
EMS housing scheme: All about Kerala’s housing scheme for the homeless and BPL category

[] In this article, we talk in detail about EMS housing scheme introduced by the Kerala government that focuses on providing houses to homeless people under the BPL category.

About EMS housing scheme

EMS housing scheme was launched on the 10th death anniversary of Elamkulam Manakkal Sankaran Namboodiripad, the first chief minister of Kerala. The EMS housing scheme was conceived with an objective of providing housing to homeless people who fall below the poverty line and land and housing for people without land and home. The EMS housing scheme was launched in Thrissur and implemented by the local self-government institutions (LSGIs) with the government’s support. 

You are reading: EMS housing scheme: All about Kerala’s housing scheme for the homeless and BPL category

Scheduled to start in 2009-10, the EMS housing scheme project was to be completed by March 31, 2011. The project implementation period was however, given an extension of one year and was allowed to be completed by March 31, 2012. The EMS housing scheme also aimed at repairing kutcha houses that included units built under the Rs 1 lakh housing scheme. 

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Under the working of the EMS housing scheme, local bodies in Kerala were asked to allocate 15% of their annual plan outlay for the EMS housing scheme. So, basically, the funds for the EMS housing scheme were planned to be raised from development expenditure fund, own fund, general purpose fund of LSGIs and bank loans. Housing loans for people eligible for the EMS housing scheme was facilitated and these housing loans with an interest of 10% were given through cooperative banks. The EMS housing scheme was designed to be running parallel with other housing schemes in Kerala.

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EMS housing scheme: Unit cost 

Under the EMS housing scheme, the benefit for general and scheduled caste is Rs 2 lakhs and for scheduled tribe is Rs 2.5 lakhs.

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EMS housing scheme: Units completed

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Under the EMS housing scheme in Kerala, 1,28,874 houses have been completed. 

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EMS housing scheme: Performance

According to a CAG report, performance of the EMS housing scheme was poor as 90% of homeless families in urban areas of Kerala and 76% of homeless families in rural areas of Kerala were not covered in the EMS housing scheme. One of the top most priority of giving land to landless people could not be achieved under the EMS housing scheme. The EMS housing scheme was not successful, owing to a shortfall in funds. While the EMS housing scheme project required Rs 5,861.56 crores for implementation, the LSGIs could manage to collect only Rs 1,452.97 crores.

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Category: Lifestyle

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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