“Do I really look like a guy with a plan? Do you know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it! You know, I just… *do* things.” – The Joker
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“Why so serious? ” ― The Joker
“All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to the lunacy that’s how far the world is from where I am Just one bad day” – The Joker
“You wanna know how I got these scars? My father was a drinker, and a fiend. And one night, he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn’t like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me and says, “Why so serious?” Comes at me with the knife. “WHY SO SERIOUS?” He sticks the blade in my mouth… “Let’s put a smile on that face.” And…” – The Joker
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#Joker Quotes About Love
“Now comes the part where I relieve you, the little people, of the burden of your failed and useless lives. But, as my plastic surgeon always said: if you gotta go, go with a smile.” – The Joker
“Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there” – The Joker
“And I won’t kill you because you’re just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever.” – The joker
“Those mob fools want you gone. So they can get back to the way things were. But I know the truth, there’s no going back. You’ve changed things…forever.” – The Joker
“The pen is truly mightier than the sword!” – The Joker
“I don’t wanna kill you, what would I do without you? Go back to rippin’ off mob dealers… no, no, no… no you, you complete me.” – The Joker
“You can’t rely on anyone these days, you gotta do everything yourself, don’t we? That’s ok, I came prepared, it’s a funny world we live in. Speaking of which, you know how I got these scars?” – The Joker
“If the police expect to play against the Joker, they’d better be prepared to be dealt from the bottom of the deck!” – The Joker
“As though we were made for each other… Beauty and the Beast. Of course, if anyone else calls you beast, I’ll rip their lungs out.” – The Joker
#Joker Quotes About Harley
“See, this is how crazy Batman’s made Gotham! If you want to order in Gotham, Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in. Oh, and every day he doesn’t, people will die, starting tonight. I’m a man of my word.” – The Joker
“Maybe we can share one. You know, they’ll be doubling up, the rate this city’s inhabitants are losing their minds.” – The Joker
“See I’m a man of simple taste. I like things such as gunpowder…dynamite and…gasoline!” – The Joker
“Now I’m Always Smiling!” – The Joker
“How about a magic trick? I’m gonna make this pencil disappear!” -Heath Ledger Joker
“Comedy is subjective, Murray. Isn’t that what they say? All of you, the system that knows so much, you decide what’s right or wrong. The same way that you decide what’s funny or not.” — Joker
“You think men like Thomas Wayne ever think what it’s like to be someone like me? To be somebody but themselves? They don’t. They think that we’ll just sit there and take it, like good little boys! That we won’t werewolf and go wild!” — Joker
“Until their spirit breaks completely. Until they get a good look at the real Harvey Dent, and all the heroic things he’s done.” – The Joker
“All I have are negative thoughts.” – The Joker
“I’m only laughing on the outside. My smile is just skin-deep. If you could see inside, I’m really crying. You might join me for a weep.” – The Joker
“Now, I see the funny side. Now I’m always smiling.” — The Dark Knight
“I’ve been using it as a journal, but also as a joke diary if I have any thoughts or frustrations. I think I told you, I’m pursuing a career in standup comedy.” – The Joker
“I am not someone who is loved. I’m an idea. A state of mind.” – The Joker
“I used to think that my life was a tragedy. But now I realize, it’s a comedy.” – The Joker
“This city deserves a better class of criminal. And I’m gonna give it to them!” – The Joker
“This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.” – The Joker
“You didn’t think I’d risk losing the battle for Gotham’s soul in a fistfight with you? No. You need an ace in the hole. Mine’s Harvey.” – The Joker
“You don’t listen, do you? You just ask the same questions every week. ‘How’s your job?’ ‘Are you having any negative thoughts?’ All I have are negative thoughts.” – The Joker
#Joker Quotes About Mental Illness
“One by One, they’ll hear my call. Then this wicked town will follow my fall.”- The Joker
“And he didn’t die all at once. It was hours before the screaming stopped. I almost didn’t get to sleep that night. That was the last time I’d used crushed glass” – The Joker
“I don’t care what happens to the world, and I don’t play nice with others!” — Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe
“I wanted to see what you’d do. And you didn’t disappoint… You let five people die. Then, you let Dent take your place. Even to a guy like me, that’s cold.” – The Joker
“Tell your men they work for me now. This is my city!” – The Joker
“I hope my death makes more cents than my life.” – The Joker
“You see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are.” — The Dark Knight
“I think I felt better when I was locked up in the hospital.” – The Joker
Best Joker Quotes
“If you don’t like the movie, I’ve got slides.” – The Joker
“I’m gonna make this pencil disappear.” — The Dark Knight
