
Top 200 Best Nipsey Hussle Quotes To Inspire You[2022]

Being rich and famous is the dream of many aspiring entrepreneurs. However, how do you get rich when starting a business? Consider renowned businessman Nipsey Hussle; before he was the co-owner of two clothing stores, he had to start out somewhere. Today we take a look at some InspirationalNipsey Hussle Quotes and learn important lessons for us all.

Relationship Nipsey Hussle Quotes Inspire You

Relationship Nipsey Hussle Quotes Inspire You

You are reading: Top 200 Best Nipsey Hussle Quotes To Inspire You[2022]

“Instead of trying to build a brick wall, lay a brick everyday. Eventually, you’ll look up and you’ll have a brick wall.”- Nipsey Hussle

“I respect Snoop even aside from the music, just as a man, and especially the way he still represents who he is, after being a pop star and an icon. He’s done it successfully and has still been able to balance it..” – Nipsey Hussle

“I believe that we should own the fruits of our labor and the assets of our creations.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Doing music to pay bills is an uncomfortable situation. I never wanted to be in that situation.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Be your own biggest fan, your own biggest believer, and put it on your back and carry the weight.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Without a game plan and without a strong sense of faith in what you’re doing, it’s gonna be really hard to accomplish anything.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I just believe in ownership… I believe in investing in yourself…Your foundation should be strong.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Sometimes you have to take two steps back to take ten forward.” –Nipsey Hussle

“I never wanted to alienate my brand for business … I always wanted to keep it authentic and keep as pure as I could.” – Nipsey Hussle

“My thing is that I don’t give no person that much power over my path that I’m walking. Not one person can make or break what I’m doing, except me or God.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Luck is just bein’ prepared at all times, so when the door opens you’re ready.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Seize the opportunity, believe, and take control of it. Then get on your marathon and grind it ’til it’s over with.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Your parents are supposed to tell you to make decisions that are gonna help you and that’ll have a positive effect on your life and your well-being.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I’m more focused on giving solutions and inspiration more than anything.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I’m focusing on the music, but I still got a cold library of books that I’ve either read or I plan on getting to.” – Nipsey Hussle

“To me, respect comes first.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Hopin’ what I’m doing truly make my mama proud, ‘Cause for a very long time, I was the reason for her frowns.”- Nipsey Hussle

“Be truthful with yourself and other people, and try your best to make decisions outside of your ego.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I’d rather invest in real estate — invest in some assets as opposed to trick all my money in diamonds and cars — it look good but at the end of the day, you’re losing value. It ain’t appreciating, it’s depreciating. (I’m trying to get) a real asset. Take care of my people.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Material things ain’t nothing, you feel me? At the end of the day it’s who you is.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Successor greatness comes with a roller-coaster ride… anybody can apply the marathon concept to what they do.” – Nipsey Hussle

“We’re not the cause, we’re the effect.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I’m at peace with what I’m doing, I feel good with what I wake up doing and about my lifestyle.”- Nipsey Hussle

Life Hustle And Motivate Nipsey Hussle Quotes About Life

Life Hustle And Motivate Nipsey Hussle Quotes About Life

“If you don’t know your full-throttle history, the whole story of how you came to where you are, it’s kind of hard to put things together.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Hope opportunity doesn’t knock when opportunists in your group.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: U Don’t Get A Clue, Album: The Marathon

“We don’t want to wait on someone to hire us and give us a check. We want to create our own opportunities.” – Nipsey Hussle

“If you do it, be the best at it.” – Nipsey Hussle

“As an artist, as a brand, as a rapper, as a musician, you know you have a window and a lot of people, even an athlete; they don’t have no exit strategy. It’s just living in the false reality that it’s going to be like this forever.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Life is just a fight against your disbeliefs.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Rose Clique, Album: The Marathon Continues

“I’m not in it for fame. I’ve been famous in the streets already.” – Nipsey Hussle

“The most important thing is to get rid of doubt. If you got doubt in what you’re doing it’s not gonna work.”- Nipsey Hussle

I ain’t got a boss, I am not a slave. Turnin’ up my hustle is how I give myself a raise. Nipsey Hussle, Song: Sound of My Ceremony, Album: The Marathon Continues: X-Tra Laps

“You’ve got to have faith in what you’re doing and not take no for an answer.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Success to me is just being able to do what you love to do and support yourself all through.” – Nipsey Hussle

“We play the long game. We don’t want the money to stop when we go. When we can’t work no more. We want it to outlive us, we want it to be generational” – Nipsey Hussle

