
Best Quotes Life Lessons To Motivate You [ecis2023]

It’s hard to start fresh, whether you’re starting a new job or career, enrolling in college, just having a baby, or trying to live healthier. That kind of life change can leave you feeling uneasy and totally out of your comfort zone. But don’t worry, there are quotes out there that can keep you motivated and give you some life lessons that will help you through whatever it is you’re doing or striving for. Here are some quotes life lessons I found that can help you live a more purposeful life.

Motivational Quotes About Life Lessons To Help You Move On

Motivational Quotes About Life Lessons To Help You Move On

You are reading: Best Quotes Life Lessons To Motivate You [ecis2023]

“‎Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning… Anyone can start over and make a new ending.” ― Chico Xavier

“Letting go does not mean you stop caring. It means you stop trying to force others to.”– Mandy Hale

“Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.” – Og Mandino

“You only struggle because you’re ready to grow but aren’t willing to let go.” – Drew Gerald

“Pursue what catches your heart, not what catches your eyes.” – Roy T. Bennett

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Seneca

“I do a good job of staying positive and just moving on.” – Katie Taylor

“You can only lose what you cling to.”— Buddha

“Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others.” – Roy T. Bennett

“The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence; the past is a place of learning, not a place of living.” ― Roy T. Bennett

“I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.”- George Bernard Shaw

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because, without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” ― Maya Angelou. Relate: Top 100+ Best Maya Angelou Quotes To Elevate Your Perspective

“It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you’ve known forever don’t see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.” ― Nicholas Sparks

Don’t forget to also check out these pieces of life advice that can change your life.

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.”– Lyndon B. Johnson

“Every day is a new day, and you’ll never be able to find happiness if you don’t move on.” – Carrie Underwood

“Think of each failure, each heartache, and each loss in your life as a lesson in courage and resilience.” – Kate Anderson

“Anything you can’t control is teaching you how to let go.” – Jackson Kiddard

“Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.” – Roy T. Bennett

“Make improvements, not excuses. Seek respect, not attention.” – Roy T. Bennett

“When something happens and it causes us pain, the pain is there to teach us a lesson. It is not so that we feel pain for the sake of pain.” – Cave Man

“Be humble to those who praise you, pleasant to those who honor you, kind to those who cherish you, good to those who love you, and generous to those who adore you.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.” – Rita Mae Brown

“We cannot change the past. We can only take action in the present and, therefore, change the future.” – Ken Poirot

“Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.” ―Mary Tyler Moore

“You can’t move forward if you’re still hanging on.” – Sue Fitzmaurice

“Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.”– Guy Finley

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Valuable Life Lesson Quotes To Share

Valuable Life Lesson Quotes To Share

“Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.” ― Deborah Reber

“No matter how much suffering you went through, you never wanted to let go of those memories.”-Haruki Murakami

“If there’s a single lesson that life teaches us, it’s that wishing doesn’t make it so.” ― Lev Grossman

“My greatest life lessons have not come from any achievements I have attained but rather from the failures, heartaches, and setbacks that I have experienced.” – Dr. Marshall Hennington

If you’re enjoying these quotes, you’ll love our collection of experience quotes that will inspire you to live a fulfilled life.

“Sooner or later we’ve all got to let go of our past.”– Dan Brown

“It’s not the mistake that matters, it’s how you interpret the lesson.” – Michelle C. Ustaszeski

“Letting go isn’t a one-time thing, it’s something you have to do every day, over and over again.” – Dawson’s Creek

“Why let go of yesterday? Because yesterday has already let go of you.” – Steve Maraboli

“I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me.” – A.G.

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If you’re enjoying these quotes, you’ll love our collection of walk-away quotes to help you find the motivation and courage you need to change your life.

“Your past does not equal your future.”– Anthony Robbins

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them ―that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” – Lao Tzu

“Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go but rather learning to start over.” ― Nicole Sobon

“You don’t have to let that one thing be the thing that defines you.” ― Jojo Moyes

“We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.” ― Rick Warren

“Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes and move on.” – Les Brown

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.”– Herman Hesse

“There is no sense in punishing your future for the mistakes of your past. Forgive yourself, grow from it, and then let it go.” – Melanie Koulouris

“The great courageous act that we must all do is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.” ― Oprah Winfrey

“People may not tell you how they feel about you, but they always show you. pay attention.” – Unknown

“In this life, when you deny someone an apology, you will remember it at the time you beg forgiveness.” – Toba Beta

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”

“It’s clearly easier to get the snake out of the sack than it is to shove it back.” – Mary Morris

“Knowing when to forgive yourself and correct yourself is a blessing.” – Angel Moreira

“It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” – Ernie Harwell

“Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.”– Raymond Lindquist

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” – Robert Frost

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Life Lessons Quotes

Life Lessons Quotes

“The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn.”- David Russell

“The chief lesson I have learned in a long life is that the only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him, and the surest way to make him untrustworthy is to distrust him and show your distrust.” – Henry L. Stimson

“Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward.”- Vernon Saunders Law

“We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”– Joseph Campbell

“Over the years I’ve come to realize that mistakes are just lessons, life lessons almost like school. Once you’ve learned a lesson in class, you move on to the next lesson because now you know it. Well mistakes are exactly the same.” – Rashard Royster

“One of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.” – B. Nicole

“Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.” ― Steve Maraboli

“You’ve gotta know when it’s time to turn the page.” – Tori Amos

“When one door closes, another opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”– Alexander Graham Bell

“There comes a time in your life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book or simply close it.” ― Shannon L. Alder

“The truth is, what you do matters. What you do today matters. What you do every day matters. Successful people just do the things that seem to make no difference in the act of doing them and they do them over and over and over until the compound effect kicks in.” – Jeff Olson

“A very wise man once told me that you can’t look back-you just have to put the past behind you, and find something better in your future.” ― Jodi Picoult

“We have to allow ourselves to be loved by the people who really love us, the people who really matter. Too much of the time, we are blinded by our own pursuits of people to love us, people that don’t even matter, while all that time we waste and the people who do love us have to stand on the sidewalk and watch us beg in the streets! It’s time to put an end to this. It’s time for us to let ourselves be loved.”

“I’ve been burdened with blame trapped in the past for too long, I’m moving on” ― Rascal Flatts

“To be successful, you must act big, think big, and talk big.” – Aristotle Onassis

“The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions.” – Alfred Adler

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react.” –Tony Robbins

“A fear-oriented man is always calculating, planning, arranging, safeguarding. His whole life is lost in this way.” – Osho

“The trouble is if you don’t spend your life yourself, other people spend it for you.” – Peter Shaffer

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney. Read more Inspirational Quotes By Walt Disney to Live By

Lessons Learned In Life Quotes

Lessons Learned In Life Quotes

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“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” – Seneca

“The one lesson I have learned is that there is no substitute for paying attention.” – Diane Sawyer

“The biggest lesson I learned from my dad is to support children even if they’re doing something that is unorthodox.” – Tony Hawk

“But one of the big lessons I have learned from my journey is you can’t please everyone, so don’t try.” – Chris Colfer

“Learning to appreciate those things that aren’t related to success has proved the biggest lesson.” – Chet Faker

If you’re enjoying these quotes, you’ll love our collection of Seneca quotes that will help you in all facets of your life.

“A man who wakes up and finds himself a success hasn’t been asleep.” – Dave Thomas

“Be yourself — everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde

“Behind every adversity is an opportunity. If you lament over the adversity, you will miss the opportunity.” – Ajaero Tony Martins

“I don’t dwell on the things that are too late to fix, but I do my best to get life’s lessons and put them into action.” – Les Brown

“Never be ashamed! There’s some who will hold it against you, but they are not worth bothering with.” – J.K. Rowling

“A little foolishness, enough to enjoy life, and a little wisdom to avoid the errors, that will do.” – Osho

“My biggest lesson in becoming a woman is to really love what I’ve been given.” – Lyndsy Fonseca

“Fear is not a good teacher. The lessons of fear are quickly forgotten.” – Mary Catherine Bateson

“Most people claim that they feel like they’re trapped in a rat race, without an exit. While we can all feel this way from time to time, it’s important to know that there is a way out.” – Debeena Harris

“Only the dead have seen the end of the war.” ― Plato

“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” ― Richard Branson

“Failure is a lesson learned. Success is a lesson applied.”-Unknown

“If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed.”- Christopher McCandless (Into The Wild movie)

“A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.” – John C. Maxwell

“We all make them, the difference is what we do after we make the mistake, how we see the mistake – a learning experience or a failure.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“The biggest lesson we have to give our children is truth.” – Goldie Hawn

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”- Steve Jobs

“You make mistakes. Mistakes don’t make you.” – Maxwell Maltz

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you’ Not much.” – Jim Rohn

“Be like a tree. Let the dead leaves drop.” – Rumi

“There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning, and yearning.”-Christopher Morley

“Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.”-Denis Waitley

“You just can’t let life happen to you; you have to make life happen.”

“There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.” ―Marshall McLuhan

“Avoid doing the same you always do or the day will fill like an incoming tide.” – Allan Jenkins

“Life happens at the level of events, not words.”-Alfred Adler

“Life is available only in the present. That is why we should walk in such a way that every step can bring us to the here and the now.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

“I am what I am. I don’t worry about anything that I can’t control. That’s a really good lesson in life.” -Tom Watson

“In every success story, you will find someone who has made a courageous decision.” – Peter F. Drucker

“Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way.”- Al Franken

“Life is a long lesson in humility.” – James M. Barrie

“To live a good life: We have the potential for it. If we can learn to be indifferent to what makes no difference.”- Marcus Aurelius

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Keywords: 2022 lessons quotes, short quotes about life, deep quotes about life

Source: ecis2016.org
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Source: https://ecis2016.org
Category: Quotes

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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