“Don’t talk like one of them. You’re not! Even if you’d like to be. To them, you’re just a freak, like me! They need you right now, but when they don’t, they’ll cast you out, like a leper! You see, their morals, their code, it’s a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. I’ll show you. When the chips are down, these… civilized people, they’ll eat each other. See, I’m not a monster. I’m just ahead of the curve.” – The Joker
“What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society abandons him and treats him like trash you get what you fucking deserve!” – The Joker
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“It’s funny, when I was a little boy, and told people I was going to be a comedian, everyone laughed at me. Well, no one’s laughing now.” – The Joker
“Some people want to see you fail. Disappoint them!” – The Joker
“It’s true, Batsy! I know everything. And kinda like the kid who peeks at his Christmas presents, I must admit, it’s sadly anti-climactic. Behind all the Sturm and batarangs, you’re just a little boy in a playsuit, crying for mommy and daddy! It’d be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.” – The Joker
“You look good. Been working out? You could probably use a little sun. Then again, who am I to talk?” – The Joker
“Oh, what the heck, I’ll laugh anyway. HA HA HA HA HA HAA!” – The Joker
“Do I look like I’m joking?” – The Joker
“My mother always tells me to smile and put on a happy face she told me I had a purpose to bring laughter and joy to the world.” – The Joker
“Tell me something, my friend, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” – The Joker
“Parting is such sweet sorrow, dearest. Still, you can’t say we didn’t show you a good time. Enjoy yourself out there… in the asylum. Just don’t forget — if it ever gets too tough… there’s always a place for you here.” – The Joker
“Does it depress you? To know just how alone you really are.” – The Joker
“They could put me in a helicopter and fly me up into the air and line up the bodies head to toe on the ground in delightful geometric patterns like an endless June Taylor dance routine — and it would never be enough. No, I don’t keep count. But you do. And I love you for it.” – The Joker
“The only sensible way to live is without rules.” – The Joker
“I’ll tell you what you get! You get what you f**king deserve!” – The Joker
“The strongest hearts have the most scars!” – The Joker
“Very neat! That ugly head of yours does have a brain!” – The Joker
“Their morals, their code; it’s a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see- I’ll show you. When the chips are down these, uh, civilized people? They’ll eat each other. See I’m not a monster, I’m just ahead of the curve.” – The Joker
“Without Batman, crime has no punchline.” — Batman: The Animated Series
“This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You truly are incorruptible, aren’t you? You won’t kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness.” -Heath Ledger Joker
“Don’t test the monster in me!” – The Joker
61 “Give a man a mask and he will become his true self.” – The Joker
“When They Treat You Like A Joke, Leave Them Like Its Funny.” – The Joker
#Joker Quotes About Friends
“I just don’t want to feel so bad anymore.” – The Joker
“Rumour has it, Christmas is a time to share with family.” – The Joker
“I’m not political. I’m just trying to make people laugh.” – The Joker
“It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message. Everything burns!” – The Joker
“The real joke is your stubborn, bone-deep conviction that somehow, somewhere, all of this makes sense! That’s what cracks me up each time!” – The Joker
“I took Gotham’s white knight and I brought him down to our level. Madness, as you know, is a lot like gravity, all it takes is a little push.” – The Joker
“Sometimes you have to play the role of a fool to fool the fool who thinks they are fooling you.” – The Joker
“I now do what other people only dream.” – The Joker
“I’m not exactly sure what happened. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another. If I’m going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!” – The Joker
“When I saw what a black, awful joke the world was, I went crazy as a coot!” — Batman: The Killing Joke
“A man with nothing to fear is a man with nothing to love.” – The Joker
“The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don’t.” – The Joker
“You can’t sell dreams to someone who has walked through nightmares.” – The Joker
“For my whole life, I didn’t know if I even really existed. But I do, and people are starting to notice.” – The Joker
“I hope my death makes more sense cents than my life.” – The Joker
“I don’t know what it was that bent your life out of shape, but who knows? Maybe I’ve been there too. Maybe I can help. We could work together. I could rehabilitate you. You needn’t be out there on the edge anymore. You needn’t be alone. We don’t have to kill each other. What do you say?” — Batman: The Killing Joke
“A little louder, lamb chop. I think you may have a collapsed lung. That always impedes the oratory.” – The Joker
“Batman… Batman… Can somebody tell me what kind of a world we live in, where a man dressed up as a bat gets all of my press? This town needs an enema!” – The Joker
“Laugh and the world laughs with you!” — Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth
“I believe whatever doesn’t kill you, simply makes you stranger.” – The Joker
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Source: ecis2016.org
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Source: https://ecis2016.org
Category: Quotes