
All about the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)

[] The AMRUT urban renewal programme, covering 500 cities, was launched in 2015 and was supposed to completed by 2020 but has now got an extension till March 2022

With an aim to improve the quality of living in India’s urban areas, the prime minister Narendra Modi-led government at the centre launched the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) in its first stint. Launched in June 2015 by the PM, the mission was supposed to complete the urban renewal programme in 500 cities by FY20 by promising 139 lakh water connections, 145 lakh sewer connections, storm water drainage projects, green spaces and LED streetlights.

You are reading: All about the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)

The cabinet approved Rs 50,000 crores for the mission. However, the centre had to extend the mission till March 2021, because of work delays. In 2019, the centre extended the deadline of the mission by two more years – till March 2022.

Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)

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Purpose of the AMRUT mission

Formed with an objective to provide basic services to households and to build amenities in cities that would improve the quality of life for citizens, especially the disadvantaged and the poor, the mission’s purpose was to ensure that every household had access to a tap with assured water supply and a sewerage connection. It also aimed at increasing the value of cities by developing greenery and well-maintained open spaces and reducing pollution by constructing facilities for non-motorised transport or switching to public transport.

The five thrust areas under the AMRUT mission are:

  • Water supply
  • Sewerage management
  • Storm water drainage, to reduce flooding
  • Non-motorised urban transport
  • Green space/parks

However, note that the stated priority zone of the mission is water supply, followed by sewerage. In fact, half of the total outlay has been allocated to water supply under the AMRUT mission.

Cities covered under AMRUT

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A total of 500 cities are covered under the mission while a central assistance of Rs 35,990 crores has been provided under the mission.

State Annual Action Plan (SAAP)

The AMRUT mission has made states equal partners in planning and implementation of projects, through the approval of SAAP once a year, by the housing ministry. States have to give sanctions and approvals for projects at their end.

The mission supports states in conducting reforms that will improve the financial health of the urban local bodies, delivery of citizen services, transparency and reduce the cost of services.

Budget and funding allocation for AMRUT

Total outlay for the mission was Rs 50,000 crores for five years, from FY 2015-16 to FY 2019-20. The funds for the project are divided among states/UTs in an equitable formula, wherein 50:50 weightage is given to the urban population of each state and a number of statutory towns.

Progress of AMRUT Mission

Replacement of street lights with LED lights

Targeted: 9,793,386

Replaced: 6,278,571

Energy audit of water pumps

MoU signed: 446 cities

Audit completed: 358 cities

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Credit rating of cities

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Awarded: 485

Completed: 468

IGR: 163

A-and above: 36

Online Building Permission System (OBPS)

Functional in Delhi and Mumbai

Implemented in 439 AMRUT cities

Capacity building

Targeted: 45,000

Training imparted: 52,327


Which is the thrust area of AMRUT scheme?

The priority area under the mission is provision of water supply and sewage facility in 500 select cities.

In which year was the scheme Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) launched?

The AMRUT scheme was launched by prime minister Narendra Modi in June 2015.

What is the period covered under AMRUT Mission?

The period covered under the mission was from 2015 to 2020. However, the timeline has now been extended till March 2022.

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Category: Lifestyle

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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