Positive thinking does not mean you ignore the unpleasant situations in life. Positive thinking is simply a positive approach to unpleasant situations. The best thing that can happen is the best. These Best Things Aren’t Always What They Seem Quotes will help you see that not everything is as it seems.
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Things Aren’t Always What They Seem Quotes
Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden. ― Phaedrus
In the spirit of the Irish people, Osama bin Laden, you can kiss my royal Irish ass! ― Mike Moran
Guys aren’t so different from us, I think, which no matter how many times I think it will always seem like a remarkable revelation. ― Emily Giffin
Things aren’t always what they seem, are they? ― N.E. Bode
Because people aren’t always as they seem and the moral of the story is the apple isn’t always sweet. ― Jasmine Sandozz
Primary goal for the ‘Write what you mean to say
The primary goal for the reader: ‘Read what the author actually writes ― Falcon Dove
The characters that aren’t what they seem to be or women who are stronger than people give them credit for or characters you underestimate, I always think are really interesting because there are so many possibilities with them. ― Valorie Curry
In Washington, the venerable were often vulnerable. ― John Taliaferro
Well, we can stay friends if you want. I know I’d like to. But I’ll understand if you ― ” “No, I mean what happens right now. Like, how do you finish a breakup? Like . . . how does this scene end?” (Okay. ― Anna Kendrick
I’m cool with failing so long as I know that there are people around me that love me unconditionally. ― Dave Chappelle
It’s always weird to go from my mom to Mitch. It doesn’t seem like I should have been able to get to this life from my old one like there aren’t even roads between those two places. ― Rainbow Rowell
Life is crazy, unexpected, and endlessly beautiful. ― Daniel Wallock
You’re only seeing part of me
There’s more than you could ever know
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Behind the scenes. ― Francesca Battistelli
Integrity is simply doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do…not the easiest path, but the right one. ― Robert S. Carlisle
If what philosophers say of the kinship of God and Man be true, what remains for men to do but as Socrates did: never when asked one’s country, to answer, “I am an Athenian or a Corinthian,” but “I am a citizen of the world. ― Epictetus
things aren’t always what they seem. ― Courtney Rice Gager
I can’t paint the way they want me to paint and they know that too ― Rembrandt
The question nowadays is not what makes government work. The question is how do we make it stop. ― P. J. O’Rourke
Things aren’t always as bad as they seem. ― Janet Gurtler
In some pictures of Provincetown the persons of the inhabitants are not drawn below the ankles, so much being supposed to be buried in the sand. ― Henry David Thoreau
Sometimes, courage is really just cowardice. Sometimes the bravest thing is to let go. ― Miguel Syjuco
A thing is what it is….and not something else. ― Robert Parker
Stay open-minded. Things aren’t always what they seem to be. ― Scottie Waves
People aren’t always who they seem, Detective. Am I anything like you thought?”
“No,” I admitted. You’re a million times better than I could have imagined. ― Dani Alexander
I know it doesn’t seem like much now, but sometimes the biggest problems are solved in bits and spurts. Solutions from the universe aren’t always detailed, or direct for that matter. ― D.A. Henneman
Nice girls aren’t always what they seem. ― Taylor Cole
Esteem your friends,
revere your teachers,
honor your parents,
regard your supporters. ― Matshona Dhliwayo
Christianity is a lie, and possibly the best one ever constructed because aside from architecture, it is all that survives from the Roman Empire. ― Alejandro C. Estrada
Husbands and wives always loved each other, and that was what marriage meant. It was just so. Janie felt glad of the thought, for then it wouldn’t seem so destructive and moldy. She wouldn’t be lonely anymore. ― Zora Neale Hurston
Names are not always what they seem. ― Mark Twain
I’ll say this, Arik: the old man’s warning proved to be true – things are not always what they seem. She was no young lady -“
“If it’s the demon you speak of,” interjected Rith, as she stepped back into the ruin, Lyssa following after, “she was not even a toothless old hag. ― Dennis L. McKiernan
People who are too optimistic seem annoying. This is an unfortunate misinterpretation of what an optimist really is.
An optimist is neither naive, nor blind to the facts, nor in denial of grim reality. An optimist believes in the optimal usage of all options available, no matter how limited. As such, an optimist always sees the big picture. How else to keep track of all that’s out there? An optimist is simply a proactive realist.
