[ecis2016.org] How will the flow of energy in your house, influence your life this year? We look at the trends for home owners of various sun signs and offer some tips on how to positively influence the vibrations at home
Read on to see how your sun sign will impact changes in your home.
You are reading: How will your home be impacted, as per your sun sign
There will be work that needs to be done around the home but you may have difficulty, in finding a good contractor or dealer. You may also have some conflict, with key people in your home and/or life.
DIY: Pay special attention to the north-west corner or part of each room. Cleanse this area and keep it clutter-free.
You may find it difficult to maintain emotional equilibrium at home, as many of your endeavours may go awry. You may face obstacles in connecting with your dear ones, as you may be preoccupied with external influences.
DIY: Place an amethyst crystal in the east of your room, with the intention to heal and absorb any negativity emanating from this direction in your house.
There are likely to be challenges in your home life. Household appliances may break down, or give you problems. You may be faced with unexpected expenses and your energy level will be low.
DIY: While facing the east, concentrate on positive intents silently or aloud, with or without chanting of any spiritual mantra of your choice. This can help you sail through tough times.
Your focus is likely to be on making significant changes in and around your house. Perhaps, you may yearn to move into a new house. Changes can be costly. So, make sure they are worth it.
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DIY: To feel more clear-minded and to get interesting insights into your life, try lighting a candle in the north-east part of your home and meditating there.
It is highly probable that a financial opportunity or sale may land at your doorstep and you will be discussing financial moves with your family.
DIY: Align with the vibration of the north-east direction, to enable you to make good and quick financial decisions at home. Sitting, facing this direction, is one easy way to do so.
At some point of time during this year you may leave or wish to leave your home, to pursue some desire.
DIY: Explore the energy of fiery elements in the south-west part of your home/rooms, to feel more settled. For example, you can light a diya and meditate in this region.
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You may be eager to sort things out and your routine will undergo a sudden and fortunate change. However, do not press any issues regarding rent, or property, or you could be forced to move.
DIY: It is believed that sitting, facing the direction of north or west, relaxes a person. Explore this possibility.
A major part of 2018, is likely to see you actively involved in your work or hobbies at home. There are strong chances of an unexpected caller coming home, bearing gifts or opportunities.
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DIY: Fill the atmosphere at home with sound waves that evoke appropriate emotions in you.
You are likely to be fixing up, improving or renovating your home or things around the home. You may also be faced with an unpleasant issue regarding property.
DIY: Pay special attention to the south-east part of your home/rooms. Cleanse and purify it regularly.
You may find yourself reading more self-help books, as you will be involved with consciousness-raising studies, methods or groups. You are likely to do your household chores without arguments or complaints.
DIY: Consciously project positive thoughts into your house, so that you contribute to building a happier atmosphere.
This year, you may experience the dawning of new emotions, desires and inner experiences at home, as you analyse your relationships with your loved ones. You may bring home what you wanted to, for a long time.
DIY: Bring home fresh flowers. The colors and living energy of these fragile and fragrant creations, can positively influence the vibrations of your home.
Your focus is likely to be on real estate and property investments and you may be hunting for a house/property. Family discussions may often revolve around real estate or moving into a new home.
DIY: Find ways to get old energy out of your home and it will be easier to fill it with new, positive energy. One way to do this, is to thoroughly clean the house.
Source: https://ecis2016.org/.
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Source: https://ecis2016.org
Category: Rent