“I call it ‘dropping the rope’. You’ve got to drop a rope. Everybody got to climb up, but you gotta drop the rope.” – Nipsey Hussle

“If you’ve got a plan, it’s not just like a pipe dream. You have a step-by-step list of things to do to get to your goal.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Luck is just being prepared at all times, so when the door opens you’re ready.” – Nipsey Hussle

“None of my peers avoided prison. None of ’em.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Dedication, hard work, plus patience.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Dedication, Album: Victory Lap

“I realized the power of hip-hop. I realized how influential this music and this culture are.” – Nipsey Hussle

Best Nipsey Hussle Quotes

Best Nipsey Hussle Quotes

“I am an anomaly in my space. The way I exist is unique.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Black people in America, people from the struggle, immigrants, it’s no generational wealth that we are attached to, so we are tasked to create – in one generation – closing the gap. That’s why we so Doomsday about getting to the check: ’cause it’s life or death for real.” – Nipsey Hussle

“If I wasn’t involved in this hip-hop sh*t, I’d probably be breakin’ the law to eat and feed my family and maintain the lifestyle that I’m used to.” – Nipsey Hussle

“My God will never make me and break me. I have faith.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Every artist wants something different out the game.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Life is what you make it, I hope you make a movement.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I grew up in an environment where being polite was taken as a weakness. So I just fought everybody.” – Nipsey Hussle

“When I became a man, and I started to understand the difference between the truth and what your parents are supposed to tell you, there’s a difference, know what I mean?” – Nipsey Hussle

“I intend to inspire people with my story: motivate young people that grew up like myself, or even not like myself. Just, you know, go through the human experience.” – Nipsey Hussle

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“Gangbanging is a survival instinct, regardless of how anybody tries to paint it.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I believe that economics is based on scarcity of markets and it’s possible to monetize your art without compromising the integrity of it for commerce.” – Nipsey Hussle

“The company you keep has a large influence on the situations you bring to yourself.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I taught all my (people) how to fish. Some caught more than others. Some said they rather be fed. Some passed me up in the process. But at the end of it all, I know I ain’t hide the game from my people and I’m real for that.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I took my wildest dreams then mapped them out. I go for mine like it’s overtime, me and my n*ggas had to struggle so we over-shine.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Premature certainty is the enemy of the truth.” – Nipsey Hussle

“If what I believe Is proved to be wrong, Then I guess I’m a miracle.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: A Miracle, Album: Mailbox Money

“Being self-made means never making an excuse as to why you can’t take steps toward whatever your goal is.” – Nipsey Hussle

“The reason children accept discipline from their parents is that they know their parents love them.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Ownership is everything. Own your mind – mind your own. – Nipsey Hussle

“The reason children accept discipline from their parents is that they know their parents love them.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Circle got smaller everybody can’t go” – Nipsey Hussle

“Thought is powerful in all phases. Even in my career, even in my life, things end up exactly how I visualized them.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I think you can give a pure artistic product if you understand how to build your own industry.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I knew I wanted to work for myself when I was about eleven”- Nipsey Hussle

“I’m about seeing long-term, seeing a vision, understanding nothing really worthwhile happens overnight, and just sticking to your script long enough to make something real happen.”- Nipsey Hussle

“Even as you make progress, you need the discipline to keep from backtracking and sabotaging the success as it’s happening.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Create a plan and then attack it – A dream without a plan is a wish.” – Nipsey Hussle

“No one in life can enjoy peace until they know the meaning of it.” – Nipsey Hussle

“And it can be as simple as it seems, If you never doubt yourself and learn from everything you see” – Nipsey Hussle

“I’m the type person, my safe place to be emotional is the booth.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I was never ignorant, as far as being experienced in classrooms and learning about different subjects and actually soaking it up.” – Nipsey Hussle

“You’re not going to scare me into being somebody I don’t want to be.” – Nipsey Hussle

“An artist always know everything he does, you know what I’m saying, all the record he starts and don’t end up in the public and just sit on the hard drive.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I identify myself as a hustler since I was a young kid.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Been stabbed in my heart so much I learned to smile while I bleed.” – Nipsey Hussle

“As gang members, as young dudes in the streets, especially in L.A., where the effect of a situation. We didn’t wake up and create our own mindstate and our environment; we adapted our survival instincts.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I built a company at the same time I built a career.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Obviously from childhood to my teenage years, I really came into my own. I left the house early; I was on the streets when I was, like, 15. I’ve been holdin’ my own since that age.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I’m not into trading ownership of the only asset I have, which is my intellectual property.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I say it’s worth it, I won’t say it’s fair, Find your purpose or you wastin air.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Turning up my hustle’s how I give myself a raise” – Nipsey Hussle

