
How to get rid of lizards at home: Simple ways to keep lizards away

[] Lizards are unwanted guests in the house. Follow these tips on how to get rid of lizards at home and avoid those unpleasant surprises of seeing these tiny creatures.

It is important to keep your home pest-free in order to maintain hygiene and prevent being surprised by them in every corner of the house. To open your cabinets and drawers only to be confronted with the unsettling sight of lizards will not be a pleasant experience and it is a must to know how to get a lizard out of your house. Hence, we’ve put together a list of effective methods of how to get rid of lizards permanently in the house to allay your concerns. 

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What attracts lizards to your house?

Lizards are uninvited visitors, and you want to do your best to get rid of lizards without becoming a lizard killer. Before you read about how to get rid of lizards at home, you must understand why they enter your residence:

  • They are drawn to the smell of your leftovers. Make sure you store food in your fridge. 
  • It is effortless for them to enter via cracks in your ceilings, open windows, ventilation systems, and exhaust fans.
  • The warmth and high temperature of your room may entice them into your space. 
  • Lizards might be attracted to the filth in your home. Clean up your storage space and any other locations where you have clutter.
  • Warm water attracts lizards. You can get rid of them by squirting them with ice water.

How to get rid of lizards through home remedies?

Make your own pepper spray

If you do not want to become a lizard killer, pepper spray is the way forward. Pepper spray is an effective lizard killer spray for the elimination of lizards and should be on top of your list on how to get rid of lizards through home remedy. Spray a mixture of black pepper powder and water in the areas where you locate pests. Pepper is supposed to irritate lizards, causing an allergic response. Tabasco sauce, red chilli powder, and red chilli flakes are all suitable substitutes.

How to get rid of lizards at house: Simple ways to keep lizards away

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Place garlic or onion at frequently visited spots

Garlic and onion emit a sharp odour, which is another assault on the lizard’s senses and is effective and will help you understand how to get rid of lizards without killing them. As a result, lizards get discouraged from occupying or returning to a particular location. Place raw garlic cloves or a few onion slices as wall hangings in different parts of your house. In order to avoid leaving them around, you might put them in a plastic container with water and use it as a convenient lizard repellant home remedy.

How to get rid of lizards at house: Simple ways to keep lizards away

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Vent the cabinets regularly

Lizards like wet, humid environments, which your cabinets provide in plenty. Ensure that any cabinets under the sink are completely dry and spotless. Although this might not help you understand how to kill lizards, it will help you master how to get rid of lizards without killing them. In order to keep lizards from congregating in your home, it is important to address any leaking pipes as quickly as possible. 

How to get rid of lizards at house: Simple ways to keep lizards away

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Make use of naphthalene balls

Use naphthalene balls for lizards if you don’t have infants or pets to worry about. This way of how to remove lizards from the home is the easiest method. Lizards cannot stand the intense odour of them, which humans may get accustomed to. Place the balls in your wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, under-sink storage, racks, and get to witness firsthand how to get rid of lizards without killing them. It’s a good idea to keep them at a safe distance from food and supplies.

How to get rid of lizards at house: Simple ways to keep lizards away


Make use of empty egg shells

For getting rid of lizards, you can put eggshells in the areas of your home where they visit. Before using eggshells, wipe them clean. Additionally, avoid washing them to preserve their pungent aroma. This way of how to remove lizards from home is very effective.

How to get rid of lizards at house: Simple ways to keep lizards away

Open or unused food should be disposed

This is more of a preventative measure than a reaction to a problem that has already occurred since lizards frequently enter a house in search of leftover food. This is an easy approach on how to remove lizards from home. Clean up any spills or crumbs as soon as they occur. Deep clean your cabinets on a regular basis so that you can catch any food that has fallen out of them, and wash your wet waste dustbins often. You will get educated on how to keep lizards away soon.

How to get rid of lizards at house: Simple ways to keep lizards away

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Spray with tabasco sauce

House lizards do not like spicy or hot food items. They are also sensitive to the scent of tabasco, which is similar to their dislike for pepper. To make this lizard repellent spray, fill a spray bottle halfway with water and two tablespoons of Tabasco sauce, and you will soon know how to keep lizards away. If you spray this lizard killer spray it in areas where you often encounter lizards or even on the ceilings of your house, it will deter them from entering your premises.

How to get rid of lizards at house: Simple ways to keep lizards away

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Reduce the temperature in your room

Lizards prefer warmer settings since they are unable to control their body temperature and prefer to live in groups. They are very scarce in cooler climates and struggle to live and people there do not have to worry about how to kill lizards. Unfortunately, opening windows and turning on fans isn’t enough for knowing how to keep lizards away from home in India. The lizards will be driven out by the cooling provided by the air conditioning system. Lizards dislike chilly temperatures, so keep your house at least 22 degrees Celsius. This is one of the easy guides on how to avoid lizards at home. 

How to get rid of lizards at house: Simple ways to keep lizards away

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Make use of peacock feathers

Peacocks have long been recognised as natural lizard predators. Adding peacock feathers to your house should scare away the lizards. Even the fragrance of peacock feathers will be alarming to lizards and will help you know how to get rid of lizards without killing them. And, of course, this is a non-lethal technique of lizard control.

How to get rid of lizards at house: Simple ways to keep lizards away

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How to repel lizards using commercial repellents?

  • Insecticides and pesticides may be sprayed by electronic pest repelling devices. This will help you know how to get rid of lizards in the house.
  • Pest repellent sprays or lizard sprays that do not harm the lizard but keep them out of the home are also available, and these are the best way for how to get rid of house lizards without killing them.


Keeping lizards out of your home permanently

Taking precautions for how to get rid of lizards at home is essential now that you understand how they might be deterred from doing so in the future. For your convenience, we have included some pointers.

  • Seal any minor openings or gaps in your home to avoid lizards from getting inside your home. 
  • Installing mosquito netting on windows helps prevent lizards from entering the building and you from devising plans on how to kill lizards at home.
  • Make sure your pipes are working properly to avoid water leaks and lizard infestation.
  • Close all of the windows and doors in your home when you’re not using them. Metal screens may be used to cover an open window.
  • Keep furniture at least five to six inches apart. Lizards won’t be able to find any places to hide and you won’t have to look up ways on how to kill lizards.



Are home lizards venomous and lethal?

No, home lizards are harmless. They will bite humans if they perceive a threat, although they normally avoid human contact.

Can lizards in the house cause allergies?

Yes. They transport a great deal of dirt and might cause allergic reactions.

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Category: Rent

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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