
All about Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran

[] Detailed below is all you need to know about the Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran (ANVP), the development authority for Naya Raipur

The Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran (ANVP), formerly known as the Naya Raipur Development Authority, is the urban planning agency serving Naya Raipur Metropolitan area. A residential hub with five complete sectors, Nava Raipur Atal Nagar, named after former Indian prime minister, late Atal Behari Vajpayee, is eight kms away from the Vivekanand Airport and 15 kms from the centre of Raipur city. The name change came into effect from May 2020.

You are reading: All about Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran

Spread over an area of approximately 250 sq kms, the Nava Raipur Atal Nagar Vikash Pradhikaran states that it has ‘embraced a spaced-out approach ensuring a nature-friendly construction and development of this smart city project of India’.

Among the key achievements of the development body is providing residential accommodation to 4,50,000 inhabitants, so far.

Nava Raipur Atal Nagar Vikas Pradhikaran

Citizen services offered on NRANVP portal

Services that citizens can get from the NRANVP portal include:

Planning section

  • Alteration and modification in building plan
  • Certificate issuance
  • Change of stakeholder
  • Layout NOC or building plan approval
  • Other planning NOC

Rehabilitation section

  • Citizen annuity request
  • Trainee registration

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Administrative section

  • Application for grievance
  • Online RTI

Land section

  • Application for mutual land transfer
  • Issue of NOC

Estate and project section

  • Lease and licence
  • Payment settlement
  • Property no-dues certificate
  • Record development status
  • Surrender / swapping / freeholding of plot
  • Transfer of lease or licence

Public health and engineering section

  • Water supply reconnection
  • Water and sewerage connection
  • Water meter testing

Environment section

  • Environment NOC

NRDA housing schemes

The Authority has allotted land to prime realty enterprises like Avinash Group, Parthivi Group and GT Homes, for the expansion of various residential zones. Residents can apply for apartments and plot-based developments in the city through the NRDA portal. The Authority is currently allotting homes and plot-based properties in various sectors of the city.

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Residential plots in Naya Raipur

The NRDA is currently allotting residential plots, sized between 1,500 sq ft and 2,350 sq ft in Sector 30, though a lottery. Interested buyers can book these freehold plots online and make the payment for the same in one year. In November 2020, the Authority also started selling plotted homes in Sector 15, at a registration fee starting from Rs 4.61 lakhs. The fixed price of land under this scheme is Rs 13,365 per sq metre.

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Sale of office space in Nava Raipur

The Authority, on November 27, 2020, also invited online applications for sale of office spaces in Sector 24. The draw of lots for the same might take place in May 2021.

ANVP contact information

Paryavas Bhawan, North Block, Sector 19, Nava Raipur Atal Nagar, Dist – Raipur 492002 (C.G.)

Phone: 0771-2512095, 0771-2512099

For inquiry: +91-79875 48674




What is the NRDA?

The NRDA is the development agency responsible for development of Naya Raipur.

Are NRDA and ANVP the same?

The ANVP was previously known as NRDA.

When was the NRANVP established?

The NRANVP, originally known as Capital Area Development Authority (CADA), came into existence in 1973.

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Category: Lifestyle

Debora Berti

Università degli Studi di Firenze, IT

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