An idealist focuses only on the best aspects of all things (sometimes in detriment to reality); an optimist strives to find an effective solution. A pessimist sees limited or no choices in dark times; an optimist makes choices.
When bobbing for apples, an idealist endlessly reaches for the best apple, a pessimist settles for the first one within reach, while an optimist drains the barrel, fishes out all the apples, and makes pie.
Annoying? Yes. But, oh-so tasty! ― Vera Nazarian
I’m always looking for silhouettes that seem ‘invisible’ to the eye, as in that it’s so well-tailored to your body that you won’t even notice what you’re wearing. It needs to be dramatic in a subtle way. ― Lykke Li
I remember keeping a lot of journals and diaries and trying to form a complete thought just based off of those immediate, raw feelings. If anything, I was conscious about how I just always wanted to be as honest as possible, no matter how vulnerable it would make me seem. ― Gallant
I seem to have always one little window looking but into life. ― Emma Lazarus
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One result of this productive system is that the middle class has grown from being about 15 percent of the population in 1920 to be 86 percent of the population in 2011. While some of the population always seem to live at the poverty line, the vast majority of Americans today are affluent compared to their grandparents. They have the money to buy the products produced by American industry. In the process, the definition of poverty has changed.
The majority of Americans who are classified by the government as living at the poverty level have indoor plumbing, color television sets, cell phones, air-conditioning, washers and dryers, microwaves, automobiles, and access to free health care. They are also a significant buying group. ― Arthur Hughes
People who try hard to do the right thing always seem mad. ― Stephen King
A too constant preoccupation with money may seem to indicate the lack of a proper sense of moral values, but [let] those who have always had money be without it for a while, and they will soon discover how quickly it becomes their chief concern. ― Moss Hart
The Buddhist explanation is that we feel this uneasiness because we’re always trying to get ground under our feet and it never quite works. We’re always looking for a permanent reference point, and it doesn’t exist. Everything is impermanent.
Everything is always changing – fluid, unfixed, and open. Nothing is pin-down-able the way we’d like it to be. This is not actually bad news, but we all seem to be programmed for denial. We have absolutely no tolerance for uncertainty. It seems that insecurity ― Pema Chodron
There’ll always be that prep in me that I can’t seem to get rid of. ― Chloe Sevigny
More intriguingly, in poll after poll, when Americans are asked what public institutions they most respect, three bodies are always at the top of their list: the Supreme Court, the armed forces, and the Federal Reserve System. All three have one thing in common: they are insulated from the public pressures and operate undemocratically. It would seem that Americans admire these institutions, precisely because they lead rather than follow. ― Fareed Zakaria
Apparently some people (who don’t know history) seem to think that marriage ‘always has been’ exclusively between males and females – and that this modern inequality somehow justifies the enforced continuation of this inequality. ― Christina Engela
Second letter from Mom:
So! What if you colored the world? This still does not seem a great thing. In fact, it seems very natural that you eventually got to paint the entire world. Those colors of yours were always strange; they didn’t go away since you were born. ― Elena D. Calin
Bits have unique properties, then, that we can use to our advantage: they’re super-small, super-fast, easily acquired and created and copied and shared in near-infinite quantity, protected from the ravages of time, and free from the limitations of distance and space. In practice, though, bits reveal several paradoxes: they’re weightless, but they weigh us down; they don’t take up any space, but they always seem to pile up; they’re created in an instant, but they can last forever; they move quickly, but they can waste our time. ― Mark Hurst
At night, the valleys of my body curve around him, creating a geography I never knew existed before, where size is relative and more is always better, and I can’t seem to get enough of it. ― Tiffany Baker
For every star that falls to earth a new one glows.
For every dream that fades away a new one grows.
When things are not what they would seem
you must keep following your dream. – Author: Rod McKuen
Things do not pass for what they are, but for what they seem. Most things are judged by their jackets. – Author: Baltasar Gracian
Things are not at all what they seem to be: oh no, not at all. – Author: Kate DiCamillo
In short, not only are things not what they seem, they are not even what they are called! – Author: Francisco De Quevedo
Things are seldom what they seem. – Author: W.S. Gilbert
On the other side, is a substantial, more materialism, everything is real long to the extent we can see or measure it, and things are as real as I think they. That’s way too materialistic or substantialist, because things are not really what they seem to be. – Author: Surya Das
In real life, unlike in Shakespeare, the sweetness of the rose depends upon the name it bears. Things are not only what they are. They are, in very important respects, what they seem to be. – Author: Hubert H. Humphrey
But what if things aren’t what they seem? As you said, there is no truth in the Digital Sea.” “Eventually we must cling to some reality,” Mekena said.