“I was raised differently because even if you wish me the worst Ima still wish you the best.” – Nipsey Hussle

“One small misunderstanding can show you exactly how a person really feels about you.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Started out the trunk, ended up at the dealership” – Nipsey Hussle

“If it wasn’t for the music being my outlet, I’d probably be hustlin’. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to go and get a nine-to-five, I never finished high school or none of that.” – Nipsey Hussle, In An Interview in 2009

“If you’re a hustler, you should find somewhere to capitalize off that and turn it into some money.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Put my right hand to God, shine on these broads. Stay on my job, grind with my squad. Hundred racks on my car, no license at all.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Right Hand 2 God, Album: Victory Lap

“Sometimes people they to destroy you, precisely because they recognize your power not because they don’t see it , but because they see it, and they don’t want it to exist.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Study your Queen so you can give her what she wants without asking.” – Nipsey Hussle

“We got turned down, we failed, had setbacks, had to start over a lot of times. But we kept going at it. In anybody’s case that’s always the distinguishing factor.” – Nipsey Hussle, About his Relationship with Lauren London

“See, the best teacher in life is your own experience/ None of us know who we are until we fail/ They say every man is defined by his reaction to any given situation/ Well who would you want to define you?/ Someone else or yourself? ” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: I Do This, Album” Slauson Boy 2

“A necessary evil, ain’t that the term you use? Hundred thousand something soldiers. Went to serve for you. So bury your people and let them burn for you. Over some oil ’cause the issue ain’t concerning you.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: PayBack, Album: Bullets Ain’t Got No Names Vol. 3

“Pay attention to Hussle I got the rules for ya. Made my way through the maze and I left some clues for ya. Now its up to you are you going. Take heed and get paid. And scream all money in until your dying day.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Outro, Album: Bullets Ain’t Got No Name, Vol. 1

“Most people want to skip the process, not knowing that when you skip steps, you miss lessons. If you start small and build on what you have, you can continue to multiply that into something greater, while picking up all of the valuable lessons along the way.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Try to have more faith and less fear. Try to express it to your peers I’m talking about dreams. Better to do it and let it be seen, cause then it’s so clear” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Am I Gonna Make It, Album: The Marathon Continues: X-Tra Laps

“I don’t know about hell, I don’t know about heaven, All I know is ’bout right now and this lifestyle is interesting” – Nipsey Hussle

“Finish what we started, reach the heights, you know?” – Nipsey Hussle

“We got turned down, we failed, had setbacks, had to start over a lot of times. But we kept going at it. In anybody’s case that’s always the distinguishing factor.” – Nipsey Hussle

“On a mission, your worst enemy is idle time.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I always had a passion for rap music and I was always trying to create a situation to where I could do this full-time.” – Nipsey Hussle

“And it’s possible to monetize your art without compromising the integrity of it for commerce.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Doing music to pay bills is an uncomfortable situation. I never wanted to be in that situation.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Before rap, my last name was my lifestyle, and when I visualize success it looked like right now.” – Nipsey Hussle

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“Most of the time I look inside, And find the answers waitin’.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I try to sprinkle little gems and jewels in the music that people could use in their own life.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Most the time, when it rains it starts pouring, but how we grind it makes the weather change for us.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: The Weather, Album: Crenshaw

“Having strong enemies is a blessing.” – Nipsey Hussle, Last Tweet on Twitter

“I hit the league straight out the streets wit no talent scout.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Ain’t gone be no east cost west coast war. Ain’t gone be no black men killing black men.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Play the game as I’ve never won once” – Nipsey Hussle

“Gotta cross my T’s and dot my I’s or I can’t sleep well” – Nipsey Hussle

“Don’t worry about what people gon’ say girl do what you want to” – Nipsey Hussle

“Don’t waste your time, it don’t make you rich” – Nipsey Hussle

“A lot of artists come into the game with a radio record, but they don’t establish the fans as fans of their style of music. It’s just that they’re a fan of that song, and after that song plays out, it’s really hard for ’em.” – Nipsey Hussle

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Nipsey Hussle Quotes On Love

Nipsey Hussle Quotes On Love

“When you let go of your pride, you’ll find a lesson in your pain” – Nipsey Hussle

“All the smart money got they best on me/ And all the real NGS wish the best for me.” – Nipsey Hussle

“This technology has empowered everybody. And it’s giving people, you know, it’s as big as you wanna make it and, you know, it’s as far as you take it” – Nipsey Hussle

