
All about the Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA)

[] The GMADA works towards the comprehensive and orderly development of several areas in Punjab

The Greater Mohali Area Development Authority or GMADA was constituted under the provisions of the Punjab Regional and Town Planning and Development Act, 1995, Section 29(1). It was set up for the development and redevelopment of the areas of Mohali, Zirakpur, Banur, Kharar,Derabassi, Mullanpur, Fatehgarh Sahib, Roopnagar and Mandi Gobindgarh.

You are reading: All about the Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA)

Functions of the GMADA

To encourage and secure planning and development

For this, the Authority can purchase, transfer, gift, exchange or hold, plan, manage, develop and mortgage or otherwise dispose of land or other properties or carry out on its own or in collaboration with other agencies or through any other agency on its behalf, engineering, building, mining and other operations, to execute projects pertaining to water supply, disposal of sewage, pollution control and other services and amenities, and generally to do anything with the prior approval or on direction of the state government.

Preparation and implementation of regional and master plans

If required by the state government, the GMADA may undertake the work of preparing and implementing regional or master plans and new township plans/improvement schemes. It may do so in collaboration with any other agency.

Urban development

The GMADA also undertakes other works related to amenities and services in urban areas and estates, as well as development and construction of houses. For this, the Authority also needs to research and develop new techniques to foster development.

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Citizen services on GMADA website

There are many services available online on the GMADA website. These include:

  • E-auctions
  • E-water bill
  • E-CLU
  • Grievances
  • Know grievance status
  • RTI status
  • E-tendering
  • Online payments related to property
  • Single window status
  • Regularisation of unauthorised colonies

To avail of any of these services, visit the official website of the GMADA or click here.

Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA)

On the website, look for the ‘E-services’ tab and select the service you wish to avail.

Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA) Punjab

How to apply for E-auctions through GMADA

If you select e-auctions, you will be redirected to the e-auction portal of the Punjab Urban Development Authority or regional development authorities. You will be able to view all the live auctions on the main page. To proceed, click on the e-auction you are interested in.

GMADA Punjab

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Greater Mohali Area Development Authority Punjab

E-tendering through GMADA

Once you click on ‘E-tendering’, you will be redirected to the Tenders Punjab portal. If you are a bidder, you will need to create a login ID. This reduces the tendering cycle time, as well as the indirect costs and enhances transparency in procurement.

Greater Mohali Area Development Authority

How to get E-water bill on GMADA

Once you click on the e-water bill option, you will be directed to the following page, where you need to select your property and its location.


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Check grievance status on GMADA portal

Simply click on the service option to be directed to the following screen. Then, choose the location from the drop down menu and enter the complaint number, to see the status of your grievance.

All about the Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA)

RTI status on GMADA

On choosing the RTI Status services, you will be led to the following screen. Enter the location, application reference ID, diary number and diary year, and click on ‘View’ to get the information.

All about the Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA)

How to check single-window status on GMADA website

For this, enter the location, application reference ID, diary number and diary year, to see the status.

All about the Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA)

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Regularisation of unauthorised colonies

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To bring about planned development in the unauthorised colonies in Punjab, the state government enacted the Punjab Laws (Special Provisions) Act, 2013. This Act was re-enacted in 2014 and further re-enacted in 2016. Policies pertaining to compounding of unauthorised colonies and regularisation of buildings or plots in the unauthorised colonies, were also introduced.

How to apply offline for regularisation

Step 1: Download the application form from here or collect the same from the Sewa Kendras of HDFC Bank.

Step 2: Fill the application form manually and submit it at any Sewa Kendra/HDFC Bank, along with the necessary documents (eight copies in case of colonies and four copies in case of plots/buildings).

Step 3: The applicants can make payment through credit card/debit card/internet banking/POS or through demand draft in favour of the Chief Administrator PUDA.

Step 4: Collect the receipt along with the computer-generated application number on it.

Check out property prices in Mohali

How to apply online for regularisation

Step 1: Visit this website and click on ‘Apply Online’.

Step 2: Register yourself and select any of the following options for applying:

  1. Applied under new policy
  2. Applied under previous policy

Step 3: Fill up the application and upload the necessary documents.

Step 4: Make the requisite payment through credit card/debit card/internet banking.

Step 5: Take a print of completed application form and receipt from the website. Submit the same at the nearest Sewa Kendra/HDFC Bank, along with the documents (eight copies in case of colonies and four copies in case of plots/buildings).

If you wish to see the list of approved colonies, simply click here.


How can I get in touch with GMADA?

You can write to them at

Where can I see the GMADA Master Plan for Dera Bassi?

Simply visit the website of the Greater Mohali Area Development Authority and look for the ‘Master Plans’ tab. Then, proceed to GMADA > Dera Bassi, to view the plan.

How to get GMADA Mohali water bill online?

Click on E-Services > E-Water Bill on, to get the water bill online.

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Category: Lifestyle

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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