Even if we are not sure it is the most real. One can wait for a whole lifetime for the reality we want and miss the one we have in our hands. – Author: Thomas K. Carpenter
John Barleycorn makes his appeal to weakness and failure, to weariness and exhaustion. He is the easy way out. And he is lying all the time.
He offers false strength to the body, false elevation to the spirit, making things seem what they are not and vastly fairer than what they are. – Author: Jack London
There are some lines you just can’t let another person cross. They don’t always make sense, they might not always seem like the most important things, but only you can know what they are, and when you butt up against one, you have to defend it. – Author: Karen Marie Moning
When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses–not zebras.’ In other words, most things are exactly what they seem, and the simplest answer is usually the right one. – Author: Judy Melinek
Look! Don’t be deceived by appearances – men and things are not what they seem. All who are not on the rock are in the sea! – Author: William Booth
They validate perceptions that need validating, especially in adolescenceie, under the bland, forced optimism of American life terrible forces are at work, things are not what they seem, and if you feel lonely, persecuted, a misfit, and in terror, you aren’t crazy. You’re right. – Author: Joanna Russ
The only thing that has kept the race of men from the mad extremes of the convent and the pirate-galley, the night-club and the lethal chamber, has been mysticism – the belief that logic is misleading, and that things are not what they seem. – Author: Gilbert K. Chesterton
Things are not quite what they seem always. Don’t start me on class, otherwise you’ll get a four-hour lecture. – Author: Michael Caine
But one needs to bear in mind that things are not always what they seem and, contrary to the dead stillness of a photograph, reality is in a state of perpetual flux. – Author: Audur Ava Olafsdottir
Tell me not in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou are, to dust thou returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul. – Author: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Things are not as they seem. They are what they are. – Author: Terry Pratchett
Also not being afraid to stand up for what you believe in while taking into account that you could very well be wrong, or maybe there’s another way to look at it- that things are not what they seem to be, and that everything is subjective. – Author: Surya Das
If things are not what they seem – and we are forever reminded that this is the case – then it must also be observed that enough of us ignore this truth to keep the world from collapsing. – Author: Thomas Ligotti
It is an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem. – Author: Douglas Adams
We all make assumptions every day. Some more important than others. Some more damaging than others. And things, very often, are not at all what they seem. – Author: B.B. Shepherd
There is only one plot – things are not what they seem. – Author: Jim Thompson
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The stories are not autobiographical, but they’re personal in that way. I seem to know only the things that I’ve learned. Probably some things through observation, but what I feel I know surely is personal. – Author: Alice Munro
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances. – Atisa
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former. – Albert Einstein
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog. – Dwight D. Eisenhower
Please remember: things are not what they seem. – Haruki Murakami
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened. – Douglas Adams
I am not young enough to know everything. – James M. Barrie
All is always well even when it seems unbelievably unwell. – Adyashanti
There is only one plot-things are not what they seem. – Jim Thompson
You probably can’t imagine there being a glory in your life, let alone one that the Enemy fears. But remember – things are not what they seem. We are not what we seem.
You probably believed that your heart was bad too. I pray that fog of poison gas from the pit of hell is fading away in the wind of God’s truth. And there is more.
Not only does Christ say to you that your heart is good, he invites you now out of the shadows to unveil your glory. You have a role you never dreamed of having. – John Eldredge
Actions speak louder than words. – Becca Fitzpatrick
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream! – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
And in the kisses, what deep sweetness! There are women’s mouths that seem to ignite with love the breath that opens them. Whether they are reddened by blood richer than purple, or frozen by the pallor of agony, whether they are illuminated by the goodness of consent or darkened by the shadow of disdain, they always carry within them an enigma that disturbs men of intellect, and attracts them and captivates them.
A constant discord between the expression of the lips and that of the eyes generates the mystery; it seems as if a duplicitous soul reveals itself there with a different beauty, happy and sad, cold and passionate, cruel and merciful, humble and proud, laughing and mocking; and the abiguity arouses discomfort in the spirit that takes pleasure in dark things. — Gabriele D’Annunzio
So what? You act all mysterious to seem more interesting?
