
Old furniture: Should you refurbish furniture or replace it?

[] Should you refurbish your old furniture or just toss it out? This question that requires a lot of thought, as the impact of your choice could be emotional and have an impact on your budget.

Minimalism teaches us to let go of things that we do not need. So, when it comes to old furniture, should you just toss it out or refurbish those old items which have an emotional value for you? There is no reason why you cannot refurbish some of your old furniture but if the wear and tear is too much, let go of it as quickly as possible. In this guide, we will help decide you way out of this dilemma.

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Does the old furniture have emotional value?

Old furniture: Should you refurbish furniture or replace it?

A piece of furniture that your grandmother left, or that high back chair that you bought with your first salary will always hold a great deal of emotional value. Try and salvage it from the damage that time may have done.

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Verdict: Refurbish the furniture

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Is the furniture vintage?

Old furniture: Should you refurbish furniture or replace it?

Our furniture can also be a family heirloom. Furniture that falls in this category must be refurbished, simply because it is vintage. This piece of furniture is nothing less than heritage and must be preserved at all costs.

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Verdict: Refurbish the furniture

Did the furniture suffer a termite attack?

Old furniture: Should you refurbish furniture or replace it?

Furniture that has suffered termite attack, no matter how valuable or lovable, should not be kept. In case of any remnants, the termite attack could spread to other furniture in the house.

Verdict: Replace it

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Is the old furniture still sturdy?

Old furniture: Should you refurbish furniture or replace it?

Replacing a robust item of furniture may not be a good idea Repackage this piece of furniture to make it new. Get it polished, change the upholstery, or redesign it to serve a different purpose in the house.

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Verdict: Refurbish the furniture

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Is your old furniture broken?

Old furniture: Should you refurbish furniture or replace it?

It may be hard to fix a broken piece of furniture. Replacing it would be your only choice in the matter. Also, according to the Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui, broken furniture attracts negative energy, apart from the fact that they just gather dust.

Verdict: Replace it

Is your old furniture too heavy?

Old furniture: Should you refurbish furniture or replace it?

Furniture was often crafted to last a lifetime. That is why old furniture is heavy. This sturdy piece, however, may not fit in the new scheme of things. It can damage tiled floors and may be difficult to move, when renovating the house.

Verdict: Replace it

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Category: Rent

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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