“It’s strictly business in this game, still they faking friendly. Don’t let them take advantage of you and it makes em envy” – Nipsey Hussle

“If you look at the people in your circle and don’t get inspired, then you don’t have a circle. You have a cage.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Be more fearless. All my radical moonshots have defined me. That don’t be my downfall, my downfall will be not going crazy, not having a higher expectation. Anytime I did to set my sight on something that seemed way outlandish, it always come back exactly how I saw it. So, I think I would tell myself to just put way bigger goals on the wall. Just have a bigger vision, have a higher expectation.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Every step is like chess, the wrong move gets you killed.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Payback, Album: Bullets Ain’t Got No Names Vol. 3

“You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized by someone who is doing less than you. Remember that.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Every step is like chess; The wrong move gets you killed, So we act on how we think, And never speak on how we feel.” – Nipsey Hussle

“And what good is dreaming, If you can’t make your sh*t come true?” – Nipsey Hussle

“What good is a team, When everyone depends on you?” – Nipsey Hussle

“And we were raised wrong but we stayed strong and we kept it real, we got faked on.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Face The World, Album: Crenshaw

“People If you break down the music, you could find the truth.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Whatz Da Bizness, Album: Slauson Boy Volume 1

“The game will test you never fold. Stay ten toes down. It’s not on you. It’s in you, and what’s in you, they can never take away.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Get everything you want then go back and get some mo.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Top Floor, Album: The Marathon Continues: X-Tra Laps

“I went hard for the chips ’cause the odds against us.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: On Tha Blocc, Album: Slauson Boy Volume 1

“‘Cause if you sharing your success, And not your struggle, you are a fool.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I’m tryin’ to live my life, so when it’s over I got no regrets” – Nipsey Hussle

“Try to have more faith and less fear”

“First get ‘yo grind on, then get a yo’ shine on.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Hussle in the House, Album: Bullets Ain’t Got No Name Vol. 2

“Any time a country transitioned to a flat currency. They collapsed. That’s just world history; You don’t have to know about cryptocurrency to know that.” – Nipsey Hussle

“If you don’t have a plan, it’s very hard to really have faith in what you’re doing ’cause soon as something pop up, it’s gonna look like the end-all.” – Nipsey Hussle

“That’s a sick breeze. While I’m here take a pic, please. You know legends die young, Rest in peace.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Basic Instinct, Album: Slauson Boy 2

“Get on your Marathon ’til you bruise ya feet.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Crenshaw and Slauson (True Story), Album: Crenshaw

“I hate to lose so I play too rough” – Nipsey Hussle

“If you’re going to write about rap music and hip-hop, and you don’t love it, then we don’t need your opinion, and we revoke your opinion.” – Nipsey Hussle

“The best thing you can do for a person is to inspire them. That’s the best currency you can offer: inspiration.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Spoke some things into the universe and they appeared, I say it’s worth it, I won’t say it’s fair. Find your purpose or you wastin’ air.” – Nipsey Hussle, Album: Victory Lap

“A speaker of truth has no friends.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I always had faith in my creative capacity.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Control your time – use every minute wisely.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I look at it like the game gonna test you. Everything gonna tests you if it’s worthwhile and you gonna make decisions based on what you care about more.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I feel that luck is a product of hard work.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Define who you are and what you are, and be clear on that. Meditate on that and then, live and die by that. You can’t break the rules, the fundamental rules. Be a man of your word, do what you say you’re gonna do, respect people the way you would like to be respected.” – Nipsey Hussle

“The most important thing to get rid of is doubt. If you got doubt in what you’re doing it’s not going to work.” – Nipsey Hussle

“I went to the run and gave myself some time to think. Sitting in my cell, all I did was pray. Call home once a week and tell my people I’m okay. Ask me if I’m stressing, I say, ‘Hell no, I’m straight, But you can tell the difference, cause it’s written on my face.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: County Jail, Album: Famous Lies And Unpopular Truths

“You gotta go hard, you gotta believe in yourself.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Ain’t nobody gave us nothing. I just got my own!” – Nipsey Hussle

“If you have strong faith, your God will love you.” – Nipsey Hussle

“Now it’s a possibility, that I can come from nothing to having it all. Now it’s a possibility, that I ain’t gonna have it all and fall. But I stand tall. I’ve been down for so long, you really want a chance so. I done paid my dues, my dues, my dues. I got to go, up to the top.” – Nipsey Hussle, Song: Paid My Dues, Album: Bullets Ain’t Got No Name Vol. 1

“Never apologize for yo success.” – Nipsey Hussle

Source: ecis2016.org
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Source: https://ecis2016.org
Category: Quotes

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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