What’s that supposed to mean?
You’re always wandering off or running away, he said. But you’re a lot more
interesting when you’re just being yourself you know. When you’re actually here.I have no idea what you’re talking about, Emma said coldly. Where else would I be?
You know what I mean, he said, a rough edge to his voice. It’s like you’re so busy trying not to act like your family that you’ve never even stopped to consider that it might not be such a bad thing.
Well what about you? she shot back, aware of the bitterness in her words.
You complain about your dad not wanting you around, and then you complain when he wants you to stay home for school. You can’t have it both wars.Well neither can you, he said. You can’t keep everyone at arms length and then expect them to be there for you when you need them. — Jennifer E. Smith
There was a black sedan with tinted windows at the end of the lot–the windows cracked down enough for her to see two sunglassed agents of a vague yet menacing government agency watching her intently. One of them had a camera that kept going off, but the agent didn’t seem to know how to deactivate the flash.
The light against the tinted windows made the shots worthless, and the agent cursed and tried again and it flashed again. Jackie waved good night to them, as she always did. — Joseph Fink
Because … most of us think that the point is something to do with work, or kids, or family, or whatever. But you don’t have any of that. There’s nothing between you and despair, and you don’t seem a very desperate person.
Too stupid.
You’re not stupid. So why don’t you ever put your head in the oven?
I don’t know. There’s always a new Nirvana album to look forward to, or something happening in NYPD Blue to make you want to watch the next episode.
That’s the point? NYPD Blue? Jesus.’ It was worse than he thought.
‘No, no. The point is you keep going. You want to. So all the things that make you want to are the point. I don’t know if you even realize it, but on the quiet you don’t think life’s too bad. You love things. Telly. Music. Food. — Nick Hornby
Survival rates for breast cancer are relatively good, but Krishnan has been around illness enough to know there is usually a cruel injustice about the way it strikes.
Cranky patients defy the odds, while the kind ones, the ones who bake him cookies or bring him tomatoes from their garden, always seem to die early. Mortality rates utilize the law of averages without consideration for who is most deserving. — Shilpi Somaya Gowda
Horses in the Book of Mormon would be another. You have relatively few mentions of horses, but there are some, and we don’t know exactly how they were used; they don’t seem to be all that common. Were they horses as we understood them, [or] does the term describe some other animal?
Languages don’t always and cultures don’t always classify things the way we would expect. We have what we call common-sense ways of doing it. They’re not common sense; they’re just ours. But again, we don’t have a strong case there. We’re just problem solving there. — Daniel C. Peterson
Why does it always seem that I have only the shadow of my father? I’m like a child constantly grabbing at his coattails and missing. — Libba Bray
You might think you made a new world or a new self, but your old self is always gonna be there, just below the surface, and if something happens, it’ll stick its head out and say ‘Hi.’ You don’t seem to realize that. You were made somewhere else. — Haruki Murakami
You cannot make your life move faster than it’s moving. No matter how urgent your situation may seem to be, things are going to happen when they happen, not a minute sooner. Be patient with yourself. Be patient with others. Be patient with life. Patience always pays off. — Iyanla Vanzant
Never give up on something you really want. However impossible things seem, there’s always a way. — Sophie Kinsella
You doom yourselves, Susannah. You seem positively bent on it, and the root is always the same: your faith fails you, and you replace it with rational thought. But there is no love in thought, nothing that lasts in deduction, only death in rationalism. — Stephen King
If only she could find someone as perfect as her father. He made every other man she’d ever met seem unworthy. Perhaps this was the reason she’d never found a suitor very appealing; she always compared him to her father. — Melanie Dickerson
It’s weird because I always seem to be dead. I’m gonna have to change that because I wouldn’t want to be typecast. — Erica Leerhsen
Things always seem to end before they start — Lou Reed
I seem to enjoy making my life miserable by taking on too many projects and always wishing I could put more time into all of them. — Colin Marston
The victors always think they are righteous. But then, they always seem to start a mighty unrighteous squabbling over the spoils. — Stephen L. Carter
[I]f you live abroad any good while, the notion of home is permanently compromised. You will always be missing another place, and no national logic will ever again seem fully obvious to you. — Andrew Solomon
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Category: Quotes